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- Sol大小:2MBSol Reader是为方便Flash设计人员读取SharedObject数据而设计的。 对象结构以树形结构显示,并能在树上标识出每一个成员的值类型。成员值则直接显示在结果文本框内。 支持常用的类型,如:Number,String,Boolean,Object等数据类型。 Sol Reader是在FlashPlayer 10 + Ms xml 3.0环境开发。如不能使用请检查您环境是否正确。 通常情况下,SharedObject 生成的数据文件存放于 <系统盘>:\Documents and Settings\<用户名>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\<8字符随机目录> 然后下面就是<网站域名>\<网站上的路径>\<对象名>.sol 值得一提的就是#localhost表是本地WebServer,localhost表示本地文件系统。Sol Reader是为方便Flash设计人员读取SharedObject数据而设计的。 对象结构以树形结构显示,并能在树上标识出每一个成员的值类型。成员值则直接显示在结果文本框内。 支持常用的类型,如:Number,String,Boolean,Object等数据类型。 Sol Reader是在FlashPlayer 10 + Ms xml 3.0环境开发。如不能使用请检查您环境是否正确。 通常情况下,SharedObject 生成的数据文件存放于 <系统盘>:\Documents and Settings\<用户名>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\<8字符随机目录> 然后下面就是<网站域名>\<网站上的路径>\<对象名>.sol 值得一提的就是#localhost表是本地WebServer,localhost表示本地文件系统。4 490浏览会员免费
- flash大小:101KB服务器端利用 PHP插件 生成标签云数据,页面用 flash 3D效果展示标签,效果很爽的,放在自己博客格外吸引眼球。 查看效果: http://www.roytanck.com/about-my-themes/donations/ 下面是详细: ------------------------------------------------------------ === Plugin Name === Contributors: weefselkweekje Donate link: http://www.roytanck.com/about-my-themes/donations/ Tags: tag cloud, flash, sphere, categories, widget Requires at least: 2.3 Tested up to: 2.6.3 Stable tag: 1.17 WP-Cumulus displays your tags and/or categories in 3D by placing them on a rotating sphere. == Description == WP-Cumulus allows you to display your site's tags, categories or both using a Flash movie that rotates them in 3D. It works just like a regular tags cloud, but is more visually exciting. Clicking the tags can be a little hard (depending on your speed setting) but does take you to the appropriate page :). The sources code for the Flash movie are available from wordpress.org. == Installation == = Installation = 1. Make sure you're running WordPress version 2.3 or better. It won't work with older versions. Really. 1. Download the zip file and extract the contents. 1. Upload the 'wp-cumulus' folder to your plugins directory (wp-content/plugins/). 1. Activate the plugin through the 'plugins' page in WP. 1. See 'Options->WP Cumulus' to adjust things like display size, etc... = In order to actually display the tag cloud, you have three options. = 1. Create a page or post and type [WP-CUMULUS] anywhere in the content. This 'tag' will be replaced by the flash movie when viewing the page. 1. Add the following code anywhere in your theme to display the cloud. `<?php wp_cumulus_insert(); ?>` This can be used to add WP Cumulus to your sidebar, although it may not actually be wide enough in many cases to keep the tags readable. 1. The plugin adds a widget, so you can place it on your sidebar through 'Design'->'Widgets'. The widget uses a separate set of settings, so it's possible to have different background colors, sizes, etc. == Frequently Asked Questions == = My theme/site appears not to like this plugin. It's not displaying correctly. = There are a number of things that may prevent WP-Cumulus from displaying or cause it to display a short message about how it needs the Flash plugin. * In 99% of all cases where this happens the issue is caused by markup errors in the page where the plugin is used. Please validate your blog using [validator.w3.org](http://validator.w3.org) and fix any errors you may encounter. * Older versions had issues with PHP 5.2 (or better). This has been fixed, so please upgrade to the latest version. * The plugin requires Flash Player 9 or better and javascript. Please make sure you have both. * There have been some cases where WordPress' Automatic Plugin Upgrade feature breaks the plugin. After upgrading the plugin the Flash movie would be corrupt for some users. If this happens to you, please try disabling and reinstalling the plugin (through FTP). = Hey, but what about SEO? = I'm not sure how beneficial tag clouds are when it comes to SEO, but just in case WP Cumulus outputs the regular tag cloud (and/or categories listing) for non-flash users. This means that search engines will see the same links. = I'd like to change something in the Flash movie, will you release the .fla? = As of version 1.12 the source code is available from wordpress.org under the GP license. Click "other versions" and get the developer version. = Some of my tags occasionally hit the sides of the movie and are cropped = If this happens you should change the aspect for the movie to make it wider. This can be done by increasing the width, but also by decreasing the height. Both will make the movie 'more landscape' giving long tags more room. = Some characters are not showing up = Because of the way Flash handles text, only Latin characters are supported in the current version. This is due to a limitation where in order to be able to animate text fields smoothly the glyphs need to be embedded in the movie. The Flash movie's source code is available for download through Subversion. Doing so will