• Ajax权威指南

    Is Ajax a new technology, or the same old stuff web developers have been using for years? Both, actually. This book demonstrates not only how tried-and-true web standards make Ajax possible, but how these older technologies allow you to give sites a decidedly modern Web 2.0 feel. Ajax: The Definitive Guide explains how to use standards like JavaScript, XML, CSS, and XHTML, along with the XMLHttpRequest object, to build browser-based web applications that function like desktop programs. You get a complete background on what goes into today's web sites and applications, and learn to leverage these tools along with Ajax for advanced browser searching, web services, mashups, and more. You discover how to turn a web browser and web site into a true application, and why developing with Ajax is faster, easier and cheaper.

  • 深入浅出javascript

    Who is this book for? Who should probably back away from this book? If you can answer “yes” to all of these: We’ll help you learn how to write JavaScript code that makes web pages do all kinds of cool things that are impossible with HTML alone. If you can answer “yes” to any of these: this book is for you. this book is not for you. [Note from marketing: this book is for anyone with a credit card.] Do you have access to a computer with a web browser, a text editor, and an Internet connection? 1 Do you want to learn, understand, and remember how to create web pages that are alive with energy, turning the Web into a truly interactive experience? 2 Do you prefer stimulating dinner party conversation to dry, dull, academic lectures? 3 Are you completely new to creating web pages? (You don’t need to be an HTML guru, but you should understand the basics of how web pages go together with HTML and CSS, and how to post them online.) 1 Do you hold a ninth degree black belt in Script Fu, and are really looking for a JavaScript reference book? 2 Are you afraid to try something different? Would you rather have a root canal than mix stripes with plaid? Do you believe that a technical book can’t be serious if JavaScript code is anthropomorphized? 3 This book makes a great sequel to Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML, so definitely check it out if you want to brush up on your HTML

  • Web站点优化 website optimization

    “We’ve had a website for years now, but it hardly pays for itself.” “Our site’s pulling in more than 30% of our revenue, at a far lower cost than our other venues.” There’s a world of difference between these two very real Internet experiences. Yet they provide a window into the landscape of web survival that plays out daily. Success is the result of a multitude of adaptations to this constantly changing environment. The fate of companies worldwide is at stake, yet few players grasp the full scope of the problem. Fewer still can clearly and thoroughly articulate its solution: website optimization. Ultimately, website optimization (WSO) is about maximizing the (usually financial) return on a website investment. Research shows that attaining that ultimate goal is dependent upon fulfilling a set of known benchmarks, including making the site easier to find, easier to use, faster, more aesthetically pleasing, cheaper to run, and more compelling. Site stakeholders need accurate resources that spell out best-in-class, proven strategies and methods to reach those benchmarks, and thereby attain success. I wrote this book to fill this need. By reading it, you will learn a comprehensive set of optimization techniques for transforming your website into a more successful profitgeneration machine. You’ll save money by shifting your marketing budget from hit-ormiss mass marketing to highly targeted, online marketing with measurable results. WSO will teach you how to engage more customers by making your site more compelling and easier for search engine users to find. Part I, Search Engine Marketing Optimization, will teach you how to use natural search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and conversion rate optimization (CRO) to boost your site’s visibility and convert browsers into buyers. Part II, Web Performance Optimization, will help you optimize your HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), multimedia, and Ajax to improve response times and reliability. You will learn that these two components of WSO have synergistic effects; faster sites convert more users, save money on bandwidth bills, and even improve potential search engine rankings, while search-friendly sites built with standards-based CSS are faster and more accessible......

  • REST实战 Rest in Practice

    The Web has re volutio nized the wa y we access and share infor matio n. In just two decades, it has become the global platform for delivering and consuming services. The pervasiveness and ubiquity of the Web stems from the way it combines architectural simplicity with a small set of widely accepted technologies. The Web provides scalability, security, and reliability for those systems that embrace its simple tenets, and it does so using commodity tools and platforms. Our goal in this book is twofold: to demystify the Web as an application platform and to showcase how web architecture can be applied to common enterprise computing problems. Throughout the chapters, we make it a point to demonstrate how services can leverage the Web both inside and outside enterprise boundaries. Our vision is of an information platform that is open and available to other systems, which eschews integration in favor of composition, and yet implements valuable business behaviors: a distributed, hypermedia-driven application platform. You don’t have to know REST or HTTP in detail in order to understand this book. We’ll take you from simple integration through to sophisticated business protocols, all with detailed code examples that you can adapt for your own ends......

