• GO语言程序设计

    GO语言程序设计 我们假设你已经有一种或多种其他编程语言的使用经历,不管是类似C、C++或Java的编译型 语言,还是类似Python、Ruby、JavaScript的脚本语言,因此我们不会像对完全的编程语言 初学者那样解释所有的细节。因为,Go语言的变量、常量、表达式、控制流和函数等基本语 法也是类似的。 第一章包含了本教程的基本结构,通过十几个程序介绍了用Go语言如何实现类似读写文件、 文本格式化、创建图像、网络客户端和服务器通讯等日常工作。 第二章描述了Go语言程序的基本元素结构、变量、新类型定义、包和文件、以及作用域等概 念。第三章讨论了数字、布尔值、字符串和常量,并演示了如何显示和处理Unicode字符。第 四章描述了复合类型,从简单的数组、字典、切片到动态列表。第五章涵盖了函数,并讨论 了错误处理、panic和recover,还有defer语句。 第一章到第五章是基础部分,主流命令式编程语言这部分都类似。个别之处,Go语言有自己 特色的语法和风格,但是大多数程序员能很快适应。其余章节是Go语言特有的:方法、接 口、并发、包、测试和反射等语言特性。 Go语言的面向对象机制与一般语言不同。它没有类层次结构,甚至可以说没有类;仅仅通过 组合(而不是继承)简单的对象来构建复杂的对象。方法不仅可以定义在结构体上, 而且, 可 以定义在任何用户自定义的类型上;并且, 具体类型和抽象类型(接口)之间的关系是隐式 的,所以很多类型的设计者可能并不知道该类型到底实现了哪些接口。方法在第六章讨论, 接口在第七章讨论。 第八章讨论了基于顺序通信进程(CSP)概念的并发编程,使用goroutines和channels处理并发 编程。第九章则讨论了传统的基于共享变量的并发编程。 第十章描述了包机制和包的组织结构。这一章还展示了如何有效地利用Go自带的工具,使用 单个命令完成编译、测试、基准测试、代码格式化、文档以及其他诸多任务。 第十一章讨论了单元测试,Go语言的工具和标准库中集成了轻量级的测试功能,避免了强大 但复杂的测试框架。测试库提供了一些基本构件,必要时可以用来构建复杂的测试构件。 第十二章讨论了反射,一种程序在运行期间审视自己的能力。反射是一个强大的编程工具, 不过要谨慎地使用;这一章利用反射机制实现一些重要的Go语言库函数, 展示了反射的强大用 法。第十三章解释了底层编程的细节,在必要时,可以使用unsafe包绕过Go语言安全的类型 系统。 每一章都有一些练习题,你可以用来测试你对Go的理解,你也可以探讨书中这些例子的扩展 和替代。

  • GOweb应用编程(go-building-web-applications)

    Module 1, Learning Go Web Development, starts off with introducing and setting up Go before you move on to produce responsive servers that react to certain web endpoint. You will then implement database connections to acquire data and then present it to our users using different template packages. Later on, you will learn about sessions and cookies to retain information before delving with the basics of microservices. By the end of this module, we will be covering the testing, debugging, and the security aspect. Module 2, Go Programming Blueprints, has a project-based approach where you will be building chat application, adding authentication, and adding your own profile pictures in different ways. You will learn how Go makes it easy to build powerful command-line tools to find domain names before building a highly scalable Twitter polling and vote counting engine powered by NSQ and MongoDB. Later on it covers the functionalities of RESTful Data Web Service API and Google Places API before you move on to build a simple but powerful filesystem backup tool for our code projects. Module 3, Mastering Concurrency in Go, introduces you to Concurrency in Go where you will be understanding the Concurrency model and developing a strategy for designing applications. You will learn to create basic and complex communication channels between our goroutines to manage data not only across single or multithreaded systems but also distributed systems. Later on you will be tackling a real-world problem, that is, being able to develop a high performance web server that can handle a very large volume of live, active traffic. You will then learn how to scale your application and make it capable of being expanded in scope, design, and/ or capacity. It will then focus on when and where to implement concurrent patterns, utilize parallelism, and ensure data consistency. At the end of this module, we will be logging and testing concurrency before we finally look at the best practices on how to implement complicated and advanced techniques offered by Go.

  • GO语言设计模式 go-design-patterns

    Go Design Patterns will provide readers with a reference point to software design patterns and CSP concurrency design patterns to help them build applications in a more idiomatic, robust, and convenient way in Go. The book starts with a brief introduction to Go programming essentials and quickly moves on to explain the idea behind the creation of design patterns and how they appeared in the 90's as a common "language" between developers to solve common tasks in object-oriented programming languages. You will then learn how to apply the 23 GoF design patterns in Go and also learn about CSP concurrency patterns, the "killer feature" in Go that has helped Google develop software to maintain thousands of servers. Thus the book will enable you to understand and apply design patterns in an idiomatic way that will produce concise, readable, and maintainable software. What you will learn All basic syntax and tools needed to start coding in Go. Encapsulate the creation of complex objects in an idiomatic way in Go. Create unique instances that cannot be duplicated within a program. Understand the importance of object encapsulation to provide clarity and maintainability. Prepare cost-effective actions so that different parts of the program aren't affected by expensive tasks. Deal with channels and GoRoutines within the Go context to build concurrent application in Go in an idiomatic way.