allow you to create a version for your language. There's a text field in the root of the movie that you can use to embed more characters. If you change to another font, you'll need to edit the Tag class as well. More info [here](http://www.roytanck.com/2008/08/04/how-to-add-more-characters-to-wp-cumulus/). = When I click on tags, nothing happens. = This is usually caused by a Flash security feature that affects movies served from another domain as the surrounding page. If your blog is http://yourblog.com, but you have http://www.yourblog.com listed as the 'WordPress address' under Settings -> General this issue can occur. In this case you should adjust this setting to match your blog's actual URL. If you haven't already, I recommend you decide on a single URL for your blog and redirect visitors using other options. This will increase your search engine ranking and in the process help solve this issue :). = I'm not using WordPress... = * Steve Springett has ported this to Movable Type. More info over on [his site](http://www.6000rpms.com/blog/2008/04/04/flash-tag-cloud-for-mt-4.html). * Michael Robinson has ported WP-Cumulus to RapidWeaver, see his tutorial [here](http://pagesofinterest.net/mikes/blog_of_interest_files/tag_cloud.php). * Amanda Fazani managed to get Cumulus working on Blogger. More info on Blogumus [here](http://www.bloggerbuster.com/2008/08/blogumus-flash-animated-label-cloud-for.html). * Yannick Lejeune has done a [TypePad version](http://www.yannicklejeune.com/2008/09/tumulus-wp-cumu.html) based in part on Steve's work. * Christian Philipp's created a [TYPO3 version](http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/t3m_cumulus_tagcloud/current/). * Rob Antonishen did a [Serendipity version](http://spartacus.s9y.org/index.php?mode=bygroups_event_en) (search for serendipity\_event\_freetag). * Big Bear maintains the [Joomla version](http://joomlabear.com/Downloads/). * Pratul Kalia and Bj鰎n Jacob have ported it to [Drupal](http://drupal.org/project/cumulus). * Ryan Tomlinson has a [BlogEngine.NET version](http://www.99atoms.com/post/BlogCumulusNET-A-flash-based-tag-cloud.aspx). * I wrote [this post](http://www.roytanck.com/2008/05/19/how-to-repurpose-my-tag-cloud-flash-movie/) on how to use the flash movie in other contexts. == Screenshots == 1. The tag sphere. You can set colors that match your theme on the plugin's options page. 2. The options panel. 3. There's a separate one for the widget. == Options == The options page allows you to change the Flash movie's dimensions, change the text color as well as the background. = Width of the Flash tag cloud = The movie will scale itself to fit inside whatever dimensions you decide to give it. If you make it really small, chances are people will not be able to read less-used tags that are further away. Anything up from 300 will work fine in most cases. = Height of the Flash tag cloud = Ideally, the height should be something like 3/4 of the width. This will make the rotating cloud fit nicely, while the extra width allows for the tags to be displayed without cropping. Western text is horizontal by nature, which is why the ideal aspect is slightly landscape even though the cloud is circular. = Color of the tags = Type the hexadecimal color value you'd like to use for the tags, but not the '#' that usually precedes those in HTML. Black (000000) will obviously work well with light backgrounds, white (ffffff) is recommended for use on dark backgrounds. Optionally, you can use the second input box to specify a different color. When two colors are available, each tag's color will be from a gradient between the two. This allows you to create a multi-colored tag cloud. = Background color = The hex value for the background color you'd like to use. This options has no effect when 'Use transparent mode' is selected. = Use transparent mode = Turn on/off background transparency. Enabling this might cause issues with some (mostly older) browsers. Under Linux, transparency doesn't work in at all due to a known limitation in the Flash player. = Rotation speed = Allows you to change the speed of the sphere. Options between 25 and 500 work best. = Distribute tags evenly on sphere = When enabled, the movie will attempt to distribute the tags evenly over the surface of the sphere. = Display = Choose whether to show tags only, categories only, or both mixed together. Choosing 'both' can result in 'duplicate tags' if you have categories and tags with the same name. These words will appear twice, with one linking to the tag and the other to the category overview. = wp tag cloud parameters = This setting allows you to pass parameters to the wp\_tag\_cloud function, which is used to fetch the tag cloud. Use caution with this setting. Everything you enter will be passed to the function. Be sure to read the function's manual. Please also note that these parameters affect tags only. If you've chosen to show categories or both, the