• wxPython 2.8 Application Development Cookbook (含源码)

    What you will learn from this book Set up the wx main frame by adding your own Frame class to the application Create two stage widgets by using a three step process Set up an event handler, customize, receive and handle events by using custom controls and event propagation Create tooltips with rich content and add tooltips to controls Retrieve information from users using common Dialogs Enhance design and layout, hide and show controls dynamically during runtime by using sizers Create a custom XRC resource handler class to use custom widget classes in XRC Simplify window layout using the SizedControls library Draw basic shapes in a Device Context and draw gradients with ease by using a GraphicsContext Design a custom dialog class Make multi-threaded wxPython applications Capture output from other applications and display it in a wxPython GUI Access platform specific application and resource directories using wxStandardPaths Embed images into python files using wxPython's embedded image tool and classes Add robust exception handling to an application Bundle a wxPython application for distribution making your applications interface translatable

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