• Gabor 滤波器

    % Gabor Features in Signal and Image Processing Toolbox % Version 0 1 R12 01 Jan 2002 % % 1 D Gabor filtering % gfcreatefilter Create normalized 1 D Gabor filter in the time domain % gfcreatefilterf Create normalized 1 D Gabor filter in the frequency domain % gfcheckfilter Check filter parameters % gfplotfiltersf Plot 1 D normalized Gabor filters in the frequency domain % % 2 D Gabor filtering basic functionality % gfcreatefilter2 Create normalized 2 D Gabor filter in the spatial domain % gfcreatefilterf2 Create normalized 2 D Gabor filter in the frequency domain % gfcheckfilter2 Check filter parameters % gfrespf2 2 D filter response using frequency domain filters % gfequalorientations Equally spaced orientations % gfnormrespf2 2 D filter response using frequency domain filters REPLACED % % 2 D Gabor features special feature manipulation % gfcreateinformationdiagram2 Information diagram of a 2 D signal % gffindfundamentalfreqs Find fundamental frequencies of an image %">% Gabor Features in Signal and Image Processing Toolbox % Version 0 1 R12 01 Jan 2002 % % 1 D Gabor filtering % gfcreatefilter Create normalized 1 D Gabor filter in the time domain % gfcreatefilterf Create normalized 1 D Gabor filter in the frequency domain % gf [更多]

  • 遗传算法工具箱

    The Genetic Algorithm Toolbox for MATLAB was developed at the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering of The University of Sheffield, UK, in order to make GA's accessible to the control engineer within the framework of a existing computer-aided control system design package. The toolbox was written with the support of a UK SERC grant, and the final version (v1.2) was completed in 1994.

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