category 'tags' will not be affected. == Version history == = Version 1.16 = + Fixes an issue with categories being rendered black when all of them have the same number of posts. + Reduces the default font size (from the biggest possible to "medium") in that same situation. + Significantly reduces CPU load when the cloud isn't moving. = Version 1.15 = + Adds the possibility to create a multi-colored tag cloud by entering a second tag color. = Version 1.14 = + Fixes an issue where no tags are displayed when viewing the movie locally in MSIE. + Fixes an issue where one random tag would not be displayed. = Version 1.13 = + No longer breaks when the wp-content folder is moved to a non-standard location. = Version 1.12 = + First version hosted on WordPress.org, and released under GPL license. + Uses the Arial font to avoid font licensing issues. = Version 1.11 = + Restores an earlier fix for IE to force loading of the Flash movie. = Version 1.1 = + Complete rewrite of the Flash movie (Actionscript 3, requires Flash Player 9 or better). + Better mouse detection. + Adds option to distribute the tags evenly over the sphere. + Adds support for categories. + Adds the ability to pass parameters to the WordPress wp_tag_cloud function. + Several smaller enhancements. = Version 1.05 = * Fixes several issues with IE, including an issue where it was impossible to use the regular version and the widget on the same page. Thanks to Fadi for alerting me to these. = Version 1.04 = * Fixes the 'it kills my blog' error for people using PHP 5.2 or newer. Thanks to Mujahid for helping me debug this. * Speed improvements in the Flash code. = Version 1.03 = * Removes the wp_head hook in yet another attempt to fix issues with some other plugins and themes. * Reduces system overhead by storing less options. * Adds setting for speed. * Adds a widget with seperate options (size, colors, speeds, etc). * Attemps to detect when the mouse leaves the movie, reducing the 'spinning, but not out of control' effect. * Several minor fixes. = Version 1.02 = * Fixes issues with sites not loading after activation, reduces server load and fixes lost spaces in tags. Thanks to Dimitry for helping me debug these issues. = Version 1.01 = * Fixes an issue where the cloud would spin out of control when the browsers loses focus on OSX. = Version 1.00 = * Initial release version. ------------------------------------------------------------服务器端利用 PHP插件 生成标签云数据,页面用 flash 3D效果展示标签,效果很爽的,放在自己博客格外吸引眼球。 查看效果: http://www.roytanck.com/about-my-themes/donations/ 下面是详细: ------------------------------------------------------------ === Plugin Name === Contributors: weefselkweekje Donate link: http://www.roytanck.com/about-my-themes/donations/ Tags: tag cloud, flash, sphere, categories, widget Requires at least: 2.3 Tested up to: 2.6.3 Stable tag: 1.17 WP-Cumulus displays your tags and/or categories in 3D by placing them on a rotating sphere. == Description == WP-Cumulus allows you to display your site's tags, categories or both using a Flash movie that rotates them in 3D. It works just like a regular tags cloud, but is more visually exciting. Clicking the tags can be a little hard (depending on your speed setting) but does take you to the appropriate page :). The sources code for the Flash movie are available from wordpress.org. == Installation == = Installation = 1. Make sure you're running WordPress version 2.3 or better. It won't work with older versions. Really. 1. Download the zip file and extract the contents. 1. Upload the 'wp-cumulus' folder to your plugins directory (wp-content/plugins/). 1. Activate the plugin through the 'plugins' page in WP. 1. See 'Options->WP Cumulus' to adjust things like display size, etc... = In order to actually display the tag cloud, you have three options. = 1. Create a page or post and type [WP-CUMULUS] anywhere in the content. This 'tag' will be replaced by the flash movie when viewing the page. 1. Add the following code anywhere in your theme to display the cloud. `<?php wp_cumulus_insert(); ?>` This can be used to add WP Cumulus to your sidebar, although it may not actually be wide enough in many cases to keep the tags readable. 1. The plugin adds a widget, so you can place it on your sidebar through 'Design'->'Widgets'. The widget uses a separate set of settings, so it's possible to have different background colors, sizes, etc. == Frequently Asked Questions == = My theme/site appears not to like this plugin. It's not displaying correctly. = There are a number of things that may prevent WP-Cumulus from displaying or cause it to display a short message about how it needs the Flash plugin. * In 99% of all cases where this happens the issue is caused by markup errors in the page where the plugin is used. Please validate your blog using [validator.w3.org](http://validator.w3.org) and fix any errors you may encounter. * Older versions had issues with PHP 5.2 (or better). This has been fixed, so please upgrade