  • 设计模式解析

    Design patterns and object-oriented programming. They hold such promise to make your life as a software designer and developer easier. Their terminology is bandied about every day in the technical and even the popular press. But it can be hard to learn them, to become proficient with them, to understand what is really going on. Perhaps you have been using an object-oriented or object-based language for years. Have you learned that the true power of objects is not inheritance but is in “encapsulating behaviors”? Perhaps you are curious about design patterns and have found the literature a bit too esoteric and high-falutin. If so, this book is for you......

  • 网络性能监测与优化

    This is a book about achieving complete web visibility. If you’re involved in something web-based—and these days, everything is web-based—you need to understand the things on the Web that affect you. Of course, today, everything affects you, which means looking far beyond what visitors did on your site to the communities and competitors with which you’re involved. While the Web is a part of our daily lives, web visibility lags far behind. Web operators seldom have a complete understanding of how visitors interact with their sites, how healthy their web properties are, what online communities are saying about their organizations, or what their competitors are up to. What little visibility they do have is fragmented and imperfect. It doesn’t have to be this way. In recent years, advances in monitoring, search, data collection, and reporting have made it possible to build a far more comprehensive picture of your web presence. This book will show you how to answer some fundamental questions about that presence: • What did visitors do on my site? • How did they go about doing it? • Why did they do it in the first place? • Could they do it, or was it broken or slow? • What are people saying about my organization elsewhere? • How do I compare to my competitors?

  • 面向对象程序设计

    本书以ISO/ANSI C++(ISO 14882)标准为准则,以美国Microsoft 公司开发 的Visual C++ V6.0 为语言蓝本,遵循全国计算机等级考试“C++”科目的考试大纲,全 面、系统、完整地讲授面向对象程序设计方法的核心概念、主要语言特性、思维方式和面 向对象程序设计技术。按照“循序渐进,突出重点,深入浅出,融会贯通”的教学原则,编 写成自成体系的C++教科书。每章都有小结,归纳出必须掌握的重点内容,并附有大量的 习题,以加深读者对重点内容的理解。在内容安排上有深有浅,且侧重应用,适用于各个 层次的读者,既适合以前从未接触过C++的初学者,也适合具有一定编程基础的读者作为 学习面向对象程序设计方法,提高编程能力的教材和参考书,它也是广大电脑爱好者参加 全国计算机等级考试,备考“C++”科目的教材和参考书。

  • Web Security Testing Cookbook

    Among the tests you perform on web applications, security testing is perhaps the most important, yet it's often the most neglected. The recipes in the Web Security Testing Cookbook demonstrate how developers and testers can check for the most common web security issues, while conducting unit tests, regression tests, or exploratory tests. Unlike ad hoc security assessments, these recipes are repeatable, concise, and systematic-perfect for integrating into your regular test suite. Recipes cover the basics from observing messages between clients and servers to multi-phase tests that script the login and execution of web application features. By the end of the book, you'll be able to build tests pinpointed at Ajax functions, as well as large multi-step tests for the usual suspects: cross-site scripting and injection attacks. This book helps you: Obtain, install, and configure useful-and free-security testing tools Understand how your application communicates with users, so you can better simulate attacks in your tests Choose from many different methods that simulate common attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and manipulating hidden form fields Make your tests repeatable by using the scripts and examples in the recipes as starting points for automated tests Don't live in dread of the midnight phone call telling you that your site has been hacked. With Web Security Testing Cookbook and the free tools used in the book's examples, you can incorporate security coverage into your test suite, and sleep in peace.

  • spring参考手册

    Spring是一个开源框架,它由Rod Johnson创建。它是为了解决企业应用开发的复杂性而创建的。Spring使用基本的JavaBean来完成以前只可能由EJB完成的事情。然而,Spring的用途不仅限于服务器端的开发。从简单性、可测试性和松耦合的角度而言,任何Java应用都可以从Spring中受益。

  • orcale database 10g

    orcale database 10g the completed reference

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