• Python核心编程第二版

    Python 是一门优雅而健壮的编程语言,它继承了传统编译语言的强大性和通用性,同时也借鉴了简单脚本和解释语言的易用性。它可以帮你完成工作,而且一段时间以后,你还能看明 白自己写的这段代码。你会对自己如此快地学会它和它强大的功能感到十分的惊讶,更不用提你已经完成的工作了!只有你想不到,没有Python 做不到

  • 计算机网络(第四版)英文原版

    This book is now in its fourth edition. Each edition has corresponded to a different phase in the way computer networks were used. When the first edition appeared in 1980, networks were an academic curiosity. When the second edition appeared in 1988, networks were used by universities and large businesses. When the third edition appeared in 1996, computer networks, especially the Internet, had become a daily reality for millions of people. The new item in the fourth edition is the rapid growth of wireless networking in many forms. The networking picture has changed radically since the third edition. In the mid-1990s, numerous kinds of LANs and WANs existed, along with multiple protocol stacks. By 2003, the only wired LAN in widespread use was Ethernet, and virtually all WANs were on the Internet. Accordingly, a large amount of material about these older networks has been removed. However, new developments are also plentiful. The most important is the huge increase in wireless networks, including 802.11, wireless local loops, 2G and 3G cellular networks, Bluetooth, WAP, i-mode, and others. Accordingly, a large amount of material has been added on wireless networks. Another newly-important topic is security, so a whole chapter on it has been added.

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