• Professional Android®, Fourth Edition 2018 ( 4th )

    For many people, smartphones have become an extension of themselves. Now running on over 2 billion monthly-active devices, Android is the most common smartphone operating system in use world-wide, with users installing an average of 50 apps each, resulting in over 94 billion apps downloaded from the Play app store in 2017 alone. Ubiquitous and indispensable, smartphones are so advanced and personal that studies have shown people become anxious if they misplace their device, lose connectivity, or run low on battery. In the 10 years since launching in 2008, Android has expanded beyond mobile phones to become a development platform for a wide range of hardware, with 24,000 devices from over 1,300 brands, including everything from tablets to televisions, watches, cars, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Over the same period, there have been 28 platform and SDK releases. These innovations, combined with the size of the ecosystem, provide unparalleled opportunities for developers to create innovative new applications for a global audience of users. Android offers an open platform for mobile application development. Without artificial barriers, Android developers are free to write apps that take full advantage of an incredible range of devices. Using Google Play for distribution, developers can distribute free and paid applications to compatible Android devices globally. This book is a hands-on guide to building Android applications for all Android devices. It’s written based on version 8.1 of the Android SDK, using Android Studio 3.1. Chapter by chapter, it takes you through a series of sample projects, each introducing new features and techniques to get the most out of Android. It covers all the basic functionality to get started, as well as the information for experienced mobile developers to take full advantage of the features of Android, to enhance existing products or create innovative new ones. The Android team releases a new major platform every year, a new version of Android Studio every few months, and incremental changes to Jetpack, such as the support library and Android Architecture Components, many times each year. With such rapid release cycles, there are regular changes, additions, and improvements to the tools, platform APIs, and development libraries you’ll use—and which are described in this book. To minimize the impact of these changes, the Android engineering team works hard to ensure backward compatibility. However, future releases will date some of the information provided in this book, and not all active Android devices will be running the latest platform release. To mitigate this, wherever possible, we have used backward-compatible support libraries, and included details on which platform releases support the functionality described—and which alternatives may exist to provide support for users of devices running earlier platforms. Further, the explanations and examples included will give you the grounding and knowledge needed to write compelling mobile applications using the current SDK, along with the flexibility to quickly adapt to future enhancements.

  • Thinkpad P52 用户手册

    本資訊可協助您安全地使用筆記型電腦。請遵循並保留您的電腦隨附的所有資訊。本文件中的資訊不會影響 購買合約條款或有限保固。如需相關資訊,請參閱電腦隨附的安全及保固手冊中的「保固資訊」。 客戶的安全十分重要。我們的產品設計宗旨就是安全與效益。然而,個人電腦是一種電子裝置。電源線、電 源整流器及其他特殊裝置可能帶來潛在安全風險,使用不當會導致身體受傷或財產受損。為了減少這些風 險,請照著產品所附的說明操作、遵守有關產品及操作說明中的所有警告,並詳讀本文件中包含的資訊。確 實遵守本文件及產品所提供的資訊,可以幫助您保護自己免於危險,也能創造更安全的電腦工作環境。 附註:本資訊包含電源整流器及電池的參考資訊。除了筆記型電腦外,還提供一些附有外接式電源整流 器的產品(如喇叭及顯示器)。如果您有這類產品,本資訊即適用於您的產品。此外,電腦產品都有一 個硬幣大小的內部電池,這個電池提供了系統時鐘的電力(即使拔下電腦電源插頭),所以電池安全資 訊也適用於所有電腦產品。

  • Groovy in Action 2nd Edition-Manning(2016)

