• PowerBuilder UltimateSuite9.0 For PB12.5

    PowerBuilder UltimateSuite9.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PowerDock acts as a replacement to PowerBuilder's traditional MDI frame window. It gives users a tabbed interface to navigate between open windows. Additionally, it allows you to dock and pin commonly used functions to the top, bottom, left, or right sides of the window. Other features include: Floating document tabs. Dynamically change a dock panels size and pinned\unpinned state. Trigger events on the active document or all documents. Use traditional MDI instead of the tabbed document interface.

  • weifenluo.winformsui.docking 2.9(最新源码&例子)

    weifenluo.winformsui.docking 2.9(最新源码&例子) 1. Add an event to the DockPanel that will be raised when the value of the AutoHideWindow's ActiveContent property changes. 2. Opt-in ShowAutoHideContentOnHover feature to require a tab to be clicked on to show autohide content vice the current behavior of showing on hover. 3. Fixed issues with the sample application: "Close All" should only close documents and disable "close all but this" when there are no documents. 4. Fixed ArgumentException with VS2005 theme. 5. Fixed NullReferenceException when setting DockPanel.CloseButton while the content is hidden. Fixed issue that prevented close button from being show when made visible programatically. 6. When showing a content, prefer to place it in the active pane, otherwise default to the first available

  • PBGUIControls2.5 for PB10.5

    Version 2.5.0 - June 30, 2009 - ToolbarStrip - Font Support. - TabControl - Font Support. - ButtonListBar - Added list style. - Misc. - Numerous enhancements and bug fixes where made. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.4.0 - May 18, 2009 - ToolbarStrip - Added the ability to make a toolbar item invisible. - PowerDock - The panels were closing too soon in some cases when the mouse left. This has been fixed. - Close button will now display in the document tab. - TabControl - You can now display the close button in the tab instead of the tab strip. - XPListBar - Some performance improvements were made. - ButtonListBar - A new style was added. You can display in button or list mode. - PB 10.0 - The controls are now available in PB10.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.3.0 - Dec 14, 2008 - ToolbarStrip - Added chevron for items that display past the toolbars right border. - PowerDock - Added new events: - event panelexpanded ( integer panel ) - event panelobjectdisplayed ( userobject panelobject ) - event panelpinned ( integer panel ) - event type integer documentselectionchanging ( integer document ) - event documentselectionchanged ( integer document ) - event panelunpinned ( integer panel )

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