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    This is a book about Linux, a freely available clone of the Unix operating system whose uses range from embedded systems and personal data assistants (PDAs) to corporate servers, web servers, and massive clusters that perform some of the world’s most difficult computations. Whether you are using Linux for personal software projects, for a small office or home office (the so-called SOHO environment), to provide services to a small group of colleagues, or to administer a site responsible for millions of email and web connections each day, you need quick access to information on a wide range of tools. This book covers all aspects of administering and making effective use of Linux systems. Among its topics are booting, package management, and revision control. But foremost in Linux in a Nutshell are the immeasurable utilities and commands that make Linux one of the most powerful and flexible systems available.

  • Pro Hadoop

    This book is a concise guide to getting started with Hadoop and getting the most out of your Hadoop clusters. My early experiences with Hadoop were wonderful and stressful. While Hadoop supplied the tools to scale applications, it lacked documentation on how to use the framework effectively. This book provides that information. It enables you to rapidly and painlessly get up to speed with Hadoop. This is the book I wish was available to me when I started using Hadoop. Who This Book Is For This book has three primary audiences: developers who are relatively new to Hadoop or MapReduce and must scale their applications using Hadoop; system administrators who must deploy and manage the Hadoop clusters; and application designers looking for a detailed understanding of what Hadoop will do for them. Hadoop experts will learn some new details and gain insights to add to their expertise.

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    Hadoop got its start in Nutch. A few of us were attempting to build an open source web search engine and having trouble managing computations running on even a handful of computers. Once Google published its GFS and MapReduce papers, the route became clear. They’d devised systems to solve precisely the problems we were having with Nutch. So we started, two of us, half-time, to try to re-create these systems as a part of Nutch. We managed to get Nutch limping along on 20 machines, but it soon became clear that to handle the Web’s massive scale, we’d need to run it on thousands of machines and, moreover, that the job was bigger than two half-time developers could handle. Around that time, Yahoo! got interested, and quickly put together a team that I joined. We split off the distributed computing part of Nutch, naming it Hadoop. With the help of Yahoo!, Hadoop soon grew into a technology that could truly scale to the Web.

  • Hadoop in Action

    Hadoop is an open source framework implementing the MapReduce algorithm behind Google’s approach to querying the distributed data sets that constitute the internet. This definition naturally leads to an obvious question: What are maps and why do they need to be reduced ? Massive data sets can be extremely difficult to analyze and query using traditional mechanisms, especially when the queries themselves are quite complicated. In effect, the MapReduce algorithm breaks up both the query and the data set into constituent parts—that’s the mapping. The mapped components of the query can be processed simultaneously—or reduced—to rapidly return results.

  • BABOK 2.0 (the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge)

    此文档是www.iiba.org会员使用的正式版本,共享仅为方便协会会员下载方便,不要超出此范围的使用,否则本人不承担任何责任 BABOK® Guide 2.0 is now available! The Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® (BABOK®) is the collection of knowledge within the profession of Business Analysis and reflects current generally accepted practices. As with other professions, the body of knowledge is defined and enhanced by the Business Analysis professionals who apply it in their daily work role. The BABOK® Guide describes Business Analysis areas of knowledge, their associated activities and the tasks and skills necessary to be effective in their execution. The BABOK® Guide is a reference for professional knowledge for Business Analysis and provides the basis for the Certified Business Analysis Professional™ (CBAP®) Certification.

