• Keil V9.00安装软件

    破解方法: 1、先安装MDK412.exe,然后打开“File”的“License Management”拷贝CID编号。 2、打开KEIL_Lic.exe,“target”选择arm,如下图所示 3、把MDK4.12的CID编号粘贴 4、把上图红方框内生成的注册码,拷贝到下图的“New License ID Code”内,点击“AddLIC”就大功告成了。 5、如果截止日期太短的话,就继续用keil_Lic生成注册码注册就可以!!!! 到下图CID里面,点击“Generate”。 本人已经试用过,没有代码长度限制,可以无限期使用10年以上!! Keil uVision4(MDK4.12)软件下载地址,并有KEIL的注册机,可以完全破解!(注意有些杀毒软件把注册机当做病毒,安装时关掉杀毒软件就可以了) Keil uVision4(MDK4.12)破解图文教程: http://www.cr173.com/html/10581_1.html

  • nonlinear fiber optics third edition

    Forward It is with pleasure that I write this forward for the Chinese translation of my two books on fundamentals and applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics published in 2007 and 2008 by Academic Press,Elsevier.The first part,devoted to fundamentals aspects of Nonlinear Fiber Optics,has been expanded considerably from its previous editions.It contains two new chapters devoted to highly nonlinear fibers and supercontinuum generation. The second part of this book was published in English in 2008 as a separate book entitled “Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics.” As the name indicates,it deals with the applications and uses the fundamental concepts developed in the first part.This part has also been expanded considerably from its previous 2001 edition. The Optical Communication Group of Tianjin University is to be commended for undertaking this project and finishing it in a timely fashion.The same group translated the previous editions of my books published in 2001.I visited several universities in Beijing and Chengdu during my China trip in 2007.I learned during that trip that Chinese translation has been well received by both the Chinese scientists and students.This is certainly a reflection of the quality of the translation.I am confident that the new translation will preserve the quality and will be liked by everyone as much as the previous edition. I am pleased that my work is available to a wide audience in China,and I thank the translators and the Chinese publisher for making this possible.Thanks are also due to the U.S.Publisher,Academic Press,for granting the permission for this translation. Govind P.Agrawal Rochester,New York,USA December 2009
