• PaxCompiler.v.4.2-10.3RIO

    paxCompiler is an embedable compiler of the Object Pascal, Basic and JavaScript programming languages. The key features of the paxCompiler are: The compiler generates machine code for Intel compatible processors (IA-32/64 architecture). The second script runner is a cross-platform interpreter based on intermediate code. Supported platforms are Win32/Win64, Linux, Android, Mac OS, iOS Simulator, iOS Device. The compiler is written in Delphi and it is compatible with Free Pascal/Lazarus 32/64 bit. It is possible to use the compiler as a scripting engine, so you can customize and extend the application without having to recompile it. The compiler supports Object Pascal language based on the Delphi 7 standard and extends it with generic types, operator overloading, anonymous functions and closures, lambda-expressions. Syntax of Basic language is similar to VB.NET. JavaScript implementation is based on ECMA-262 standard. Cross-language programming support. You can use Pascal units in Basic and JavaScript programs and vice versa. COM support. paxCompiler components allows you to implement debugger and code explorer. Script-defined types support run-time information (RTTI). You can bind instances of script-defined classes with dfm files. You can import host-defined types with paxCompiler importer. Automatic import of host-defined types is available for Delphi XE2-XE5. You can create stand alone executable files and dlls. Support of compiled units and run-time packages. paxCompiler engine is thread safe. The roadmap of the compiler includes: Java compiler, C++ compiler, built-in assembler.

  • EurekaLog_7.5.1.0_Enterprise_for_Delphi_10.3_Full_Source_FiXED

    EurekaLog对Delphi C ++ BuilderC#和Delphi Prism开发者来说是一个完整的错误解决方案工具,让您的应用程序捕捉每一个异常和内存泄漏,直接在最终用户的PC上,生成一个详细的日志调用堆栈(文件,类,方法和行号),可选择性地通过电子邮件发送每个日志项的副本或发送到一个web错误跟踪器

  • Woll2Woll FirePower Source Code v12.0.4.1 for Rio

    Woll2Woll Firepower has tremendous advantages as it comes with the most intuitive and powerful components for RAD Studio FireMonkey. You can build one powerful and expressive app that runs smoothly on all your devices: iPhones and iPads, Android phones and tablets, Linux Systems (using FMXLinux), and MacBooks and Windows computers.

  • Woll2Woll_1stClass_4K_v20.0.0.1_Full_Source_10.3_Rio

    NEW - With 1stClass 4k Rio, you will build state-of-the-art VCL applications that look beautiful on high-resolution monitors. Say goodbye to fuzzy or tiny fonts and glyphs. Now integrate with 10.3 Rio's new TVirtualImageList so that your app looks great on all monitors. ​ Prior versions of 1stClass would not scale text or images correctly for High-DPI, making the applications almost unusable for your end-users who use hi-res monitors. Now recompile with our new 4K update and your apps are transformed!

  • Woll2Woll InfoPower Studio v20.0.2.3 for XE10.3 RIO

    Our award-winning InfoPower for Delphi VCL library is the most popular suite of components for building front ends for database applications. NEW - With InfoPower 4k Rio, you will build state-of-the-art VCL applications that look beautiful on high-resolution monitors. Say goodbye to fuzzy or tiny fonts and glyphs. Now integrate with 10.3 Rio's new TVirtualImageList so that your app looks great on all monitors. ​ Prior versions of InfoPower would not scale text or images correctly for High-DPI, making the applications almost unusable for your end-users who use hi-res monitors.

  • AlphaControls_14.14_Stable

    * Added SideShadow.ShadowSize property in the TsPanel and TsSplitView components * Added ImgGrayed property in the TsCheckBox component * Added AutoChildrenStates property in the TsGroupBox component * Added TitleBtnsWidth property in the TsMonthCalendar and TsDateEdit components * Added TransparentForMouse property in labels * Added PosByClick property in the TsTrackBar and TsTrackEdit components * Published new AMegaDemo demonstration program * A lot of minor improvements and bugfixes * Warning! For automatic support of High DPI mode default value of the TsSkinManager.Options.ScaleMode property was changed to smVCL (smAuto for old Delpni versions)

  • Advanced Data Export 4.15 10.3 Rio

    Version 4.15.0 1. Implemented support of RAD Studio 10.3 Rio. 2. Encoding for XML files has been added. 3. The error occurred on exporting data into XLSX with custom export source and AutoCalcColWidth property set to True. Fixed now. 4. Invalid XLS file structure was created with AutoCalcColWidth property set to True. Fixed now. 5. XLS. The error occurred if Sheets property contained only one element. Fixed now. 6. XLS. Temporary files were created in the application folder, which resulted in access errors in some cases. Fixed now. 7. DoExport method didn’t work correctly if more than 65536 rows were processed. Fixed now. 8. Headers and footers for print page in XLS were not displayed correctly. Fixed now. 9. EDatabaseError exception occurred on executing the TCustomSQLDataSet.GetRecordCount method. Fixed now. 10. Custom values for ThousandSeparator property were not saved in the configuration file. Fixed now. 11. ODS. Date and time values were not exported correctly. Fixed now.

  • Advanced Data Import 3.11 10.3 Rio

    Version 3.11.0 1. Implemented support for RAD Studio 10.3 Rio. 2. The OnImportCheckField event handler added to the TQImport3Wizard component. 3. Import into BLOB columns implemented. 4. New SAX XML parser implemented to improve processing of big files. 5. XLS. Import supports 1904 date system now. 6. The ColCount property of the TXlsxWorkSheet class is calculated correctly now. 7. Content of JScript editor was not saved to a template file. Fixed now. 8. JScript didn’t save mapping to a selected field. Fixed now. 9. Import settings were not saved if AutoSaveTemplate and CloseAfterImport properties were set to True. Fixed now. 10. Null values were not replaced correctly with custom values. Fixed now. 11. Now empty strings ('') are stored correctly in the configuration file.

  • SQLPrompt_9.4.6.7396破解版

    You can automatically fix BP022 issues in your script. "Check for Updates" renders as a popup in the bottom right rather than as a big modal. User can dismiss the popup, setting it to remind them tomorrow, in a week or skip the version entirely. SP-6956 : PE017 correctly considers the following functions as built-in system ones: CONCAT CONCAT_WD FORMAT TRANSLATE TRIM DATEFROMPARTS SP-7366 : Fixed crash in 'Insert semicolons' that could occur when running formatting. SP-7367 : Fixed issue with highlighting issues in list of issues with no script windows open sometimes throwing an error.

  • AlphaControls v14.11 Stable released

    08.12.2018 AlphaControls v14.11 Stable released * Added Padding, ShowDropDownBtn and ShowNextPrev properties in the TsPageControl component * Added TitleHeight property in the TsMonthCalendar and TsDateEdit components * Many improvements in scaling 29.11.2018 AlphaControls v14.10 Stable released * Added Stretched property in the TsSlider component * Added Padding and VerticalAlignment properties in the TsEdit, TsTrackEdit, SpinEdits and ComboEdits * Added ButtonWidth property in SpinEdits and ComboEdits * Added support of RAD Studio 10.3 Rio * Many minor improvements

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