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- https://stacksocial.com/sales/the-complete-computer-vision-course-with-python Have you ever wondered how things like self-driving cars, Google image searches, Snapchat and Instagram filters are created? While there are many answers to this question, the umbrella answer is computer vision. In this course, you'll use Python to build a variety of tools that reflect the broad range of computer vision techniques. These technologies are powering the next generation of consumer and enterprise applications and the time to jump in the game is now! -Access 43 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7 -Build a receipt segmenter to find text in an image -Count coins & dollar bills in an image after creating a currency counter -Find Legend of Zelda rupees using a pattern matching algorithm -Design a face swapping app -Discuss the mathematical theory & processes behind computer vision -Understand fundamental computer vision & image processing techniques0 98浏览会员免费
- https://www.lynda.com/Python-tutorials/OpenCV-Python-Developers/601786-2.html OpenCV for Python Developers Author Patrick W. Crawford Released 9/22/2017 OpenCV is an open-source toolkit for advanced computer vision. It is one of the most popular tools for facial recognition, used in a wide variety of security, marketing, and photography applications, and it powers a lot of cutting-edge tech, including augmented reality and robotics. This course offers Python developers a detailed introduction to OpenCV 3, starting with installing and configuring your Mac, Windows, or Linux development environment along with Python 3. Learn about the data and image types unique to OpenCV, and find out how to manipulate pixels and images. Instructor Patrick W. Crawford also shows how to read video streams as inputs, and create custom real-time video interfaces. Then comes the real power of OpenCV: object, facial, and feature detection. Learn how to leverage the image-processing power of OpenCV using methods like template matching and machine learning data to identify and recognize features. Topics include: Installing and configuring OpenCV Data types and structures Image types Manipulating pixels Scaling and rotating images Using video inputs Creating custom interfaces Thresholding Object detection Face and feature detection Template matching Skill Level Intermediate 2h 35m Duration0 1013浏览会员免费
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