to the latest version. * The plugin requires Flash Player 9 or better and javascript. Please make sure you have both. * There have been some cases where WordPress' Automatic Plugin Upgrade feature breaks the plugin. After upgrading the plugin the Flash movie would be corrupt for some users. If this happens to you, please try disabling and reinstalling the plugin (through FTP). = Hey, but what about SEO? = I'm not sure how beneficial tag clouds are when it comes to SEO, but just in case WP Cumulus outputs the regular tag cloud (and/or categories listing) for non-flash users. This means that search engines will see the same links. = I'd like to change something in the Flash movie, will you release the .fla? = As of version 1.12 the source code is available from wordpress.org under the GP license. Click "other versions" and get the developer version. = Some of my tags occasionally hit the sides of the movie and are cropped = If this happens you should change the aspect for the movie to make it wider. This can be done by increasing the width, but also by decreasing the height. Both will make the movie 'more landscape' giving long tags more room. = Some characters are not showing up = Because of the way Flash handles text, only Latin characters are supported in the current version. This is due to a limitation where in order to be able to animate text fields smoothly the glyphs need to be embedded in the movie. The Flash movie's source code is available for download through Subversion. Doing so will allow you to create a version for your language. There's a text field in the root of the movie that you can use to embed more characters. If you change to another font, you'll need to edit the Tag class as well. More info [here](http://www.roytanck.com/2008/08/04/how-to-add-more-characters-to-wp-cumulus/). = When I click on tags, nothing happens. = This is usually caused by a Flash security feature that affects movies served from another domain as the surrounding page. If your blog is http://yourblog.com, but you have http://www.yourblog.com listed as the 'WordPress address' under Settings -> General this issue can occur. In this case you should adjust this setting to match your blog's actual URL. If you haven't already, I recommend you decide on a single URL for your blog and redirect visitors using other options. This will increase your search engine ranking and in the process help solve this issue :). = I'm not using WordPress... = * Steve Springett has ported this to Movable Type. More info over on [his site](http://www.6000rpms.com/blog/2008/04/04/flash-tag-cloud-for-mt-4.html). * Michael Robinson has ported WP-Cumulus to RapidWeaver, see his tutorial [here](http://pagesofinterest.net/mikes/blog_of_interest_files/tag_cloud.php). * Amanda Fazani managed to get Cumulus working on Blogger. More info on Blogumus [here](http://www.bloggerbuster.com/2008/08/blogumus-flash-animated-label-cloud-for.html). * Yannick Lejeune has done a [TypePad version](http://www.yannicklejeune.com/2008/09/tumulus-wp-cumu.html) based in part on Steve's work. * Christian Philipp's created a [TYPO3 version](http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/t3m_cumulus_tagcloud/current/). * Rob Antonishen did a [Serendipity version](http://spartacus.s9y.org/index.php?mode=bygroups_event_en) (search for serendipity\_event\_freetag). * Big Bear maintains the [Joomla version](http://joomlabear.com/Downloads/). * Pratul Kalia and Bj鰎n Jacob have ported it to [Drupal](http://drupal.org/project/cumulus). * Ryan Tomlinson has a [BlogEngine.NET version](http://www.99atoms.com/post/BlogCumulusNET-A-flash-based-tag-cloud.aspx). * I wrote [this post](http://www.roytanck.com/2008/05/19/how-to-repurpose-my-tag-cloud-flash-movie/) on how to use the flash movie in other contexts. == Screenshots == 1. The tag sphere. You can set colors that match your theme on the plugin's options page. 2. The options panel. 3. There's a separate one for the widget. == Options == The options page allows you to change the Flash movie's dimensions, change the text color as well as the background. = Width of the Flash tag cloud = The movie will scale itself to fit inside whatever dimensions you decide to give it. If you make it really small, chances are people will not be able to read less-used tags that are further away. Anything up from 300 will work fine in most cases. = Height of the Flash tag cloud = Ideally, the height should be something like 3/4 of the width. This will make the rotating cloud fit nicely, while the extra width allows for the tags to be displayed without cropping. Western text is horizontal by nature, which is why the ideal aspect is slightly landscape even though the cloud is circular. = Color of the tags = Type the hexadecimal color value you'd like to use for the tags, but not the '#' that usually precedes those in HTML. Black (000000) will obviously work well with light backgrounds, white (ffffff) is recommended