• Best of Ruby Quiz.pdf 英文原版

    Sharpen your Ruby programming skills with twenty-five challenging problems from Ruby Quiz. Read the problems, work out a solution, and compare your solution with others. This book is a collection of highlights from the first year of Ruby Quiz challenges. Inside, you will find expanded content, all new solutions, and more in depth discussions of Ruby Quiz problems and solutions. This is the book for anyone who really wants to improve their Ruby skills.

  • Head First Python.pdf 英文原版, Python学习教程

    Ever wished you could learn Python from a book? Head First Python is a complete learning experience for Python that helps you learn the language through a unique method that goes beyond syntax and how-to manuals, helping you understand how to be a great Python programmer. You’ll quickly learn the language’s fundamentals, then move onto persistence, exception handling, web development, SQLite, data wrangling, and Google App Engine. You’ll also learn how to write mobile apps for Android, all thanks to the power that Python gives you. We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First Python uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.

  • Instant Google Drive Starter.pdf 英文原版. Google Drive基础入门

    In recent years, we’ve enjoyed being able to do more and more online and in the cloud. Google Drive brings the power and convenience of working online for you and your files. With Google Drive, you can create and store your files safely in the cloud, share them if desired, and access them from anywhere using a web browser, smartphone, or tablet computer. “Google Drive Starter” is your companion to getting started with the world of cloud computing and working with your files online. With clear visuals and step-by-step examples, this book shows you how to use Google Drive from start to finish. From creating documents and files in Google Drive to sharing them with others and accessing them anywhere using your web browser, phone, or tablet computer – you’ll be working in the cloud. This book starts with the very basics of cloud computing, providing clear examples for ways you can use Google Drive to work with your files in the cloud, and the benefits of doing so. It will take you step-by-step through all the aspects of using Google Drive to get you quickly working with your files online, accessing them from anywhere using a web browser, smartphone, or tablet computer. You’ll learn how to use Google Drive to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and also how you can upload folders and files from your hard drive into Google Drive using your web browser. Once your files are in Google Drive, this book will show you all the things you can do with them: edit them online from anywhere (including your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone or tablet), and even share them with others if desired. This book will also show you how to use the Google Drive sync program to back up your files to the cloud and keep them automatically in sync between your computer’s hard drive and Google Drive. You will learn everything you need to know to create and store your files safely in the cloud with Google Drive, share them with others if desired, and access them from anywhere using a web browser, smartphone, or tablet computer.

  • Head First JavaScript.pdf 英文原版 javascript 教程

    Want to make the leap from writing HTML and CSS web pages and create dynamic web applications? Want to take your web skills to the next level? It sounds like you’re ready to learn the Web’s hottest programming language: JavaScript. Head First JavaScript is your ticket to going beyond copying and pasting the code from someone else’s web site, and writing your own interactive web pages.

  • Advanced PHP Programming.pdf.英文原版. PHP高级编程

    The rapid maturation of PHP has created a skeptical population of users from more traditional “enterprise” languages who question the readiness and ability of PHP to scale, as well as a large population of PHP developers without formal computer science backgrounds who have learned through the hands-on experimentation while developing small and midsize applications in PHP.

  • Beginning R- An Introduction to Statistical Programming.pdf 英文原版. 统计学习 R语言教程

    Conquer the complexities of this open source statistical language R is fast becoming the de facto standard for statistical computing and analysis in science, business, engineering, and related fields. This book examines this complex language using simple statistical examples, showing how R operates in a user-friendly context. Both students and workers in fields that require extensive statistical analysis will find this book helpful as they learn to use R for simple summary statistics, hypothesis testing, creating graphs, regression, and much more. It covers formula notation, complex statistics, manipulating data and extracting components, and rudimentary programming. R, the open source statistical language increasingly used to handle statistics and produces publication-quality graphs, is notoriously complex This book makes R easier to understand through the use of simple statistical examples, teaching the necessary elements in the context in which R is actually used Covers getting started with R and using it for simple summary statistics, hypothesis testing, and graphs Shows how to use R for formula notation, complex statistics, manipulating data, extracting components, and regression Provides beginning programming instruction for those who want to write their own scripts Beginning R offers anyone who needs to perform statistical analysis the information necessary to use R with confidence.

  • Foundations of Python Network Programming, 3rd Edition.pdf 英文原版. Python网络编程基础

    Foundations of Python Network Programming, Third Edition, covers all of the classic topics found in the second edition of this book, including network protocols, network data and errors, email, server architecture, and HTTP and web applications, plus updates for Python 3. If you’re a Python programmer who needs a deep understanding of how to use Python for network-related tasks and applications, this is the book for you. From web application developers, to systems integrators, to system administrators—this book has everything that you need to know.

  • Data Structures and Algorithms in Python.pdf 英文原版. Python数据结构和算法

    Based on the authors’ market leading data structures books in Java and C++, this textbook offers a comprehensive, definitive introduction to data structures in Python by respected authors. Data Structures and Algorithms in Python is the first mainstream object-oriented book available for the Python data structures course. Designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to data structures and algorithms, including their design, analysis, and implementation, the text will maintain the same general structure as Data Structures and Algorithms in Java and Data Structures and Algorithms in C++.

  • Expert Python Programming.pdf 英文原版.Python专家编程

    Expert Python Programming shows how Python development should be done with best practices and expert design tips. This book is for Python developers who are already building applications, but want to build better ones by applying best practices and new development techniques to their projects. The reader is expected to have a sound background in Python programming.

  • Designing Next Generation Web Projects with CSS3.pdf 英文原版

    CSS3 unveils new possibilities for frontend web developers: things that would require JavaScript, such as animation and form validation, or even third party plugins, such as 3D transformations, are now accessible using this technology. “Designing Next Generation Web Projects with CSS3″ contains ten web projects fully developed using cutting edge CSS3 techniques. It also covers time saving implementation tips and tricks as well as fallback, polyfills, and graceful degradation approaches. This book draws a path through CSS3; it starts with projects using well supported features across web browsers and then it moves to more sophisticated techniques such as multi polyfill implementation and creating a zooming user interface with SVG and CSS. React to HTML5 form validation, target CSS rules to specific devices, trigger animations and behavior in response to user interaction, gain confidence with helpful tools like SASS, learn how to deal with old browsers and more. “Designing Next Generation Web Projects with CSS3″ is a helpful collection of techniques and good practices designed to help the implementation of CSS3 properties and features.

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