function [cg,theta] = cgmo(im,radius,norient,varargin)
% function [cg] = cgmo(im,radius,norient,...)
% Compute the color gradient at a single scale and multiple
% orientations.
% im Grayscale or RGB image, values in [0,1].
% radius Radius of disc for cg.
% norient Number of orientations for cg.
% 'nbins' Number of bins; should be > 1/sigmaSim.
% 'sigmaSim' For color similarity function.
% 'gamma' Gamma correction for LAB [2.5].
% 'smooth' Smoothing method, one of
% {'gaussian','savgol','none'}, default 'none'.
% 'sigmaSmo' Sigma for smoothing, default to radius.
% cg Size [h,w,d,norient] array of cg images,
% where d is the dimensionality of the image.
% The input parameters {radius,nbins,sigmaSim,sigmaSmo} should be
% scalars when the input image is grayscale, and can be either scalars
% or 3-element vectors when the image is RGB.
% See also cgmo.
% David R. Martin <>
% April 2003
% process options
nbins = 32;
sigmaSim = 0.1;
gamma = 2.5;
smooth = 'none';
sigmaSmo = radius;
for i = 1:2:numel(varargin),
opt = varargin{i};
if ~ischar(opt), error('option names not a string'); end
if i==numel(varargin), error(sprintf('option ''%s'' has no value',opt)); end
val = varargin{i+1};
switch opt,
case 'nbins', nbins=val;
case 'sigmaSim', sigmaSim=val;
case 'gamma', gamma=val;
case 'smooth',
switch val,
case {'none','gaussian','savgol'}, smooth=val;
otherwise, error(sprintf('invalid option smooth=''%s''',val));
case 'sigmaSmo', sigmaSmo=val;
otherwise, error(sprintf('invalid option ''%s''',opt));
% check arguments
if ndims(im)==2, % grayscale image
if numel(radius)~=1, error('radius should have 1 element'); end
if numel(nbins)~=1, error('nbins should have 1 element'); end
if numel(sigmaSim)~=1, error('sigmaSim should have 1 element'); end
if numel(sigmaSmo)~=1, error('sigmaSim should have 1 element'); end
elseif ndims(im)==3, % RGB image
if numel(radius)==1, radius = radius*ones(3,1); end
if numel(nbins)==1, nbins = nbins*ones(3,1); end
if numel(sigmaSim)==1, sigmaSim = sigmaSim*ones(3,1); end
if numel(sigmaSmo)==1, sigmaSmo = sigmaSmo*ones(3,1); end
if numel(radius)~=3, error('radius should have 1 or 3 elements'); end
if numel(nbins)~=3, error('nbins should have 1 or 3 elements'); end
if numel(sigmaSim)~=3, error('sigmaSim should have 1 or 3 elements'); end
if numel(sigmaSmo)~=3, error('sigmaSmo should have 1 or 3 elements'); end
radius = radius(:);
nbins = nbins(:);
sigmaSim = sigmaSim(:);
sigmaSmo = sigmaSmo(:);
error('image not of valid dimension');
norient = max(1,norient);
nbins = max(1,nbins);
% min and max values for a,b channels of LAB
% used to scale values into the unit interval
abmin = -73;
abmax = 95;
% make sure nbins is large enough with respect to sigmaSim
if any( nbins < 1./sigmaSim ),
warning('nbins < 1/sigmaSim is suspect');
% check pixel valies
if min(im(:)) < 0 | max(im(:))>1,
error('pixel values out of range [0,1]');
if ndims(im)==2, % grayscale image
% compute cg from gray values
cmap = max(1,ceil(im*nbins));
csim = colorsim(nbins,sigmaSim);
[cg,theta] = tgmo(...
else, % RGB image
% convert gamma-corrected image to LAB and scale values into [0,1]
lab = RGB2Lab(im.^gamma);
lab(:,:,1) = lab(:,:,1) ./ 100;
lab(:,:,2) = (lab(:,:,2) - abmin) ./ (abmax-abmin);
lab(:,:,3) = (lab(:,:,3) - abmin) ./ (abmax-abmin);
lab(:,:,2) = max(0,min(1,lab(:,:,2)));
lab(:,:,3) = max(0,min(1,lab(:,:,3)));
% compute cg from LAB values
cg = zeros([size(im) norient]);
for i = 1:3,
cmap = max(1,ceil(lab(:,:,i)*nbins(i)));
csim = colorsim(nbins(i),sigmaSim(i));
[cg(:,:,i,:),theta] = tgmo(...
% compute color similarity matrix assuming colors are in [0,1]
function m = colorsim(nbins,sigma)
bc = ((1:nbins)-0.5)/nbins; % bin centers
[x,y] = meshgrid(bc,bc);
m = 1.0 - exp(-abs(x-y).^2./(2*sigma.^2));
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