• Socket.IO Real-time Web Application Development

    Real-time web applications have traditionally been a challenging thing to achieve, relying on hacks and illusions. Many people avoid going real-time under the assumption of the complexity involved. This book will show you how to build modern, real-time web applications powered by Socket.IO, introducing you to various features of Socket.IO and walking you through the development, hosting, and scaling of a chat server.

  • Pro Hibernate and MongoDB

    This book covers all the important aspects of developing Hibernate OGM-MongoDB applications. It provides clear instructions for getting the most out of the Hibernate OGM-MongoDB duo and offers many examples of integrating Hibernate OGM by means of both the Hibernate Native API and the Java Persistence API. You will learn how to develop desktop, web, and enterprise applications for the most popular web and enterprise servers, such as Tomcat, JBoss AS, and Glassfish AS. You’ll see how to take advantage of Hibernate OGM-MongoDB together with many common technologies, such as JSF, Spring, Seam, EJB, and more. Finally, you’ll learn how to migrate to the cloud—MongoHQ, MongoLab, and OpenShift.

  • Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java 8 with JUnit

    Unit testing is when you (a programmer) write test code to verify units of code. The size of a unit isn’t precisely defined, so we’ll view a unit as a small bit of code that exhibits some useful behavior in your system. A unit on its own usually doesn’t represent complete end-to-end behavior. It instead represents some small subset of that end-to-end-behavior. We’re coding in Java, so we write our unit tests in Java, too. We run these unit tests through JUnit, a tool that marks our tests as passing or failing.

  • Practical-Unit-Testing-with-JUnit-and-Mockito

    There are already a few really good books devoted to developers’ tests in bookstores, so why write another one? Here are several reasons for doing so: The world keeps on moving forward. Progress never stops. There are still ideas emerging in the testing area. New frameworks. New approaches. New tools. Old techniques are being forgotten, rediscovered and mixed with newly invented ones. New concepts force us to rethink existing paradigms and come up with solutions that are better suited to the constantly changing IT environment. Lack of knowledge. In spite of all the books, seminars, JUG meetings, conferences, podcasts, articles, blog entries and forum discussions I deal with, I still meet many developers who have only a very vague idea of what developers’ testing is and how to do it. There is definitely still room for improvement in this area.

  • Object-Oriented JavaScript - Second Edition

    This is the second edition of the highly rated book Object-Oriented JavaScript by Stoyan Stefanov, Packt Publishing. After the release of the first edition, in the last five years, JavaScript has moved from being mostly used in browsers for client-side technologies to being used even on server side. This edition explores the "language side" of JavaScript. The stress is on the standards part of the language. The book talks about ECMA Script, Object-Oriented JS, patterns, prototypal inheritance, and design patterns. The book doesn't assume any prior knowledge of JavaScript and works from the ground up to give you a thorough understanding of the language. People who know the language will still find it useful and informative. Exercises at the end of the chapters help you assess your understanding.

  • Node.js+in+Practice

    When Node.js arrived in 2009, we knew something was different. JavaScript on the server wasn’t anything new. In fact, server-side JavaScript has existed almost as long as clientside JavaScript. With Node, the speed of the JavaScript runtimes, coupled with the eventbased parallelism that many JavaScript programmers were already familiar with, were indeed compelling. And not just for client-side JavaScript developers, which was our background—Node attracted developers from the systems level to various server-side backgrounds, PHP to Ruby to Java. We all found ourselves inside this movement. At that time, Node was changing a lot, but we stuck with it and learned a whole lot in the process. From the start, Node focused on making a small, low-level core library that would provide enough functionality for a large, diverse user space to grow. Thankfully, this large and diverse user space exists today because of these design decisions early on. Node is a lot more stable now and used in production for numerous startups as well as established enterprises. When Manning approached us about writing an intermediate-level book on Node, we looked at the lessons we had learned as well as common pitfalls and struggles we saw in the Node community. Although we loved the huge number of truly excellent third-party modules available to developers, we noticed many developers were getting less and less education on the core foundations of Node. So we set out to write Node in Practice to journey into the roots and foundations of Node in a deep and thorough manner, as well as tackle many issues we personally have faced and have seen others wrestle with.

  • MongoDB The Definitive Guide_2ndEdition

    In Chapter 1 we provide background about MongoDB: why it was created, the goals it is trying to accomplish, and why you might choose to use it for a project. We go into more detail in Chapter 2, which provides an introduction to the core concepts and vocabulary of MongoDB. Chapter 2 also provides a first look at working with MongoDB, getting you started with the database and the shell. The next two chapters cover the basic material that developers need to know to work with MongoDB. In Chapter 3, we describe how to perform those basic write operations, including how to do them with different levels of safety and speed. Chapter 4 explains how to find documents and create complex queries. This chapter also covers how to iterate through results and gives options for limiting, skipping, and sorting results.

  • Mercury.Learning.Information.jQuery.Pocket.Primer

    This book endeavors to provide you with as much up-to-date information as possible regarding jQuery that can be reasonably included in a book consisting of roughly 200 pages. You need some familiarity with HTML Web pages and JavaScript, but no prior knowledge of jQuery is required.

  • Junit_Recipes中文版

    程序员测试并不是对程序员进行测试,而是有关程序员所进行的测试工作。近几年,一些编程人 员发现如果自己去编写测试程序会带来很多好处,这种好处是以前“让测试部门来管”所 没有的。修 正错误非常困难,主要是因为花时间太多:不仅测试人员需要花很多时间来发现错误,并且要给程 序人员提供足够的信息来重现这个错误;编程人员也要 花费很多时间,从几个月前看过的代码中找 到错误产生的原因。还有很多时间花在讨论这些究竟是不是一个错误,弄清楚为什么程序员会犯如此 幼稚的错误,是不是 测试人员干扰了他们的工作?是不是需要让测试人员远离程序员而不去打扰他 们等等。如果程序员自己测试他们自己的代码,那么就可以节省很多时间。

  • Jump Start Bootstrap

    This book is suitable for beginner to intermediate level web designers and developers. Experience of HTML and CSS is assumed, and some knowledge of JavaScript is helpful.
