• The Elements of MATLAB Style

    The Elements of MATLAB Style is a guide for both new and experienced MATLAB programmers. It provides a comprehensive collection of standards and guidelines for creating solid MATLAB code that will be easy to understand, enhance, and maintain. It is written for both individuals and those working in teams in which consistency is critical. This is the only book devoted to MATLAB style and best programming practices, focusing on how MATLAB code can be written in order to maximize its effectiveness. Just as Strunk and White's The Elements of Style provides rules for writing in the English language, this book provides conventions for formatting, naming, documentation, programming and testing. It includes many concise examples of correct and incorrect usage, as well as coverage of the latest language features. The author also provides recommendations on use of the integrated development environment features that help produce better, more consistent software.

  • Kalman Filtering - Theory and Practice Using MATLAB 4th

    The definitive textbook and professional reference on Kalman Filtering - fully updated, revised, and expanded This book contains the latest developments in the implementation and application of Kalman filtering. Authors Grewal and Andrews draw upon their decades of experience to offer an in-depth examination of the subtleties, common pitfalls, and limitations of estimation theory as it applies to real-world situations. They present many illustrative examples including adaptations for nonlinear filtering, global navigation satellite systems, the error modeling of gyros and accelerometers, inertial navigation systems, and freeway traffic control. Kalman Filtering: Theory and Practice Using MATLAB, Fourth Edition is an ideal textbook in advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate courses in stochastic processes and Kalman filtering. It is also appropriate for self-instruction or review by practicing engineers and scientists who want to learn more about this important topic.

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