for use on dark backgrounds. Optionally, you can use the second input box to specify a different color. When two colors are available, each tag's color will be from a gradient between the two. This allows you to create a multi-colored tag cloud. = Background color = The hex value for the background color you'd like to use. This options has no effect when 'Use transparent mode' is selected. = Use transparent mode = Turn on/off background transparency. Enabling this might cause issues with some (mostly older) browsers. Under Linux, transparency doesn't work in at all due to a known limitation in the Flash player. = Rotation speed = Allows you to change the speed of the sphere. Options between 25 and 500 work best. = Distribute tags evenly on sphere = When enabled, the movie will attempt to distribute the tags evenly over the surface of the sphere. = Display = Choose whether to show tags only, categories only, or both mixed together. Choosing 'both' can result in 'duplicate tags' if you have categories and tags with the same name. These words will appear twice, with one linking to the tag and the other to the category overview. = wp tag cloud parameters = This setting allows you to pass parameters to the wp\_tag\_cloud function, which is used to fetch the tag cloud. Use caution with this setting. Everything you enter will be passed to the function. Be sure to read the function's manual. Please also note that these parameters affect tags only. If you've chosen to show categories or both, the category 'tags' will not be affected. == Version history == = Version 1.16 = + Fixes an issue with categories being rendered black when all of them have the same number of posts. + Reduces the default font size (from the biggest possible to "medium") in that same situation. + Significantly reduces CPU load when the cloud isn't moving. = Version 1.15 = + Adds the possibility to create a multi-colored tag cloud by entering a second tag color. = Version 1.14 = + Fixes an issue where no tags are displayed when viewing the movie locally in MSIE. + Fixes an issue where one random tag would not be displayed. = Version 1.13 = + No longer breaks when the wp-content folder is moved to a non-standard location. = Version 1.12 = + First version hosted on WordPress.org, and released under GPL license. + Uses the Arial font to avoid font licensing issues. = Version 1.11 = + Restores an earlier fix for IE to force loading of the Flash movie. = Version 1.1 = + Complete rewrite of the Flash movie (Actionscript 3, requires Flash Player 9 or better). + Better mouse detection. + Adds option to distribute the tags evenly over the sphere. + Adds support for categories. + Adds the ability to pass parameters to the WordPress wp_tag_cloud function. + Several smaller enhancements. = Version 1.05 = * Fixes several issues with IE, including an issue where it was impossible to use the regular version and the widget on the same page. Thanks to Fadi for alerting me to these. = Version 1.04 = * Fixes the 'it kills my blog' error for people using PHP 5.2 or newer. Thanks to Mujahid for helping me debug this. * Speed improvements in the Flash code. = Version 1.03 = * Removes the wp_head hook in yet another attempt to fix issues with some other plugins and themes. * Reduces system overhead by storing less options. * Adds setting for speed. * Adds a widget with seperate options (size, colors, speeds, etc). * Attemps to detect when the mouse leaves the movie, reducing the 'spinning, but not out of control' effect. * Several minor fixes. = Version 1.02 = * Fixes issues with sites not loading after activation, reduces server load and fixes lost spaces in tags. Thanks to Dimitry for helping me debug these issues. = Version 1.01 = * Fixes an issue where the cloud would spin out of control when the browsers loses focus on OSX. = Version 1.00 = * Initial release version. ------------------------------------------------------------5 242浏览会员免费
- Krpano大小:9MBkrpano 是一种基于flash的三维全景播放器 krpano以体积小巧、灵活和高性能著称,基于跨平台的Adobe Flash播放器,是当今世界上最流行 的互动三维全景播放器。通过简单的XML语言编写可实现流畅三维全景漫游和交互操作。krpano 是一种基于flash的三维全景播放器 krpano以体积小巧、灵活和高性能著称,基于跨平台的Adobe Flash播放器,是当今世界上最流行 的互动三维全景播放器。通过简单的XML语言编写可实现流畅三维全景漫游和交互操作。4 389浏览会员免费
- flash大小:3MB一个flash统计图工具,很方便、漂亮。数据为XML。免费版功能基本够用了(二维柱状图、三维柱状图、曲线图、二维饼图、三维饼图、柱状图和曲线图的组合...),柱状图、曲线图支持单条,多条。这里提供一个免费版的下载。一个flash统计图工具,很方便、漂亮。数据为XML。免费版功能基本够用了(二维柱状图、三维柱状图、曲线图、二维饼图、三维饼图、柱状图和曲线图的组合...),柱状图、曲线图支持单条,多条。这里提供一个免费版的下载。5 93浏览会员免费
- 360度大小:4MBFLASH 360度旋转 源文件!!!FLASH 360度旋转 源文件!!!3 125浏览会员免费
- flash接大小:6MBflash接金币的游戏,脚本中有中文解释,有源码和swf文件。。flash接金币的游戏,脚本中有中文解释,有源码和swf文件。。4 642浏览会员免费
- Flash大小:185KBFlash的上传组件,可以同时上传多个文件,并且有进度条显示,可以中间取消上传。Flash的上传组件,可以同时上传多个文件,并且有进度条显示,可以中间取消上传。3 72浏览会员免费
- ZIP大小:54KBFlash 实现的魔方,内附swf文件以及源码fla文件,仅供大家参考。Flash 实现的魔方,内附swf文件以及源码fla文件,仅供大家参考。4 79浏览会员免费
- flash大小:18KB这是一个flash转场特效,有些地方可以用到的这是一个flash转场特效,有些地方可以用到的5 407浏览会员免费
- flex大小:5MBflex 仿qqflex 仿qq4 97浏览会员免费
