• (vb2010 24小时自学成材)Teach.Yourself.Visual.Basic.2010.in.24.Hours.May.2010

    初级入门书籍,是最新版本的。2010年5月份出版,专门针对vb2010。 是一个经典的入门书。零分奉上。 觉得好记得评论

  • Packtpub.Oracle.JRockit.The.Definitive.Guide.Jun.2010(JRockit最终指导)

    2010年6月刚出版的新书。 是对Jrockit终极指导,读者应该是有经验的java程序员,想更深入理解jvm,那么这本书就是正确,因为这本书是jvm终极指导。。。 这是原书的话This book is for anyone with a working knowledge of Java, such as developers or administrators with experience from a few years of professional Java development or from managing larger Java installations. 不要分啦,好书免分下,好的话记得评论。谢谢,希望对大家有帮助。

  • Sams.Visual.Basic.2010.Unleashed.May.2010.part2(VB2010VB2010VB2010)

    这个是书的第二部分。第一部分请到http://download.csdn.net/source/2468344下载。 Sams.Visual.Basic.2010.Unleashed.May.2010是2010年5月17日sams最新出版的针对vb2010的经典书籍,unleashed系列已经是很多版本了,多次获奖的好书。解压以后是35M,足见信息量的充足和介绍的到位。更难能可贵的是书的最后是有高级部分,对于理解vb2010很有帮助。而不像其他的入门书籍一样介绍皮毛就了事。 希望对大家有帮助,这是书的第二部分。

  • Sams.Visual.Basic.2010.Unleashed.May.2010.part1

    Sams.Visual.Basic.2010.Unleashed.May.2010.part1是2010年5月17日sams最新出版的针对vb2010的经典书籍,unleashed系列已经是很多版本了,多次获奖的好书。解压以后是35M,足见信息量的充足和介绍的到位。更难能可贵的是书的最后是有高级部分,对于理解vb2010很有帮助。而不像其他的入门书籍一样介绍皮毛就了事。 希望对大家有帮助,这是书的第一部分。

  • Adobe.Photoshop.CS5.on.Demand.May.2010.part2.rar

    最新的photoshop教学。是英文原版的。但是如果要成为高手就应该坚持看英文版。 这个是2010年5月份出版的,最新最好。书共分两部分,这是第2部分。 最新教程的好处不用多说了吧。有耐心就一定会先人一步。

  • Adobe.Photoshop.CS5.on.Demand.May.2010.part1.rar

    最新的photoshop教学。是英文原版的。但是如果要成为高手就应该坚持看英文版。 这个是2010年5月份出版的,最新最好。书共分两部分,这是第一部分。 最新教程的好处不用多说了吧。有耐心就一定会先人一步。第二部分找不到可以搜索关键字demand

  • C#C#C#C#C#C# - Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform 5th Edition

    c#2010 是 apress 2010年5月出版的最新版高级C#教程,同时又照顾初学者,对于想成为2010 C#高手和理解.net4.0都很有帮助。 以下是原版介绍,我看过了,很不错。不要分。好书不多说。多次获奖。 Product Description The first edition of this book was released at the 2001 Tech-Ed conference in Atlanta, Georgia. At that time, the .NET platform was still a beta product, and in many ways, so was this book. This is not to say that the early editions of this text did not have merit—after all, the book was a 2002 Jolt Award finalist and it won the 2003 Referenceware Excellence Award. However, over the years that author Andrew Troelsen spent working with the common language runtime (CLR), he gained a much deeper understanding of the .NET platform and the subtleties of the C# programming language, and he feels that this fifth edition of the book is as close to a “final release” as he’s come yet. This new edition has been comprehensively revised and rewritten to make it accurately reflect the C# 4 language specification for the .NET 4 platform. You’ll find new chapters covering the important concepts of dynamic lookups, named and optional arguments, Parallel LINQ (PLINQ), improved COM interop, and variance for generics. If you’re checking out this book for the first time, do understand that it’s targeted at experienced software professionals and/or graduate students of computer science (so don’t expect three chapters on iteration or decision constructs!). The mission of this text is to provide you with a rock-solid foundation in the C# programming language and the core aspects of the .NET platform (assemblies, remoting, Windows Forms, Web Forms, ADO.NET, XML web services, etc.). Once you digest the information presented in these 25 chapters, you’ll be in a perfect position to apply this knowledge to your specific programming assignments, and you’ll be well equipped to explore the .NET universe on your own terms. What you’ll learn Be the first to understand the .NET 4 platform and Visual C# 2010. Discover the ins and outs of the leading .NET technology. Learn from an award-winning author who has been teaching the .NET world since version 1.0. Find complete coverage of the WPF, WCF, and WF foundations that support the core .NET platform. Who is this book for? This book is for anyone with some software development experience who is interested in the new .NET Framework 4 and the C# language. Whether you are moving to .NET for the first time or are already writing applications on .NET 2.0 or .NET 3.5, this book will provide you with a comprehensive grounding in the new technology and serve as a complete reference throughout your coding career. About the Apress Pro Series The Apress Pro series books are practical, professional tutorials to keep you on and moving up the professional ladder. You have gotten the job, now you need to hone your skills in these tough competitive times. The Apress Pro series expands your skills and expertise in exactly the areas you need. Master the content of a Pro book, and you will always be able to get the job done in a professional development project. Written by experts in their field, Pro series books from Apress give you the hard–won solutions to problems you will face in your professional programming career. About the Author Andrew Troelsen is a partner, trainer, and consultant at Intertech-Inc., and is a leading authority on both .NET and COM. His book Pro C# 2005 and the .NET 2.0 Platform won the prestigious 2003 Referenceware Excellence Award and is now in its third edition. Also of note are his earlier five-star treatment of traditional COM in the bestselling Developer’s Workshop to COM and ATL mirrored in his book, COM and .NET Interoperability, and his top-notch investigation of VB .NET in Visual Basic .NET and the .NET Platform: An Advanced Guide. Troelsen has a degree in mathematical linguistics and South Asian studies from the University of Minnesota and is a frequent speaker at numerous .NET-related conferences. He currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with his wife, Amanda, and spends his free time investigating .NET and waiting for the Wild to win the Stanley Cup. You can check out his blog here: Troelsen’s Tutorials Product Details Hardcover: 1752 pages Publisher: Apress; 5 edition (May 7, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430225491 ISBN-13: 978-1430225492

  • Windows System Programming, 4th Edition,原版超清晰pdf

    Windows System Programming, Fourth Edition 有书签,超清新。2010年最新出版的,windows编程必看之书 * Leveraging parallelism and maximizing performance in multicore systems * Promoting source code portability and application interoperability across Windows, Linux, and UNIX * Using 64-bit address spaces and ensuring 64-bit/32-bit portability * Improving performance and scalability using threads, thread pools, and completion ports * Techniques to improve program reliability and performance in all systems * Windows performance-enhancing API features available starting with Windows Vista, such as slim reader/writer locks and condition variables Product Details Hardcover: 656 pages Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 4 edition (February 26, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 0321657748 ISBN-13: 978-0321657749

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