# [scikit-opt](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt)
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一个封装了7种启发式算法的 Python 代码库
# 安装
pip install scikit-opt
或者直接把源代码中的 `sko` 文件夹下载下来放本地也调用可以
# 特性
## 特性1:UDF(用户自定义算子)
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_ga_udf.py#s1](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga_udf.py#L1)
# step1: define your own operator:
def selection_tournament(algorithm, tourn_size):
FitV = algorithm.FitV
sel_index = []
for i in range(algorithm.size_pop):
aspirants_index = np.random.choice(range(algorithm.size_pop), size=tourn_size)
sel_index.append(max(aspirants_index, key=lambda i: FitV[i]))
algorithm.Chrom = algorithm.Chrom[sel_index, :] # next generation
return algorithm.Chrom
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_ga_udf.py#s2](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga_udf.py#L12)
import numpy as np
from sko.GA import GA, GA_TSP
demo_func = lambda x: x[0] ** 2 + (x[1] - 0.05) ** 2 + (x[2] - 0.5) ** 2
ga = GA(func=demo_func, n_dim=3, size_pop=100, max_iter=500, prob_mut=0.001,
lb=[-1, -10, -5], ub=[2, 10, 2], precision=[1e-7, 1e-7, 1])
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_ga_udf.py#s3](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga_udf.py#L20)
ga.register(operator_name='selection', operator=selection_tournament, tourn_size=3)
scikit-opt 也提供了十几个算子供你调用
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_ga_udf.py#s4](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga_udf.py#L22)
from sko.operators import ranking, selection, crossover, mutation
ga.register(operator_name='ranking', operator=ranking.ranking). \
register(operator_name='crossover', operator=crossover.crossover_2point). \
register(operator_name='mutation', operator=mutation.mutation)
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_ga_udf.py#s5](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga_udf.py#L28)
best_x, best_y = ga.run()
print('best_x:', best_x, '\n', 'best_y:', best_y)
> 现在 **udf** 支持遗传算法的这几个算子: `crossover`, `mutation`, `selection`, `ranking`
> Scikit-opt 也提供了十来个算子,参考[这里](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/tree/master/sko/operators)
> 提供一个面向对象风格的自定义算子的方法,供进阶用户使用:
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_ga_udf.py#s6](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga_udf.py#L31)
class MyGA(GA):
def selection(self, tourn_size=3):
FitV = self.FitV
sel_index = []
for i in range(self.size_pop):
aspirants_index = np.random.choice(range(self.size_pop), size=tourn_size)
sel_index.append(max(aspirants_index, key=lambda i: FitV[i]))
self.Chrom = self.Chrom[sel_index, :] # next generation
return self.Chrom
ranking = ranking.ranking
demo_func = lambda x: x[0] ** 2 + (x[1] - 0.05) ** 2 + (x[2] - 0.5) ** 2
my_ga = MyGA(func=demo_func, n_dim=3, size_pop=100, max_iter=500, lb=[-1, -10, -5], ub=[2, 10, 2],
precision=[1e-7, 1e-7, 1])
best_x, best_y = my_ga.run()
print('best_x:', best_x, '\n', 'best_y:', best_y)
## 特性2:断点继续运行
from sko.GA import GA
func = lambda x: x[0] ** 2
ga = GA(func=func, n_dim=1)
## 特性3:4种加速方法
- [x] 矢量化计算:vectorization
- [x] 多线程计算:multithreading,适用于 IO 密集型目标函数
- [x] 多进程计算:multiprocessing,适用于 CPU 密集型目标函数
- [x] 缓存化计算:cached,适用于目标函数的每次输入有大量重复
see [https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/example_function_modes.py](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/example_function_modes.py)
## 特性4: GPU 加速
GPU加速功能还比较简单,将会在 1.0.0 版本大大完善。
有个 demo 已经可以在现版本运行了: [https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga_gpu.py](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga_gpu.py)
# 快速开始
## 1. 差分进化算法
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_de.py#s1](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_de.py#L1)
min f(x1, x2, x3) = x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2
x1*x2 >= 1
x1*x2 <= 5
x2 + x3 = 1
0 <= x1, x2, x3 <= 5
def obj_func(p):
x1, x2, x3 = p
return x1 ** 2 + x2 ** 2 + x3 ** 2
constraint_eq = [
lambda x: 1 - x[1] - x[2]
constraint_ueq = [
lambda x: 1 - x[0] * x[1],
lambda x: x[0] * x[1] - 5
**Step2**: 做差分进化算法
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_de.py#s2](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_de.py#L25)
from sko.DE import DE
de = DE(func=obj_func, n_dim=3, size_pop=50, max_iter=800, lb=[0, 0, 0], ub=[5, 5, 5],
constraint_eq=constraint_eq, constraint_ueq=constraint_ueq)
best_x, best_y = de.run()
print('best_x:', best_x, '\n', 'best_y:', best_y)
## 2. 遗传算法
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_ga.py#s1](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga.py#L1)
import numpy as np
def schaffer(p):
This function has plenty of local minimum, with strong shocks
global minimum at (0,0) with value 0
x1, x2 = p
part1 = np.square(x1) - np.square(x2)
part2 = np.square(x1) + np.square(x2)
return 0.5 + (np.square(np.sin(part1)) - 0.5) / np.square(1 + 0.001 * part2)
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_ga.py#s2](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga.py#L16)
from sko.GA import GA
ga = GA(func=schaffer, n_dim=2, size_pop=50, max_iter=800, prob_mut=0.001, lb=[-1, -1], ub=[1, 1], precision=1e-7)
best_x, best_y = ga.run()
print('best_x:', best_x, '\n', 'best_y:', best_y)
**第三步**:用 matplotlib 画出结果
-> Demo code: [examples/demo_ga.py#s3](https://github.com/guofei9987/scikit-opt/blob/master/examples/demo_ga.py#L22)
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Y_history = pd.