Version 1.4.2 (Sep 24, 2012)
* Default settings file "de.jayefem.log4e.prefs" can be put into the file system (Plugin location in workspace).
Version 1.4.1 (Sep 15, 2012)
* Even more SLF4J support (added the template variables: ${enclosing_method_argument_placeholders} and ${enclosing_method_arguments_as_parameters})
* "Modify" validity check: Abort for this class if imports are missing.
Version 1.4 (Sep 7, 2012)
* Real SLF4J support (added the template variables: ${variable_placeholders} and ${variables_as_parameters})
* Different logger type or name does not abort the whole operation any more.
* Bugfix: Import statement was not removed if not chosen the right logger profile.
Version 1.3.3 (May 30, 2010)
* Bugfix: NPE fixed in Eclipse Helios (Version: 3.6.x)
Version 1.3.2 (Jul 16, 2008)
* ${return_type} is available in the editable templates now
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
* Bugfix: Log4E made ready for Eclipse Ganymede (3.4.x); first quickfixes to make it runnable again
* Bugfix: Button "Insert Variable ..." fixed
Version 1.3.1 Pro (Feb 17, 2008)
* Feature: Log all variables available in catch block
* Feature: Log errors only
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.3.1 Free (Feb 17, 2008)
* Bugfix: NPE if "Skip constructor" is disabled
* Bugfix: "org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access" if compiler problems in file
* Bugfix: Newlines aren't preserved when invoking substitution
Version 1.3.0 Pro (Oct 5, 2007)
* Delimiter between the method arguments can be customized in the Format preferences page.
* Skip toString(), equals() and hashCode() method
* Substitution for e.printStackTrace() statements which print to a
different PrintStream than the default System.err
(e.g. printStackTrace(System.out))
* Bugfix: too many //$NON-NLS-n$ with escaped Strings
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.3.0 Free (Oct 5, 2007)
* Chinese translation! (translation by Xiaoyun Zhu)
* Bugfix: Preview pane displaying behind the main Eclipse window
* Bugfix: Editor closed automatically after application of Log4E (only on Eclipse 3.3 with Mylyn)
* Bugfix: Warning message for "missing method arguments in logger" was corrected
* Bugfix: duplicated return value
* Bugfix: Improved check of type and name of an already declared logger
* Bugfix: Re-application produced wrong code with two "+ +" under certain conditions
* Bugfix: Cascading anonymous classes caused wrong code
Version 1.2.12 Pro (Nov 12, 2006)
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.12 Free (Nov 12, 2006)
* Bugfix: Correct display of dialogs when using two monitors
Version 1.2.11 Pro (Oct 21, 2006)
* Correction of the "remove" task
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.11 Free (Oct 21, 2006)
* Correction of the console output
* Bugfix: For Eclipse 3.0 and RAD/RSA 6.0. Switched back to Eclipse 3.0 API
Version 1.2.10 Pro (Oct 14, 2006)
* Added Log4E to the Project Properties Page to distinguish between different project settings
* Bugfix: sub packages of packages were not evaluated
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.10 Free (Oct 14, 2006)
* Correction of the progress monitor
* Correction of the console output
Version 1.2.9 Pro (Oct 07, 2006)
* Bugfix: non formatted statements were not recognized by the "remove" task
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.9 Free (Oct 07, 2006)
* Progress monitor with status
* Bugifx: very long existing logger statements weren't recognized (any more)
* Bugifx: Minor formatter issue using "reapply" on logger declarations
Version 1.2.8 Pro (Sep 30, 2006)
* New preferences: Reapplication also to logger declaration when performing "Reapply" (Log4E > Imports and Declaration)
* Preview: Only files modified by Log4E are shown in the preview (more user friendly)
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.8 Free (Sep 30, 2006)
* All warnings are logged in the console view now
* Preview is shown only if changes were applied to the sourcecode. More user-friendly now.
* Bugfix: wrong generated code when using "Reapply" under certain circumstances
Version 1.2.7 Pro (Sep 12, 2006)
* Bugfix: NPE when using template without any initializer
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.7 Free (Sep 12, 2006)
* Bugifx: Logger as variable declaration within code didn't match (e.g. Monitor log = Monitor.start();). It does now.
* Bugifx: Substitution was erroneous under certain circumstances
* Preview window was "on top" which is not user friendly
Version 1.2.6 Pro (Jun 22, 2006)
* Output in only one line (no line breaks due to formatter). See Preferences->Log4E->Format
* Bugfix: "Log this position..." preview wizard was not editable
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.6 Free (Jun 22, 2006)
* Bugifx: wrong generated return value when using generics
Version 1.2.5 Pro (Apr 18, 2006)
* Bugfix: "Exchange task": the return invocation is not set correctly
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.5 Free (Apr 18, 2006)
* Bugfix: Log4E locks up Eclipse (if you have problems please see "Known Issues" on the website)
* Bugfix: NullPointerException in "Log this position..."
(Version 1.2.4 is an inofficial test version)
Version 1.2.3 Pro (Apr 16, 2006)
* "Exchange task" is introduced
* Bugfix: IllegalArgumentException in "remove task" under certain circumstances
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.3 Free (Apr 16, 2006)
* Bugfix: Error message "JDK 1.5 not supported" has been displayed even if the Eclipse API does implement it.
Version 1.2.2 Pro (Apr 15, 2006)
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.2 Free (Apr 15, 2006)
* Bugfix: "org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access" (this bugfix also avoids deadlocks in Eclipse hopefully)
* Bugfix: "The command ("de.jayefem.log4e.RemoveMethodId") is undefined"
Version 1.2.1 Pro (Mar 24, 2006)
* "Remove task" for several classes
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.1 Free (Mar 24, 2006)
* Preview for declaration (configurable)
* Bugfix: Escaped strings were removed in logger messages under certain circumstances
Version 1.2.0 Pro (Mar 22, 2006)
* "Remove task" is introduced on class and method level
* All features and bugfixes of the free version are also included in this release
Version 1.2.0 Free (Mar 22, 2006)
* "Remove task" is introduced on method level
* Operation can be aborted by user pressing "Cancel" in the progress monitor
* Bugfix: NPE when refreshing a file from filesystem
* Bugfix: Log4E didn't react sometimes when files were not saved
* Bugfix: Escaped strings were removed in logger messages under certain circumstances
* Bugfix: The delimiter " - " was removed outside the string context
Version 1.1.7 Pro (Mar 04, 2006)
* Preferences: Declare Logger in inner classes (see "Imports and Declaration" preferences)
* Bugfix: NullPointerException when using re-apply with ATG Logging (or a
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