  • GO语言原型-Go Recipes

    Solve your Go problems using a problem-solution approach. Each recipe is a self-contained answer to a practical programming problem in Go. Go Recipes contains recipes that deal with the fundamentals o f Go, allowing you to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. Other topics include working with data using modern NoSQL databases such as MongoDB and RethinkDB. The book provides in-depth guidance for building highly scalable backend APIs in Go for your mobile client applications and web client applications. All this means that you’ll be able to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, using Go’s novel type system that enables flexible and modular program construction. You'll see how to test your Go applications so they are ready for deployment, as well as learning how to write HTTP servers to offer you maximum flexibility when dealing with remote clients. What You'll Learn Work with the core fundamentals of Go Persist data into NoSQL databases Build scalable backend APIs Test your Go applications Create HTTP web servers in Go Who This Book Is For Experienced programmers who have some or no prior experience with Go. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Beginning Go Chapter 2: Go Fundamentals Chapter 3: Structs and Interfaces Chapter 4: Concurrency Chapter 5: Using Standard Library Packages Chapter 6: Data Persistence Chapter 7: Building HTTP Servers

  • Go 语言实践-Go IN Practice

    Go may be the perfect systems language. Built with simplicity, concurrency, and modern applications in mind, Go provides the core tool set for rapidly building web, cloud, and systems applications. With superstar projects like Docker giving the language a high-visibility boost; it's no wonder that companies are clamoring for experienced Go engineers. If you know a language like Java or C#, it's easy to get started with Go; the trick is finding the practical dirt-under-the-fingernails techniques that you need to build production-ready code

  • Go语言实战-GO IN Action

    即便不处理类似可扩展的We并发或者实时性能等复杂的系统编程问题,应用程序开发也是一件非常困难的事情。尽管使用一些工具和框架也可以解决这些常见的问题,但G语言却以一种更加自然且高效的方式正确处理了这类问题。由谷歌公司开发的G语言,为在基础设施中非常依赖高性能服务的初创公司和大企业提供了足够的能力。 Go语言实战目标读者是已经有一定其他编程语言经验,想要开始学习G语言或者更深入了解G语言及其内部机制的中级开发者。本书会提供一个专注、全面且符合习惯的视角。本书关注G语言的规范和实现,涉及的内容包括语法、G的类型系统、并发、通道和测试等主题。

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    这个是 jquery-easyui-1.3.4 api 与 本地demo演示 打包

  • 《Go语言编程》高清完整版电子书

    内容简介 《Go语言编程》首先引领读者快速浏览Go语言的全貌,迅速消除读者对这门语言的陌生感,然后循序渐进地介绍了Go语言的面向过程和面向对象的编程语法,其中穿插了一些与其他主流语言的比较以让读者理解Go语言的设计动机,接着探讨了Go语言最为重要的并行编程方法;之后介绍了网络编程、工程管理、安全编程、开发工具等非语法相关但非常重要的内容,最后为一系列关于Go语言的文章,可以帮助读者更深入了解这门全新的语言。 《Go语言编程》适合所有层次的开发者阅读。本书由许式伟,吕桂华等编著 目录 第1章 初识Go语言 1.1 语言简史 1.2 语言特性 1.2.1 自动垃圾回收 1.2.2 更丰富的内置类型 1.2.3 函数多返回值 1.2.4 错误处理 1.2.5 匿名函数和闭包 1.2.6 类型和接口 1.2.7 并发编程 1.2.8 反射 1.2.9 语言交互性 1.3 第一个Go程序 1.3.1 代码解读 1.3.2 编译环境准备 1.3.3 编译程序 1.4 开发工具选择 1.5 工程管理 1.6 问题追踪和调试 1.6.1 打印日志 1.6.2 GDB调试 1.7 如何寻求帮助 1.7.1 邮件列表 1.7.2 网站资源 1.8 小结 ....... ...

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      [文件夹看门狗 白金版V4.2] 适于安装Windows系统的计算机中◇本机硬盘◇和◇移动存储器◇中文件夹加密。可注册到本机硬盘和移动存储器。操作简便,将软件拷贝到待加密文件夹中,输入密码点击“加密”按钮,就OK啦!   文件夹加密后效果:   □无法删除和复制文件夹。   □文件夹中内容全部消失,除本软件外。   主要特征:   ** 为绿色免安装软件。   * 适于本机硬盘与移动硬盘中文件夹保护。   * 支持FAT/FAT32/NTFS文件系统。   * 支持基于命令行的批量加(解)密文件夹。   * 可注册到本机硬盘和移动存储器。

  • PhotoZoom Pro V3.1.0 (图片放大) 绿色便携 无需注册

    软件简介 PhotoZoom Pro(原名S-Spline Pro)是一款新颖的、技术上具有革命性的对数码图片进行放大的工具。通常的工具对数码图片进行放大时,总会降低图片的品质,而这款软件使用了S- SPLINE技术(一种申请过专利的,拥有自动调节、高级的插值算法的技术),可以将尽可能地提高放大图片的品质。程序最大的特色是可以对图片进行放大而没有锯齿,不会失真,这个是专业版! 主要特点: 1.放大您的照片和影像与S -样最大 2.各种预定义的设置,专为不同类型的图像设计 3.对于一个微妙的画龙点睛?,您可以添加胶片颗粒 4.批处理允许你在一个调整大量的图像去 5.广泛支持高端图像格式 6.工作作为一个独立的应用程序,也可以作为一个输入输出的插件为Photoshop 7.PhotoZoom Pro 3软件,可作为一个Photoshop行动 8.各种常见的(如Photoshop的双三次,和Lanczos法)插值技术包括 9.使用缩放功能的大型预览窗口

  • 习惯养成

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