- PowerCharts大小:8MBPowerCharts 漂亮的图表flash组件,这版本为破解注册版本,欢迎使用。PowerCharts 漂亮的图表flash组件,这版本为破解注册版本,欢迎使用。5 89浏览会员免费
- 源代码大小:2MB用Flash CS4和ActionScript语言的结合编出的相册用Flash CS4和ActionScript语言的结合编出的相册5 71浏览会员免费
- FLASH大小:902KB最近出来的最新技术,将c++程序编译成FLASH文件,是不是带给很多c++程序员一个福音呢?该文档为FLASHcc发布时使用的ppt文档,值得了解一下最近出来的最新技术,将c++程序编译成FLASH文件,是不是带给很多c++程序员一个福音呢?该文档为FLASHcc发布时使用的ppt文档,值得了解一下5 51浏览会员免费
- 台电U盘修复工具大小:4MB台电U盘修复工具台电U盘修复工具4 3632浏览会员免费
- 摇号器大小:986KBFLASH版本,支持背景图片修改,支持号码范围,功能简单。FLASH版本,支持背景图片修改,支持号码范围,功能简单。5 438浏览会员免费
- FusionWidgets大小:9MBFusionWidgets 漂亮的仪表盘flash组件,这版本为破解注册版本,欢迎使用。 共两卷,这里是卷一FusionWidgets 漂亮的仪表盘flash组件,这版本为破解注册版本,欢迎使用。 共两卷,这里是卷一5 82浏览会员免费
- Editor大小:12MBArcGIS_Editor_for_OSM 10.0 这是10.0的安装包,上一个资源是10.1的安装包ArcGIS_Editor_for_OSM 10.0 这是10.0的安装包,上一个资源是10.1的安装包5 607浏览会员免费
- 另类其它大小:100KBflash360全景图终极版(插件式)源代码,请观看演示的提示,您可以轻易的实现自己的全景图!flash360全景图终极版(插件式)源代码,请观看演示的提示,您可以轻易的实现自己的全景图!5 134浏览会员免费
- emmc5.1大小:5MBJEDEC下载的emmc5.1协议规范,需要了解emmc5.1规范的下载吧。JEDEC下载的emmc5.1协议规范,需要了解emmc5.1规范的下载吧。5 2517浏览会员免费
- Tweenlite大小:109KBTweenlite类库 基于ActionScript3.0的免费开源的物理引擎。Tweenlite类是比较主流的第三方缓动引擎.在使用方面也比较简单Tweenlite类库 基于ActionScript3.0的免费开源的物理引擎。Tweenlite类是比较主流的第三方缓动引擎.在使用方面也比较简单5 122浏览会员免费
- ZIP大小:4MBFlash相册源代码,XML数据,源代码在里面Flash相册源代码,XML数据,源代码在里面4 61浏览会员免费
- Flash大小:6MBFlash Magic NXP 编程下载用的小软件Flash Magic NXP 编程下载用的小软件5 138浏览会员免费
- flashpaper大小:1MB自制flashpaper文档阅读器demo自制flashpaper文档阅读器demo5 96浏览会员免费
- 人脸识别大小:182KB老外搞的一个人脸识别的东东 很不错的哦,老外有时不得不让人佩服老外搞的一个人脸识别的东东 很不错的哦,老外有时不得不让人佩服5 244浏览会员免费
- AS3大小:3MBActionScript 3.0 的设计模式,开阔新手的开发眼界!有利于新手程序员思路的正常发展ActionScript 3.0 的设计模式,开阔新手的开发眼界!有利于新手程序员思路的正常发展5 78浏览会员免费
- flash大小:3MBAdobe Flash Player Square 是Adobe 公司发布的首个位Flash版本,它支持最新发布的IE9 Beta,提供了更强大的硬件加速能力,只要支持Flash 10.1的环境下均可以兼容运行,不过并不支持Windows Xp。 Adobe Flash Player Square 预览版的两大主要功能如下: — 位支持:原生支持位操作系统,包括Linux、Mac OS X和Windows,并且支持Linux、Mac OS X和Windows平台上的位浏览器。 — 支持IE9硬件加速渲染:在过去几个月里,Adobe与微软进行了通力合作,实现了Flash Player “Square”与IE9 Beta的良好兼容性,它支持IE9 Beta中的硬件加速功能,可以利用GPU硬件加速来渲染图像,提高图像性能并实现无缝生成。 使用IE9 Beta中的GPU加速,Square能提供更快的响应速度,为用户带来更好的Flash内容体验。测试结果显示,IE9 Beta中Flash Player图形性能相比之前版本IE中的Flash性能提高了35%。 注意事项: 1.由于该版本还处于测试期,官方暂不支持自动更新,需要用户手动下载最新文件进行升级更新,请您酌情下载。 2.本版仅适用于Internet Explorer浏览器,不适用于Firefox, Safari, Opera。 3.本版仅适用于x64位操作系统。Adobe Flash Player Square 是Adobe 公司发布的首个位Flash版本,它支持最新发布的IE9 Beta,提供了更强大的硬件加速能力,只要支持Flash 10.1的环境下均可以兼容运行,不过并不支持Windows Xp。 Adobe Flash Player Square 预览版的两大主要功能如下: — 位支持:原生支持位操作系统,包括Linux、Mac OS X和Windows,并且支持Linux、Mac OS X和Windows平台上的位浏览器。 — 支持IE9硬件加速渲染:在过去几个月里,Adobe与微软进行了通力合作,实现了Flash Player “Square”与IE9 Beta的良好兼容性,它支持IE9 Beta中的硬件加速功能,可以利用GPU硬件加速来渲染图像,提高图像性能并实现无缝生成。 使用IE9 Beta中的GPU加速,Square能提供更快的响应速度,为用户带来更好的Flash内容体验。测试结果显示,IE9 Beta中Flash Player图形性能相比之前版本IE中的Flash性能提高了35%。 注意事项: 1.由于该版本还处于测试期,官方暂不支持自动更新,需要用户手动下载最新文件进行升级更新,请您酌情下载。 2.本版仅适用于Internet Explorer浏览器,不适用于Firefox, Safari, Opera。 3.本版仅适用于x64位操作系统。4 2100浏览会员免费
- FLA,FLASH,反编译大小:611KB可以把Flash(swf格式)文件还原成fla格式可以把Flash(swf格式)文件还原成fla格式5 168浏览会员免费
- flash大小:53KBflash 版的拍照程序,图片保存用的是php程序flash 版的拍照程序,图片保存用的是php程序4 121浏览免费
- 图片缩放,裁剪大小:165KBthumbnailer让用户从视觉真实的感觉到图片的裁剪。 具体操作方法: 用水平bar来进行图片的缩放,然后选择红框进行局域选择,然后点击保存。 附:源码thumbnailer让用户从视觉真实的感觉到图片的裁剪。 具体操作方法: 用水平bar来进行图片的缩放,然后选择红框进行局域选择,然后点击保存。 附:源码4 80浏览会员免费
- 应用效果大小:7KB快来作画吧! 快来作画吧! 5 133浏览会员免费
- flash大小:188KB通过代码实现的图片水波纹效果,非常逼真,as版本3.0,flash版本 flash CS3适用。通过代码实现的图片水波纹效果,非常逼真,as版本3.0,flash版本 flash CS3适用。5 234浏览会员免费
- Flash大小:41MB《flash+flex+air移动开发入门经典——适用于android、ios和blackberry》 第1章 flash、flex和air简介 1 1.1 adobe flash 1 1.2 actionscript 3.0 2 1.2.1 ecmascript 2 1.2.2 关键概念 3 1.3 flex框架 11 1.3.1 flex 4.5.1 11 1.3.2 mxml 12 1.3.3 spark库组件 14 1.3.4 数据绑定 21 1.3.5 flex移动应用程序结构 22 1.3.6 移动开发的考虑事项 31 1.4 adobe air 31 1.5 小结 32 1.5.1 练习 32 1.5.2 本章所学内容 33 第2章 入门 35 2.1 使用flash builder 4.5.1 35 2.1.1 使用工作空间 36 .2.1.2 使用flash perspective 37 2.1.3 使用flash debug perspective 38 2.1.4 使用source和design视图 39 2.2 使用flash builder创建移动项目 41 2.3 定义运行配置 52 2.3.1 在桌面上运行移动应用程序 52 2.3.2 在设备上运行移动应用程序 55 2.4 小结 62 2.4.1 练习 63 2.4.2 本章所学内容 63 第3章 为android、blackberry和ios设备构建air应用程序 65 3.1 air应用程序描述符文件 65 3.1.1 在air应用程序描述符文件中设置属性 66 3.1.2 手动编辑hello world app的应用程序描述符文件 66 3.1.3 blackberry tablet os配置 76 3.1.4 为google android打包 79 3.1.5 为apple ios打包 85 3.1.6 为blackberry tablet os打包 90 3.2 更新air应用程序 92 3.2.1 从应用程序描述符文件获取详细信息 93 3.2.2 使用版本号 93 3.3 小结 94 3.3.1 练习 94 3.3.2 本章所学内容 95 第4章 触摸、多点触摸和手势 97 4.1 多点触摸交互 98 4.1.1 确定触摸输入支持 98 4.1.2 创建多点触摸和手势应用程序示例 99 4.1.3 触摸事件处理 102 4.1.4 在交互对象上注册触摸事件 110 4.1.5 确定支持触摸点数量 112 4.2 手势交互 113 4.2.1 确定设备支持哪些手势 113 4.2.2 手势事件和事件处理 114 4.2.3 在交互对象上注册手势事件 115 4.2.4 处理手势事件 120 4.3 在device central中利用多点触摸面板 123 4.4 小结 123 4.4.1 练习 124 4.4.2 本章所学内容 124 第5章 为多种屏幕尺寸进行开发 125 5.1 多种屏幕尺寸的考虑 125 5.1.1 像素密度 126 5.1.2 利用设备dpi 127 5.2 使内容适应舞台尺寸 131 5.2.1 使用stagescalemode 和 stagealign类 131 5.2.2 处理舞台尺寸变化事件 132 5.2.3 创建sprite layout app示例 133 5.3 处理设备朝向 144 5.3.1 使用stageorientation类 145 5.3.2 使用stageorientationevent类 145 5.4 在flex中使用布局 148 5.5 小结 167 5.5.1 练习 167 5.5.2 本章所学内容 168 第6章 调试应用程序 169 6.1 设置断点 169 6.2 全局错误处理 180 6.3 处理未捕获错误 180 6.4 try…catch语句 183 6.5 单步执行代码 