  • Java编程思想第四版完整中文高清版pdf

    java编程思想获得的各项大奖以及来自世界各地的读者评论中,不难看出这是一本经典之作。本书的作者拥有多年教学经验,对C、C++以及Java语言都有独到、深入的见解,以通俗易懂及小而直接的示例解释了一个个晦涩抽象的概念。本书共22章,包括操作符、控制执行流程、访问权限控制、复用类、多态、接口、通过异常处理错误、字符串、泛型、数组、容器深入研究、Java I/O系统、枚举类型、并发以及图形化用户界面等内容。这些丰富的内容,包含了Java语言基础语法以及高级特性,适合各个层次的Java程序员阅读,同时也是高等院校讲授面向对象程序设计语言以及Java语言的绝佳教材和参考书。 第4版特点: 适合初学者与专业人员的经典的面向对象叙述方式,为更新的Java SE5/6增加了新的示例和章节。 测验框架显示程序输出。设计模式贯穿于众多示例中:适配器、桥接器、职责链、命令、装饰器、外观、工厂方法、享元、点名、数据传输对象、空对象、代理、单例、状态、策略、模板方法以及访问者。为数据传输引入了XML,为用户界面引入了SWT和Flash。重新撰写了有关并发的章节,有助于读者掌握线程的相关知识。 专门为第4版以及Java SE5/6重写了700多个编译文件中的500多个程序。 支持网站包含了所有源代码、带注解的解决方案指南、网络日志以及多媒体学习资料。 覆盖了所有基础知识,同时论述了高级特性。详细地阐述了面向对象原理。在线可获得Java讲座CD,其中包含Bruce Eckel的全部多媒体讲座。 java编程思想目录 第1章 对象导论 1.1 抽象过程 1.2 每个对象都有一个接口 1.3 每个对象都提供服务 1.4 被隐藏的具体实现 1.5 复用具体实现 1.6 继承 1.6.1 “是一个”(is-a)与“像是一个”(is-like-a)关系 1.7 伴随多态的可互换对象 1.8 单根继承结构 1.9 容器 1.9.1 参数化类型(范型) 1.10 对象的创建和生命期 1.11 异常处理:处理错误 1.12 并发编程 1.13 Java与Internet 1.13.1 Web是什么 1.13.2 客户端编程 1.13.3 服务器端编程 1.22 总结 第2章 一切都是对象 2.1 用引用操纵对象 2.2 必须由你创建所有对象 2.2.1 存储到什么地方 2.2.2 特例:基本类型 2.2.3 Java中的数组 2.3 永远不需要销毁对象 2.3.1 作用域 2.3.2 对象的作用域 2.4 创建新的数据类型:类 2.4.1 域和方法 2.4.2 基本成员默认值 2.5 方法、参数和返回值 2.5.1 参数列表 2.6 构建一个Java程序 2.6.1 名字可见性 2.6.2 运用其他构件 2.6.3 static 关键字 2.7 你的第一个Java程序 编译和运行 2.8 注释和嵌入式文档 2.8.1 注释文档 2.8.2 语法 2.8.3 嵌入式HTML 2.8.4 一些标签示例 2.8.5 文档示例 2.9 编码风格 2.10 总结 2.11 练习 第3章 操作符 3.1 更简单的打印语句 3.2 使用Java操作符 3.3 优先级 3.4 赋值 3.4.1 方法调用中的别名问题 3.5 算术操作符 3.5.1 一元加、减操作符 3.6 自动递增和递减 3.7 关系操作符 3.7.1 测试对象的等价性 3.8 逻辑操作符 3.8.1 短路 3.9 直接常量 3.9.1 指数记数法 3.10 按位操作符 3.11 移位操作符 3.12 三元操作符 if-else 3.13 字符串操作符 + 和 += 3.14 使用操作符时常犯的错误 3.15 类型转换操作符 3.15.1 截尾和舍入 3.15.2提升 3.16 Java没有“sizeof” 3.17 操作符小结 3.18 总结 第4章 控制执行流程 4.1 true和false 4.2 if-else 4.3 迭代 4.3.1 do-while 4.3.2 for 4.3.3 逗号操作符 4.4 Foreach语法 4.5 return 4.6 break和 continue 4.7 臭名昭著的“goto” 4.8 switch 4.9 总结 第5章 初始化与清理 5.1 用构造器确保初始化 5.2 方法重载 5.2.1 区分重载方法 5.2.2 涉及基本类型的重载 5.2.3 以返回值区分重载方法 5.3 缺省构造器 5.4 this关键字 5.4.1 在构造器中调用构造器 5.4.2 static的含义 5.5 清理:终结处理和垃圾回收 5.5.1 finalize()的用途何在 5.5.2 你必须实施清理 5.5.3 终结条件 5.5.4 垃圾回收器如何工作 5.6 成员初始化 5.6.1 指定初始化 5.7 构造器初始化 5.7.1 初始化顺序 5.7.2. 静态数据的初始化 5.7.3. 显式的静态初始化 5.7.4. 非静态实例初始化 5.8 数组初始化 5.8.1 可变参数列表 5.9 枚举类型 5.10 总结 第6章 访问权限控制 第7章 复用类 第8章 多态 第9章 接口 第10章 内部类 第11章 持有对象 第12章 通过异常处理错误 第13章 字符串 第14章 类型信息 第15章 泛型 第16章 数组 第17章 容器深入研究 第18章 Java I/O系统 第19章 枚举类型 第20章 注解 第21章 并发 第22章 图形化用户界面 附录A 补充材料 可下载的补充材料 Thinking in C:Java的基础 Java编程思想 研讨课 Hands-on Java研讨课CD Thinking in Objects研讨课 Thinking in Enterprise Java Thinking in Patterns(with Java) Thinking in Patterns研讨课 设计咨询与复审 附录B 资源
