Software License. Upon issuance of a valid Unlock Code sequence by Solid Documents to Licensee, you
can install Software on one (1) Computer, unless otherwise indicated under a valid license (e.g. Multiple
Seat License) granted by Solid Documents.
a. Use.
Individual License Use. With an individual license you may use the Software on a single computer ("Your
Computer") and not across a network.
Multiple Seat License Use. With multiple seat licenses, you are allowed to install the Software on "N"
Computers where "N" is the number of licenses purchased. You can store the Software on your Internal
Network for authorized users to access for installation on their Computer. It is NOT a concurrent use license
(based on simultaneous usage) or a roaming license (based on number of users).
Additional Restrictions. You ma y not separate component parts of the Software for use on more than one
computer. You do not have the right to distribute the Software. You may load the Software into your
Computer's temporary memory (RAM) for purposes of using the Software. Licensee agree s to not attempt to
disable or violate the internal activation and licensing mechanism. For Solid Converter® PDF: Licensee also
agrees to not charge any fees, directly or indirectly, for PDF to Word document conversion through use of
the Software.
b. Storage. You may copy the Software into the local memory or storage device. The license for the
Software may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers.
c. Copying. You may make archival or back -up copies of the Software, provided the copy contai ns all the
original Software's proprietary notices and that it is used only for back -up purposes.
d. Reservation of Rights. Solid Documents reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this License
e. License Abuse and/or Violation. If an y abuse of a license is suspected or found, Solid Documents retains
the right to make the Unlock Code invalid. You also agree to surrender your license immediately upon any
notification of violation of any of the terms in this EULA and you will not be refu nded any money upon
surrendering your license.
f. Freeware. This Software is not freeware and is not in the public domain. If you are using an Internet
version, the Software you are installing is Evaluation Software. As such, you may evaluate the program f or
the maximum trial period stated in the program. If, after that time, you decide to continue using it, you must
register it by paying a registration fee at our Web site ( ). If, after the trial
period, you choose not to register it, you must uninstall it from any and all machines to which it was installed
on a trial basis. This Evaluation Software can be turned into a fully registered copy by registering the
Software on our Web site.
COPYRIGHT. The Software is proprietary to Solid Documents and its licensors. Solid Documents and its
licensors retain all copyrights, trade secret rights, patents, trademarks, and any other proprietary rights
relating to the Software. Except as expressly provided in the License Grant above, you may not copy,
reproduce, alter, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or create derivative works based on the
Software. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Any copy of the Software t hat you are permitted to
make under this Agreement must include all of the copyright and other notices appearing in the original copy
of the Software.
RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER. This license is personal to Licensee, and neither your rights hereunder
nor any copy of the Software may be sold, assigned, distributed, transferred or sublicensed to any other
person, in any media (including electronic media), without the prior written consent of Solid Documents. Any
transfer in violation of this section will be nul l and void and will automatically terminate your right to use or
possess the Software.