185 6.6 小结 188 6.6.1 练习 189 6.6.2 本章所学内容 189 第7章 使用文件系统 191 7.1 从文件系统读取 191 7.1.1 file和filestream类 192 7.1.2 创建files explorer app示例 195 7.2 修改文件和文件系统 207 7.3 利用浏览对话框 220 7.3.1 打开单个文件 220 7.3.2 打开多个文件 221 7.3.3 将单个文件保存到某个位置 227 7.4 小结 227 7.4.1 练习 228 7.4.2 本章所学内容 228 第8章 操作数据 229 8.1 检测网络可用性变化 229 8.1.1 使用urlrequest获取数据 229 8.1.2 监视urlrequest对象 230 8.1.3 创建maintaining data app示例 231 8.2 使用sqlite存储数据 238 8.3 小结 276 8.3.1 练习 276 8.3.2 本章所学内容 277 第9章 使用音频和视频 279 9.1 open source media framework介绍 279 9.1.1 创建urlresource对象 280 9.1.2 创建mediaelement对象 280 9.1.3 媒体特质 282 9.1.4 使用mediatraittype类来标识特质 283 9.1.5 使用mediaplayer来播放媒体元素 284 9.1.6 使用mediaplayersprite类播放媒体资源 286 9.1.7 处理特质事件 287 9.2 使用flex osmf封装器 289 9.2.1 使用videoplayer组件 289 9.2.2 创建mediaplayer示例 290 9.3 小结 302 9.3.1 练习 302 9.3.2 本章所学内容 303 第10章 利用设备功能 305 10.1 使用设备的摄像头 305 10.1.1 使用cameraui类 306 10.1.2 创建camera app示例 306 10.2 使用设备的麦克风捕获声音 313 10.2.1 使用microphone类 313 10.2.2 使用sampledataevent类 314 10.2.3 创建microphone app示例 316 10.3 利用设备的web控制器 326 10.3.1 使用stagewebview类 326 10.3.2 创建browser app示例 328 10.4 利用设备的地理位置传感器 336 10.4.1 使用geolocation类 336 10.4.2 使用geolocationevent类 337 10.4.3 创建geolocation app示例 337 10.5 小结 345 10.5.1 练习 345 10.5.2 本章所学内容 346《flash+flex+air移动开发入门经典——适用于android、ios和blackberry》 第1章 flash、flex和air简介 1 1.1 adobe flash 1 1.2 actionscript 3.0 2 1.2.1 ecmascript 2 1.2.2 关键概念 3 1.3 flex框架 11 1.3.1 flex 4.5.1 11 1.3.2 mxml 12 1.3.3 spark库组件 14 1.3.4 数据绑定 21 1.3.5 flex移动应用程序结构 22 1.3.6 移动开发的考虑事项 31 1.4 adobe air 31 1.5 小结 32 1.5.1 练习 32 1.5.2 本章所学内容 33 第2章 入门 35 2.1 使用flash builder 4.5.1 35 2.1.1 使用工作空间 36 .2.1.2 使用flash perspective 37 2.1.3 使用flash debug perspective 38 2.1.4 使用source和design视图 39 2.2 使用flash builder创建移动项目 41 2.3 定义运行配置 52 2.3.1 在桌面上运行移动应用程序 52 2.3.2 在设备上运行移动应用程序 55 2.4 小结 62 2.4.1 练习 63 2.4.2 本章所学内容 63 第3章 为android、blackberry和ios设备构建air应用程序 65 3.1 air应用程序描述符文件 65 3.1.1 在air应用程序描述符文件中设置属性 66 3.1.2 手动编辑hello world app的应用程序描述符文件 66 3.1.3 blackberry tablet os配置 76 3.1.4 为google android打包 79 3.1.5 为apple ios打包 85 3.1.6 为blackberry tablet os打包 90 3.2 更新air应用程序 92 3.2.1 从应用程序描述符文件获取详细信息 93 3.2.2 使用版本号 93 3.3 小结 94 3.3.1 练习 94 3.3.2 本章所学内容 95 第4章 触摸、多点触摸和手势 97 4.1 多点触摸交互 98 4.1.1 确定触摸输入支持 98 4.1.2 创建多点触摸和手势应用程序示例 99 4.1.3 触摸事件处理 102 4.1.4 在交互对象上注册触摸事件 110 4.1.5 确定支持触摸点数量 112 4.2 手势交互 113 4.2.1 确定设备支持哪些手势 113 4.2.2 手势事件和事件处理 114 4.2.3 在交互对象上注册手势事件 115 4.2.4 处理手势事件 120 4.3 在device central中利用多点触摸面板 123 4.4 小结 123 4.4.1 练习 124 4.4.2 本章所学内容 124 第5章 为多种屏幕尺寸进行开发 125 5.1 多种屏幕尺寸的考虑 125 5.1.1 像素密度 126 5.1.2 利用设备dpi 127 5.2 使内容适应舞台尺寸 131 5.2.1 使用stagescalemode 和 stagealign类 131 5.2.2 处理舞台尺寸变化事件 132 5.2.3 创建sprite layout app示例 133 5.3 处理设备朝向 144 5.3.1 使用stageorientation类 145 5.3.2 使用stageorientationevent类 145 5.4 在flex中使用布局 148 5.5 小结 167 5.5.1 练习 167 5.5.2 本章所学内容 168 第6章 调试应用程序 169 6.1 设置断点 169 6.2 全局错误处理 180 6.3 处理未捕获错误 180 6.4 try…catch语句 183 6.5 单步执行代码 185 6.6 小结 188 6.6.1 练习 189 6.6.2 本章所学内容 189 第7章 使用文件系统 191 7.1 从文件系统读取 191 7.1.1 file和filestream类 192 7.1.2 创建files explorer app示例 195 7.2 修改文件和文件系统 207 7.3 利用浏览对话框 220 7.3.1 打开单个文件 220 7.3.2 打开多个文件 221 7.3.3 将单个文件保存到某个位置 227 7.4 小结 227 7.4.1 练习 228 7.4.2 本章所学内容 228 第8章 操作数据 229 8.1 检测网络可用性变化 229 8.1.1 使用urlrequest获取数据 229 8.1.2 监视urlrequest对象 230 8.1.3 创建maintaining data app示例 231 8.2 使用sqlite存储数据 238 8.3 小结 276 8.3.1 练习 276 8.3.2 本章所学内容 277 第9章 使用音频和视频 279 9.1 open source media framework介绍 279 9.1.1 创建urlresource对象 280 9.1.2 创建mediaelement对象 280 9.1.3 媒体特质 282 9.1.4 使用mediatraittype类来标识特质 283 9.1.5 使用mediaplayer来播放媒体元素 284 9.1.6 使用mediaplayersprite类播放媒体资源 286 9.1.7 处理特质事件 287 9.2 使用flex osmf封装器 289 9.2.1 使用videoplayer组件 289 9.2.2 创建mediaplayer示例 290 9.3 小结 302 9.3.1 练习 302 9.3.2 本章所学内容 303 第10章 利用设备功能 305 10.1 使用设备的摄像头 305 10.1.1 使用cameraui类 306 10.1.2 创建camera app示例 306 10.2 使用设备的麦克风捕获声音 313 10.2.1 使用microphone类 313 10.2.2 使用sampledataevent类 314 10.2.3 创建microphone app示例 316 10.3 利用设备的web控制器 326 10.3.1 使用stagewebview类 326 10.3.2 创建browser app示例 328 10.4 利用设备的地理位置传感器 336 10.4.1 使用geolocation类 336 10.4.2 使用geolocationevent类 337 10.4.3 创建geolocation app示例 337 10.5 小结 345 10.5.1 练习 345 10.5.2 本章所学内容 3465 443浏览会员免费
- USB_LocalDisk大小:7KB在xp中直接访问多分区U盘的简单方法. This process will essentially make Windows detect your USB Stick as USB hard drive which can then be partitioned within Windows. Prerequisites: •USB_LocalDisk.zip •Windows XP PC •USB Flash drive •Notepad ++ (or a text editor with line numbers) How to make Windows detect a flash drive as a local disk: 1.From a running Windows XP system, Insert your USB flash drive 2.Download and install Notepad ++ on your PC 3.Download USB_LocalDisk.zip and extract. A USB_localDisk folder is created 4.From the USB_LocalDisk folder, right click cfadisk.inf and open the file with notepad ++ 5.Navigate to line 26 of the cfadisk.inf file. We are going to be editing the section labeled device_instance_id_goes_here. So leave this file open! 6.From your Windows Desktop, click Start-> Run and type devmgmt.msc and click Ok 7.Under Disk drives, locate and double click your "USB Flash Device": 8.From the USB Device Properties window that opens, click the Details tab. Select the entry listed under the Device Instance ID Window and then press ctrl+c to copy the text: 9.Now, on line 26 of the cfadisk.inf file, after the comma, delete the text: device_instance_id_goes_here and then press ctrl+v to paste the text from step 8 into the section. For example, my line 26 reads as follows: Once finished save the changes! 