• The Web Designer’s Roadmap

    This book comprises the following seven chapters. Chapter 1: Beauty, Creativity, and Inspiration By way of an introduction, I’ll explain the book’s broader concepts and establish the general terminology we’ll be using. The book’s ongoing project, Spectrumagic, is presented, where I’ll set expectations about what you’ll be learning. We’ll also look at the relevance of the study of aesthetics, creative processes, and where to find inspiration. Chapter 2: It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over: A Bit of Design History Here, I’ll present a brief history of design and show how the design process has changed over the years. In particular, I’ll focus on the Modernist and Postmodernist eras to provide a context for the chapters that follow, as well as lay the groundwork for common design patterns. Chapter 3: Gathering Resources: That Rucksack Has a Lot of Pockets This chapter covers some practical lessons when deciding on the look of your design. It will include the discovery process, which involves learning from other disciplines, and resource gathering, which encompasses mood boards, color palettes, and storyboards. Chapter 4: Form and Function Now we’ll learn about assessing the structural and technical needs of a website and its design. We’ll look at the design’s purpose, and how to best communicate interaction and hierarchy. Areas covered are designing for multiple form factors including mobile sites, responsive design, wireframes, strategy, and content grayboxing. Chapter 5: Design Patterns: Tried and Trusted Solutions Programming design patterns are proven solutions to problems that arise while developing applications. Web design also has its share of issues. In this chapter, we’ll look at the most common design patterns, and possible use cases for when and how they should be implemented. Chapter 6: Conceptual Design and Our Color Project First, we’ll address conceptual design and how we arrive at a theme that informs the design process. We’ll look at a real-life example and cover topics such as designing the interface, art direction, and creative association. Then, we’ll delve into our Spectrumagic project, implementing what we’ve learned. Along the way, we’ll introduce the modern marvel that is style tiles and the notion of intuitive design. Chapter 7: Designing in the Wild Understanding the limitations of web-based technologies and how to overcome them is a necessary part of implementing designs. Often, a little knowledge ahead of time can help to shape a design and make front-end development easier. We’ll also examine progressive enhancement and look at some fancy tools and apps that should make your designing life easier

  • pythom's document

    the document is about installation of pythom 3.2.3 in detail

  • plone 4.2.1

    Plone是基于Zope的最主要的平台,Zope是一个非常优秀的应用服务器。原生开发语言是Python。 python是一个脚本语言,它可以完成其他语言所能完成的大部分工作,但它易学,维护成本低,开发效率比其他语言快几倍,语法结构较好,和其他语言有很好的兼容性。 2. 在国外Python的应用领域很多集中在计算机科学方面 Plone 带有一个工作流引擎、预先配置的安全和角色系统、一组内容类型和多语言支持。 1. Plone适合用作内部网/外部网的服务器、文档发布系统、门户服务器和异地协同的群件工具。Plone是一个“万能型”的软件产品可以用于很多方面。 2. 灵活使用 1) 整洁、雅致的导航框架 依赖于文件夹和内容视图,而不是html文档链接(需要更新)。受益于导航快捷方式(如公告栏,显示最近几天创建和修改的对象,避免了要浏览整个站点才能找到这些对象)的帮助 2) 可创建复杂结构文档的简单工具 如PIQ和UPC表单,每个文档的不同部分对不同的观众可见,可定制的确认路径 第一个特性使基于Plone的站点可以简单,快速的开始使用。第二个特性使它易于管理,不像其他CMS更多的构思发布而不是内容的处理。 3. 功能强大 1) 强大的工作流引擎 使您的业务流程成为文档工作流的一部分 - 同时附加了“傻瓜型”的安全管理。 2) 速度和可扩容性 自带负载均衡和智能缓存代理集成功能 3) 安全且富有弹性 细粒度的、基于角色的安全模型,使您的内容更加安全可靠。Plone的权限沙箱架构确保您的系统有安全漏洞,入侵者将不可能访问您的服务器或者您的网络。 4) 信息聚合和分发 聪明的文件夹,聪明地更新内容。Plone自动地从文件夹、搜索结果等中生成RSS聚合信息 - 这是站在信息爆炸最前沿和定制信息分发的最理想方式。 4. 符合标准 1) 符合可访问性标准 满足或者超过了针对视力和行动伤残人士的美国政府508条款和W3C的WAI-AA标准。为了在所有的浏览器上运行,所有的JavaScript使用都有一个替换的模式。 2) 优异的搜索引擎可见性 100%有效的XHTML和CSS可良好满足搜索引擎和web浏览器的需要。Plone站点在Google的搜索结果中一直保持着很高的等级 3) 和其它系统良好集成 LDAP,SQL,SOAP,Web服务(WSDL)和WebDAV -Plone 都可以结合它们一起工作 4) 可插件扩展的认证机制 很容易和LDAP、活动目录和SQL数据库集成。你要你能说出来,Plone就能和他交互。 5. 成熟 Plone发展已有五年多了。 应用 业绩:2002年,zope2被评为Linux jurnal最佳应用服务器。 Plone被eWeek评定为2004年度10个最佳产品; Plone的开发平台特性,使其可以在内容管理、项目管理、知识管理等更多地企业应用方面满足要求。典型应用:迪斯尼、ebay、诺基亚、摩托罗拉、美国航空航天局、美国海军、北约组织、美洲银行…;中国国内有网易、中国文化部、中国电信、上海航空、国机集团。

  • python 3.2.3

