Quick-Start FAQ
What's Struts Blank?
- It's an "empty" application provided to help you get started on your own project. Just copy the struts-blank.war to a new WAR file using the name for your application. Place it in your container's "webapp" folder (or equivalent), and let your container auto-deploy the application. Edit the skeleton configuration files as needed, restart your container, and you are on your way! (You can find the application.properties file with this message in the /WEB-INF/src/java/resources folder.)
Where do I put my own code?
- The build file is setup so that you can place your own packages anywhere under the WEB-INF/src directory.
What are the references to /javasoft/lib in the build.xml about?
- Most Struts applications use some common JAR files. This is one common location for these on a development computer, but another may be used
What targets does the build file accept?
- "clean" to delete the old class, resource, and configuration files.
- "compile" to rebuild the Java class files and copy over the resource and configuration files.
- "project" to also generate the Javadoc.
- "dist" to create a binary distribution.
- "all" for a clean rebuild the project and binary distributions.
Where are the binary distributions placed?
- By default, under /projects/lib on your default drive. You can change these through the "distpath.project" variable in the build file.
Where's the Message Resources (fka Application Resources)?
- It's named MessageResources.properties. The original is under WEB-INF/src/java/. The resource bundle is copied under classes during a build.
Why did the changes to my classes/MessageResources.properties or other resource file disappear?
Why didn't the changes to my java/MessageResources.properties or other resource file appear?
- The original resource files are under WEB-INF/src/java and copied under classes during a build. Change the WEB-INF/src/java versions and rebuild before redeploying.
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第一章 引言8 1.1 选题意义…8 1.2 研究现状…9 1.2.1 现今物流业库存管理所面临的问题9 1.2.2 物流业中库存管理的几种模式9 第二章 开发工具和开发环境 …12 2.1 JSP语言介绍12 2.2 SQL Server 2000数据库介绍 …12 2.2.1 SQL简介12 2.2.2 SQL数据库体系结构13 2.2.3 SQL的组成 …14 2.3 B/S结构数据库系统 14 第三章 物流中心仓储信息管理系统设计 15 3.1系统设计特点 15 3.2系统功能设计 15 3.3系统逻辑结构设计…15 3.4仓储信息管理系统的总体结构 …16 3.5仓储信息管理系统的各大功能模块17 3.5.1客户信息录入17 3.5.2货物入库模块17 3.5.3货物出库模块17 3.5.4货物盘点模块18 3.5.5库存控制模块18 3.5.6信息报表管理18 3.6 系统数据流程图 …19 3.6.1 数据流程图定义19 3.6.2 数据流程图特征19 3.6.3 仓储信息管理系统数据流程图…19 3.7系统运行硬件环境…21 3.8系统运行软件环境…21 ...
基于Servlet+SQL server+JSP实现的物流中心仓储信息管理系统(源代码+论文+开题报告) (408个子文件)
DbQuery3.class 4KB
AddNewsAction.class 4KB
StringTool.class 4KB
AddUserForm.class 4KB
AddUserForm.class 4KB
ModifyQuestionForm.class 4KB
DbQuery.class 4KB
ModifyUserForm.class 4KB
AddQuestionForm.class 4KB
ModifyUserForm.class 3KB
AutoGenPaperAction.class 3KB
User.class 3KB
AuditInGoods.class 3KB
User.class 3KB
ModifyQuestionForm.class 3KB
Choice.class 3KB
Question.class 3KB
AddQuestionForm.class 3KB
Choice.class 3KB
AddGoods.class 3KB
Question.class 3KB
ModifyUserAction.class 3KB
GenPaperBo.class 3KB
AutoGenPaper1.class 3KB
QuestionBo.class 3KB
SearchQuestionAction.class 3KB
SearchUserAction.class 3KB
ViewPaperAction.class 3KB
AuditOutGoods.class 3KB
PaperTotalBo.class 3KB
BaseSqlMapDao.class 3KB
ModifyQuestionAction.class 3KB
AuditOutGoods1.class 3KB
ModifyGoods.class 3KB
GetDbConnection.class 3KB
AddQuestionAction.class 3KB
ViewQuestionAction.class 3KB
AddPaperTotalAction.class 2KB
SesarchGoods.class 2KB
LoginAction.class 2KB
AddUserAction.class 2KB
AddNewsForm.class 2KB
DbUpdate.class 2KB
Paper.class 2KB
TestAction.class 2KB
ModifyCustom.class 2KB
AddNewsForm.class 2KB
AddPaperTotalForm.class 2KB
ChoiceBo.class 2KB
UserBo.class 2KB
ViewUser1Action.class 2KB
PaperTotal.class 2KB
AutoGenPaper.class 2KB
conn.class 2KB
AddCustom.class 2KB
NewsBo.class 2KB
PaperTotal.class 2KB
QuestionBo.class 2KB
DateTime.class 2KB
FlowIdBo.class 2KB
PaperTotalForm.class 2KB
ViewUserAction.class 2KB
StringTool.class 2KB
viewDicuess.class 2KB
SearchUser.class 2KB
News.class 2KB
ChoiceBo.class 2KB
QuestionAction.class 2KB
DisplayTag.class 2KB
FlowIdBo.class 2KB
TestBo.class 2KB
News.class 2KB
SearchCustom.class 2KB
DeleteGoods.class 2KB
SearchUser.class 2KB
UserBo.class 2KB
UserSqlMapDao.class 2KB
UserLogin.class 2KB
DeleteQuestionAction.class 2KB
GetFlowId.class 2KB
DeleteUserAction.class 2KB
DisplayTag.class 2KB
NewsBo.class 2KB
upDiscuss.class 2KB
SearchQuestionForm.class 2KB
PaperTotalSqlMapDao.class 1KB
QuestionSqlMapDao.class 1KB
SearchUserForm.class 1KB
ChoiceSqlMapDao.class 1KB
ShowPage.class 1KB
AddQuestionTypeAction.class 1KB
DeleteCustom.class 1KB
AddNewsAction.class 1KB
TestBo.class 1KB
SearchQuestionForm.class 1KB
SearchUserAction.class 1KB
SqlMapConfig.class 1KB
TestSqlMapDao.class 1KB
BaseSqlMapDao.class 1KB
NewsSqlMapDao.class 1KB
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