• 产品经理从专业走向管理

    产品经理从专业走向管理,产品经理从专业走向管理前言产品经理其实是一个从到()的过程,如果大家够努力、够坚持相信大家一定能走的很远。产品经理是一个很有挑战性的职业,大家不要觉得无聊、被动、困惑,只要坚持前途一定很光明。其实一切都不远了。产品经理们,加油!目录一、产品经理认识篇、产品经理定义、产品经理职责、市场调研、需求管理、产品规划、产品定义及设计、组织协调、文档编写、产品培训、产品生命周期管理、产品经理能力素质、沟通能力、学习能力、执行能力 、热爱产品

  • PMBOK 2004&2008 英文版

    PMBOK 2004 英文版 PMBOK 2008 英文版

  • The First 90 Days Critical Success Strategies For New Leaders At All Levels

    Book Description This is a short, concise, hands-on manual for managers at all levels - a handbook for a leader's first 90 days in office. This work contains lots of practical tools and questions for self-assessment. Written in a friendly and accessible tone, it offers a broad-gauged coverage of many aspects and kinds of transitions at all levels. It includes new topics such as working with new bosses, building teams, and aligning the strategy, structure, systems and skills of organizations. Written by noted leadership transition expert Michael Watkins, The First 90 Days outlines proven strategies that will dramatically shorten the time it takes to reach what Watkins calls the "breakeven point": the point at which your organization needs you as much as you need the job. Based on three years of research into leadership transitions at all levels and hands-on work designing transition programs for top companies. From Publishers Weekly This earnest guide to career transition periods-when a new job or promotion puts an employee in an unfamiliar role-asserts, reassuringly, that navigating the all-important first 90 days is a "teachable skill." Business professor Watkins, co-author of Right From the Start: Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role, lays out a "standard framework" for leadership transitions, based on "five fundamental propositions," "ten key challenges," and a four-fold typology of situations that new managers find themselves in. Fortunately, Watkins balances the theorizing with practical steps managers can take to get on top of things and initiate changes, including elaborate self-assessment checklists, planning exercises and meticulous guidelines on how to have conversations with underlings and bosses. His advice, if not very original, is sound. He warns managers not to assume that their existing skills will suffice for new roles, advises them to pursue small-scale "early wins" to boost credibility, and admonishes workplace Machiavellis to "avoid pressing for closure until you are confident the balance of forces acting on key people is tipping your way." Watkins's penchant for cut-and-dried schematizations sometimes goes overboard, especially in the book's plethora of elementary graphs, tables, diagrams and matrices (novice orators are informed that "classic values invoked to convince others to embrace potentially painful change are summarized in table 8-1," while the oceanic topic of "Intersecting Cultural Dimensions" gets boiled down to a three-ring Venn diagram). But if the content of Watkins's counsel is not always obviously helpful, his systematized approach to thinking will at least help panicky executives keep their wits about them. From Booklist In these days of the public's microscopic scrutiny of corporate C-level executives, it's a wonder anyone would aspire to the CEO position. Amazingly enough, many eager managers are still climbing--and Harvard Business School professor and author (Right from the Start [1999]) Watkins helps prepare them for career moves, accelerating their transitions. This is, essentially, practical advice about undertaking new opportunities and understanding new vulnerabilities, quickly and without much upheaval. Different steps--sometimes simultaneously, sometimes sequential-- define success in the first three months, from promoting yourself (i.e., taking charge fast) to keeping your balance. Anecdotes enliven the checklists and sample learning plans; in fact, one specific case--Douglas Ivester of Coca-Cola--underscores the absolute necessity to adapt and change rapidly in new positions. Much content is human resources related, based on self-discipline, team building, and the availability of trusted advice and counsel. Would that every newly elected president of the U.S. heeded this practice.                               Barbara Jacobs

  • Learn To Program With C++

    For the True Beginner. More than 100,000 programmers owe their careers to Professor John Smiley. In this unique guide, the guru himself will teach you, in a classroom setting, how to program with C++. Learn from more than 100 questions and answers as well as real-world programming projects.

  • UML Programming Guide设计核心技术

    本盘书分两大部分共12章。第一部分“UML入门”是对UML本身的介绍,包括第1~7章。第1章“UML简介”介绍UML的产生、发展过程及使用场合;第2章“UML语言概述”介绍UML的基本元素、视图及扩展机制;第3章和第4章介绍静态建模,讲解用例视图、类图及对象图;第5章讨论了动态建模;第6章介绍如何用UML表示系统的物理拓扑结构;第7章讨论如何对UML进行扩展和改编。第二部分“UML高级应用”介绍UML建模应用,包括第8~12章。第8章“高级动态建模:实时系统”介绍UML在实时系统建模中的应用;第9章讨论UML建模的使用过程;第10章介绍UML如何描述模式;第11章图书馆信息系统的建模实例;第12章讨论UML在商业建模和商业过程中的应用。 本盘书按从初级到高级、从基本概念到应用实例的顺序循序渐进地对UML统一建模语言进行了详细地讲述,层次清楚,讲解透彻,实例丰富,图文并茂,通俗易懂。本盘书既是广大的软件开发人员、系统分析员及市场推广人员、面向对象开发人员、广大科技人员和各种层次的商业人员重要的自学指导书,也是高等院校相关专业师生教学、自学参考用书。

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