• Kafka The Definitive Guide

    Every enterprise is powered by data. We take information in, analyze it, manipulate it, and create more as output. Every application creates data, whether it is log messages, metrics, user activity, outgoing messages, or something else. Every byte of data has a story to tell, something of importance that will inform the next thing to be done. In order to know what that is, we need to get the data from where it is created to where it can be analyzed. We see this every day on websites like Amazon, where our clicks on items of interest to us are turned into recommendations that are shown to us a little later. The faster we can do this, the more agile and responsive our organizations can be. The less effort we spend on moving data around, the more we can focus on the core business at hand. This is why the pipeline is a critical component in the data-driven enterprise. How we move the data becomes nearly as important as the data itself.

  • Pro Spring 5, 5th Edition.pdf

    Covering version 5 of the Spring Framework, this book is the most comprehensive Spring reference and practical guide available for harnessing the power of this leading enterprise Java application development framework. This edition covers core Spring and its integration with other leading Java technologies, such as Hibernate, JPA 2, Tiles, Thymeleaf, and WebSocket. The focus of the book is on using Java configuration classes, lambda expressions, Spring Boot, and reactive programming. We share our insights and real-world experiences with enterprise application development, including remoting, transactions, the web and presentation tiers, and much more.

  • Spring 5 Recipes, 4th Edition.pdf


  • OReilly.Learning.Puppet.4.pdf

    Twenty years ago, it was common for a single server to provide services for hundreds of users. A system administrator was often responsible for as few as 10 servers. Most people used only one computer. In 2015, it is common for a normal, everyday person to own and utilize more than five highly advanced and capable computers. Think about the devices you use on a daily basis: every one of them—the phone on your desk, the cell phone on your hip, the tablet you read from, your laptop, and even the car you drive—is thousands of times more powerful and capable than the large, room-sized servers used a few generations ago. We live today in the midst of an information revolution. Systems capable of powerful computation that once required server rooms to contain are now able to be held in your hands. Explosive growth in the adoption and capabilities of modern technology has created a world full of computers. More and more devices every day contain powerful small computers that participate in the Internet of Things. When I started my career, it was difficult to convince managers that every worker needed his or her own computer. Today, the workers are outnumbered by computers almost 20:1, and in certain industries by as much as 100:1. Advanced computing capability combined with cheap memory have revolutionized what businesses can accomplish with data. Even small teams of people utilize and depend upon thousands of computers. Every one of these devices needs to be managed. It’s simply not possible to do it all by hand. For this, we use Puppet.

  • OReilly.Head.First.iPhone.and.iPad.Development.3rd.Edition.epub

    The iPhone changed everything. When Steve Jobs said that’s what would happen at the unveiling of the iPhone, people were skeptical. Six years later, iPhones and iPads are being used in business and medicine as enterprise devices, and the App Store is a platform for every developer to use, from one-man shows to big-name companies. Apple provides the software and we’ll help you with the knowledge—we’re sure you’ve got the enthusiasm covered.

  • Designing and Developing for Google Glass.pdf

    Google Glass has taken the popular imagination by storm like few other technologies have, potentially being the most transformative consumer device since the iPad…and it did so long before its commercial release. Scores of people have shown ardent interest in learning as much as they could about the mysterious machine and the ecosystem that encapsulates it, and many flocked to develop software for it in order to capitalize on its next-gen model of information delivery. Many producers of mobile services beat down the door to learn how to repurpose their existing data and codebases to establish presence for their applications in this new space.

  • Wiley.Exploring.Management.5th.Edition(彩色)

    WHAT MAKES EXPLORING MANAGEMENT DIFFERENT? Students tell us over and over again that they learn best when their courses and assignments fi t the context of their everyday lives, career aspirations, and personal experiences. We have written Exploring Management, Fifth Edition, to meet and engage a new generation of students in their personal spaces. It uses lots of examples, applications, visual highlights, and learning aids to convey the essentials of management. It also asks students thoughtprovoking questions as they read. Our hope is that this special approach and pedagogy will help management educators fi nd unique and innovative ways to enrich the learning experiences of their students.

  • MC.Databases.on.Modern.Hardware英文版

    Ever-increasing data volumes and the complexity of queries posed over the data are requiring increased processing power from the database management systems (DBMS). While modern hardware keeps offering increased parallelism and capabilities, harnessing them has been a perpetual challenge for decades. In particular, hardware trends oblige software to overcome three major challenges against systems scalability: 1. exploiting the abundant thread-level parallelism provided by multicores; 2. achieving predictably efficient execution despite the non-uniformity in multisocket multicore systems; and 3. taking advantage of the aggressive microarchitectural features. In this book, we shed light on these three challenges and survey recent proposals to alleviate them.

  • High Performance Spark英文版

    We wrote this book for data engineers and data scientists who are looking to get the most out of Spark. If you’ve been working with Spark and invested in Spark but your experience so far has been mired by memory errors and mysterious, intermittent failures, this book is for you. If you have been using Spark for some exploratory work or experimenting with it on the side but have not felt confident enough to put it into production, this book may help. If you are enthusiastic about Spark but have not seen the performance improvements from it that you expected, we hope this book can help. This book is intended for those who have some working knowledge of Spark, and may be difficult to understand for those with little or no experience with Spark or distributed computing.

  • Spring.5.0.Microservices.2nd.Edition


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