word in the entire corpus (generally on a log scale, and again suitably normalized). The end result
is a term-by-document matrix X whose columns contain the tf-idf values for each of the documents
in the corpus. Thus the tf-idf scheme reduces documents of arbitrary length to fixed-length lists of
While the tf-idf reduction has some appealing features—notably in its basic identification of sets
of words that are discriminative for documents in the collection—the approach also provides a rela-
tively small amount of reduction in description length and reveals little in the way of inter- or intra-
document statistical structure. To address these shortcomings, IR researchers have proposed several
other dimensionality reduction techniques, most notably latent semantic indexing (LSI) (Deerwester
et al., 1990). LSI uses a singular value decomposition of the X matrix to identify a linear subspace
in the space of tf-idf features that captures most of the variance in the collection. This approach can
achieve significant compression in large collections. Furthermore, Deerwester et al. argue that the
derived features of LSI, which are linear combinations of the original tf-idf features, can capture
some aspects of basic linguistic notions such as synonymy and polysemy.
To substantiate the claims regarding LSI, and to study its relative strengths and weaknesses, it is
useful to develop a generative probabilistic model of text corpora and to study the ability of LSI to
recover aspects of the generative model from data (Papadimitriou et al., 1998). Given a generative
model of text, however, it is not clear why one should adopt the LSI methodology—one can attempt
to proceed more directly, fitting the model to data using maximum likelihood or Bayesian methods.
A significant step forward in this regard was made by Hofmann (1999), who presented the
probabilistic LSI (pLSI) model, also known as the aspect model, as an alternative to LSI. The pLSI
approach, which we describe in detail in Section 4.3, models each word in a document as a sample
from a mixture model, where the mixture components are multinomial random variables that can be
viewed as representations of “topics.” Thus each word is generated from a single topic, and different
words in a document may be generated from different topics. Each document is represented as
a list of mixing proportions for these mixture components and thereby reduced to a probability
distribution on a fixed set of topics. This distribution is the “reduced description” associated with
the document.
While Hofmann’s work is a useful step toward probabilistic modeling of text, it is incomplete
in that it provides no probabilistic model at the level of documents. In pLSI, each document is
represented as a list of numbers (the mixing proportions for topics), and there is no generative
probabilistic model for these numbers. This leads to several problems: (1) the number of parame-
ters in the model grows linearly with the size of the corpus, which leads to serious problems with
overfitting, and (2) it is not clear how to assign probability to a document outside of the training set.
To see how to proceed beyond pLSI, let us consider the fundamental probabilistic assumptions
underlying the class of dimensionality reduction methods that includes LSI and pLSI. All of these
methods are based on the “bag-of-words” assumption—that the order of words in a document can
be neglected. In the language of probability theory, this is an assumption of exchangeability for the
words in a document (Aldous, 1985). Moreover, although less often stated formally, these methods
also assume that documents are exchangeable; the specific ordering of the documents in a corpus
can also be neglected.
A classic representation theorem due to de Finetti (1990) establishes that any collection of ex-
changeable random variables has a representation as a mixture distribution—in general an infinite
mixture. Thus, if we wish to consider exchangeable representations for documents and words, we
need to consider mixture models that capture the exchangeability of both words and documents.