• Javascript.Web.Applications Develop:JavaScrip MVC开发

    JavaScript has come a long way from its humble beginnings in 1995 as part of the Netscape browser, to the high-performance JIT interpreters of today. Even just five years ago developers were blown away by Ajax and the yellow fade technique; now, complex JavaScript apps run into the hundreds of thousands of lines. In the last year, a new breed of JavaScript applications has appeared, giving an expe- rience people were used to on the desktop, but that was unheard of on the Web. Gone are the slow page requests every time a user interacts with an application; instead, JavaScript engines are now so powerful we can keep state client side, giving a much more responsive and improved experience. It’s not just JavaScript engines that have improved; CSS3 and HTML5 specs haven’t finished the drafting stage, but they are already widely supported by modern browsers such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and—to some extent—IE9. Beautiful interfaces can be coded in a fraction of the time previously required, and without all that notorious image cutting and splicing. Support for HTML5 and CSS3 is getting better every day, but you’ll need to decide—based on your client base—whether to use these technologies. Moving state to the client side is no simple task. It requires a completely different development approach to server-side applications. You need to think about structure, templating, communicating with the server, frameworks, and much more. That’s where this book comes in; I’ll take you through all the steps necessary to create state-of-the- art JavaScript applications.

  • 最佳实践:JavaScript源码示例及课件(JavaScript视频教程)

    Top JavaScript视频教程附件 JavaScript源码示例及课件,包含大量JavaScript示例代码,方便学习 课件目录: . ├── 1.JavaScript快速入门 │   ├── 1.JavaScript前世今生,HelloWorld与开发环境.htm │   ├── 2.变量,小学生数学与简单的交互.htm │   ├── 3.分支判断与循环.htm │   ├── 4.函数与内置对象.htm │   ├── 5.数组与对象.htm │   └── 6.Script标签与访问HTML页面.htm ├── 2.ECMAScript语法 │   ├── 1.语法基础.htm │   ├── 2.值,类型与类型转换.htm │   ├── 3.引用类型.htm │   ├── 4.运算符,语句.htm │   ├── 5.正则表达式.htm │   └── 6.函数式与面向对象.htm ├── 3.BOM和DOM │   ├── 10.Cookie.htm │   ├── 11.总结.htm │   ├── 12.范围.htm │   ├── 1.BOM.htm │   ├── 2.DOM基础.htm │   ├── 3.节点.htm │   ├── 4.表单.htm │   ├── 5.表格.htm │   ├── 6.事件(上).htm │   ├── 7.事件(下).htm │   ├── 8.样式.htm │   ├── 9.定位.htm │   └── Demo ├── 4.Ajax │   ├── 1.Ajax简介.htm │   ├── 2.XHR.htm │   ├── 3.XML基础.htm │   ├── 4.浏览器中的XML.htm │   ├── 5.XPath.htm │   ├── 6.XSLT基础.htm │   ├── Demo │   └── ISO 639语言标识符.txt

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