10.Now from the Windows Desktop, click Start-> Run and type devmgmt.msc and click Ok to get to the Device Manager again. 11.Under Disk drives, locate and right click your "USB Flash Device" and select the option to Update Driver: 12.Select No, not at this time when prompted to Connect to Windows Update to search for software 13.Next, select the option to Install from a list or specified location (Advanced) 14.Next, select Don't search. I will choose the driver to install 15.Next choose Have Disk and then browse to your USB_LocalDisk folder. Select cfadisk.inf and click Open. Then click Ok. 16.Next, you will get a warning that the driver is not digitally signed. Simply click Next. Continue to click Yes to the "Update driver warning": 17.That's it. Now your USB flash drive should be detected as a local disk rather than removable. Allowing your to multipartition the device from within Windows XP. Note: Simply rollback the driver if you ever want or need to make your USB flash drive detected by Windows as removable media again.在xp中直接访问多分区U盘的简单方法. This process will essentially make Windows detect your USB Stick as USB hard drive which can then be partitioned within Windows. Prerequisites: •USB_LocalDisk.zip •Windows XP PC •USB Flash drive •Notepad ++ (or a text editor with line numbers) How to make Windows detect a flash drive as a local disk: 1.From a running Windows XP system, Insert your USB flash drive 2.Download and install Notepad ++ on your PC 3.Download USB_LocalDisk.zip and extract. A USB_localDisk folder is created 4.From the USB_LocalDisk folder, right click cfadisk.inf and open the file with notepad ++ 5.Navigate to line 26 of the cfadisk.inf file. We are going to be editing the section labeled device_instance_id_goes_here. So leave this file open! 6.From your Windows Desktop, click Start-> Run and type devmgmt.msc and click Ok 7.Under Disk drives, locate and double click your "USB Flash Device": 8.From the USB Device Properties window that opens, click the Details tab. Select the entry listed under the Device Instance ID Window and then press ctrl+c to copy the text: 9.Now, on line 26 of the cfadisk.inf file, after the comma, delete the text: device_instance_id_goes_here and then press ctrl+v to paste the text from step 8 into the section. For example, my line 26 reads as follows: Once finished save the changes! 10.Now from the Windows Desktop, click Start-> Run and type devmgmt.msc and click Ok to get to the Device Manager again. 11.Under Disk drives, locate and right click your "USB Flash Device" and select the option to Update Driver: 12.Select No, not at this time when prompted to Connect to Windows Update to search for software 13.Next, select the option to Install from a list or specified location (Advanced) 14.Next, select Don't search. I will choose the driver to install 15.Next choose Have Disk and then browse to your USB_LocalDisk folder. Select cfadisk.inf and click Open. Then click Ok. 16.Next, you will get a warning that the driver is not digitally signed. Simply click Next. Continue to click Yes to the "Update driver warning": 17.That's it. Now your USB flash drive should be detected as a local disk rather than removable. Allowing your to multipartition the device from within Windows XP. Note: Simply rollback the driver if you ever want or need to make your USB flash drive detected by Windows as removable media again.5 584浏览会员免费
- Flash图片查看器。图片相册大小:202KBFlash图片查看器。图片相册Flash图片查看器。图片相册Flash图片查看器。图片相册Flash图片查看器。图片相册Flash图片查看器。图片相册Flash图片查看器。图片相册Flash图片查看器。图片相册Flash图片查看器。图片相册3 228浏览会员免费
- 上传组件大小:128KB一个flash配合php上传组件 采用flash 的上传组件一个flash配合php上传组件 采用flash 的上传组件4 92浏览会员免费
- ActionScript3大小:7MB其中包括两部分,第一步1-12章,第二部分13-26章。其中包括两部分,第一步1-12章,第二部分13-26章。5 174浏览会员免费
- 抽奖程序大小:1MB抽奖程序 flash as3 分一等奖二等奖三等奖. 可以作弊,可以不作弊. 主要用到数组,随机数.抽奖程序 flash as3 分一等奖二等奖三等奖. 可以作弊,可以不作弊. 主要用到数组,随机数.4 139浏览会员免费
- Flash播放器大小:37KBf4player 轻量级Flash播放器;可自定义皮肤f4player 轻量级Flash播放器;可自定义皮肤5 143浏览会员免费
- flash大小:241KB简单展开画轴flash 展开的画轴合拢后由中心向两边展开 提供画轴源文件和效果图简单展开画轴flash 展开的画轴合拢后由中心向两边展开 提供画轴源文件和效果图5 71浏览免费
- 用java窗口播放flash,附带让java窗口穿透和透明的包大小:5MB其中test的几个类是播放flash的,只看flashTest01.java就行了! 里面还有jflashplayer.jar(FlashPanle类可以实现播放flash),jan.zip,examples.jar(WindowUtils可以实现窗口透明和穿透、改变窗口形状)其中test的几个类是播放flash的,只看flashTest01.java就行了! 里面还有jflashplayer.jar(FlashPanle类可以实现播放flash),jan.zip,examples.jar(WindowUtils可以实现窗口透明和穿透、改变窗口形状)5 172浏览会员免费
- flash全景代码,360全景展示大小:859KBflash全景代码很好的东西360全景展示,鼠标拖动支持上下左右flash全景代码很好的东西360全景展示,鼠标拖动支持上下左右4 83浏览会员免费