    Thinking back to January 2007 when the first edition of this book hit the shelves, feels like time travel to the Middle Ages. The idea of using a programming language other than Java on the Java platform was widely considered frivolous. Today, a new language seems to pop up every other week, and we even go as far as designing languages for specific domains (DSLs) on a per-project basis. This evolution of languages reflects a change in concerns. If performance were still our utmost concern, we would all be coding in a low-level language. But if performance is considered “good enough” for our purposes, we now turn our focus on human approachability. Groovy has been a trendsetter for this development. Many Groovy features that ease the burden of developers are now commonplace in novel languages and may even find their way into newer versions of Java: literal declarations for common datatypes, simplified property access, null-safe dereferencing, closures, and more. Surprisingly many languages have adopted Groovy’s optional typing strategy—few languages can claim to have static and dynamic behavior at the same time, though, the way Groovy has since version 2. Just like Groovy, the first edition of this book set some trends as well. The idea of having every single listing as a self-testing piece of code resonated in the market and may be one reason why the book is among Manning’s top-ten bestsellers of the decade. Licensed to Mark Watson <nordickan@gmail.com> The feedback for the first edition was overwhelming. We never expected to have so many great developers speaking so nicely about our work. We have no words to express this feeling of being proud and humbled at the same time. Most touching, though, was the stranger who once gave Dierk a pat on the back and mumbled, “Thank you for the book!” and then disappeared into the crowd. This book is for him. We are fully aware that the first edition would have never been so successful if Groovy itself had been less appealing. The reason for Groovy’s success is easy to see: it delivers its power in the most Java-friendly manner. It is Java’s dynamic friend. The development of Groovy, from version 1.0 covered in the first edition of this book until the current version 2.4, has closed what used to be a syntax gap by providing enums, annotations, generics, the classic for loop, nested classes, varargs, static imports, and the ability to use Groovy closures where Java 8 expects lambda expressions. The Groovy project has progressed at a very high speed, not only in its core but also at its periphery. We see, for example, new usages of compile-time metaprogramming. This core feature gets instantly applied in the Spock testing framework, which in turn contributes back its “power assert” feature to the core. The community is buzzing and it has become a challenge to keep up to date with all the developments and activities. It’s only natural that many readers of the first edition of Groovy in Action (or “Gina” as we say for short) demanded an update that we are now happy to deliver as the second edition (codename “ReGina”). Our goal in this book is not only to rework the code examples, update the API description, and explain new features, but also to reflect the marketplace and the growth of the ecosystem. Groovy has evolved from a niche language to the default choice for dynamic programming on the Java platform for millions of developers. Major financial organizations use Groovy to transfer billions of dollars every day, space agencies watch the stars with the help of Groovy, and satellite live-data streams are handled by Groovy code. Groovy is traveling the oceans, shipping containers around the globe, helping software developers automate recurring tasks, and running Mom’s website. We felt an obligation to provide an up-to-date, solid, and comprehensive book to all these users. Not only did Groovy and its environment change, we authors changed as well. We enjoyed the luxury of working on Groovy projects, introducing new team members to the language, running workshops and tutorials, recognizing struggles (and occasionally struggling ourselves), finding lots of unanticipated use cases while consulting, exploring new practices, using the toolset in anger, and generally facing the Groovy development reality. The book reflects these experiences. In this second edition, we put more emphasis on the optional typing system, explain both dynamic and static metaprogramming in full depth, dive into type checking and static compilation, cover domain-specific languages, and introduce new modules that have evolved for user interfaces, testing, XML, JSON, database programing, Licensed to Mark Watson <nordickan@gmail.com> Web Services, dependency management, build automation, and concurrent programming as well as give you an updated overview of the Groovy ecosystem. We hope you will find this updated book an enjoyable and rewarding read.

  • Pro Spring 5 An In-Depth Guide -Apress(2017)

    Covering version 5 of the Spring Framework, this book is the most comprehensive Spring reference and practical guide available for harnessing the power of this leading enterprise Java application development framework. This edition covers core Spring and its integration with other leading Java technologies, such as Hibernate, JPA 2, Tiles, Thymeleaf, and WebSocket. The focus of the book is on using Java configuration classes, lambda expressions, Spring Boot, and reactive programming. We share our insights and real-world experiences with enterprise application development, including remoting, transactions, the web and presentation tiers, and much more. With Pro Spring 5, you’ll learn how to do the following: • Use inversion of control (IoC) and dependency injection (DI) • Discover what’s new in Spring Framework 5 • Build Spring-based web applications using Spring MVC and WebSocket • Build Spring web reactive applications with Spring WebFlux • Test Spring applications using Junit 5 • Utilize the new Java 8 lambda syntax • Use Spring Boot to an advanced level to get any kind of Spring application up and running in no time • Use Java 9 features in Spring applications Because the Java 9 release date kept being postponed, Spring 5 was released based on Java 8. Thus, interoperability with Java 9 is covered in this book based on an early-access build. There is a multimodule project associated with this book, configured using Gradle 4. The project is available on the Apress official repository: https://github.com/Apress/pro-spring-5. The project can be built right after cloning according to the instructions in its README.adoc file as long as Gradle is installed locally. If you do not have Gradle installed, you can rely on InteliJ IDEA to download it and use it to build your project by using the Gradle Wrapper. (https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/ gradle_wrapper.html). There is a small appendix at the end of the book describing the project structure, configuration and additional details related to development tools that can be used to develop and run the code samples of the book, which are available on GitHub. As the book was being written, new release candidate versions of Spring 5 were released, a new version of Intellij IDEA was released, and new versions of Gradle and other technologies used in the book were updated. We upgraded to the new versions to provide the most recent information and keep this book synchronized with the official documentation. Several reviewers have checked the book for technical accuracy, but if you notice any inconsistencies, please send an email to editorial@apress.com and errata will be created. You can access the example source code for this book via the Download Source Code button at www.apress.com/9781484228074. It will be maintained, synchronized with new versions of the technologies, and enriched based on the recommendations of the developers using it to learn Spring. We truly hope you will enjoy using this book to learn Spring as much as we enjoyed writing it.

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