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<h1 class="companyname">Tangible Software Solutions</h1>
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<h1 class="titlestyle">C# to C++ Converter Help</h1>
<p class="vertical-spacer"></p>
<h2 class="subtitlestyle">Contents</h2>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#folder-conversion">Project & Folder Conversion</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#file-and-snippet-conversion">File & Snippet Conversion</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#command-line-conversion">Command Line Conversion</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#white-space-formatting-options">White Space Formatting Options</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#standard-library-options">Standard Library Options</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#memory-options">Memory Management</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#header-file-options">Header File Options</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#property-conversion-options">Property Conversion Options</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#additional-stack-allocation-types">Additional Stack Allocation Types</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#project-conversion-groups">Project Conversion Groups</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#region-conversion-options">Preprocessor #region Options</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#additions-and-omissions">Additions & Omissions</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#default-shared-assemblies">Default .NET Assemblies</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#assumed-imported-namespaces">Assumed Imported Namespaces for Snippet Conversions</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#conversion-message-options">Conversion Message Options</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#custom-string-replacements">Custom String Replacements</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#type-and-member-replacements">Type & Member Replacements</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#diagnostic-options">Diagnostic Options</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#file-encoding-options">File Encoding Options</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#naming-conventions">Naming Conventions</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#bypass-type-conversion">Omit Types from Conversion</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#misc-options">Miscellaneous Options</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#assembly-resolution">Assembly Resolution</a></li>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><a class="linktext" href="#ignored-assemblies">Ignored Assemblies</a></li>
<p class="vertical-spacer"></p>
<h2 class="subtitlestyle" id="folder-conversion">Project & Folder Conversion</h2>
<p class="standard-padding">The Project & Folder Converter tab allows you to convert all C# code
within a project or folder. Once the files are converted, you can then view C# to C++ Converter
comments, compare converted code files to original code files, and view the converted code folder.<br/>
The Conversion History listview displays previously converted sources and allows you to view
remaining C# to C++ Converter comments and view the converted code folder.<br/>
Note that due to the lack of similarity between C# and C++ project types and project files,
C# to C++ Converter does not generate C++ project files. You need to assemble the resulting
header and .cpp files generated by C# to C++ Converter.<br/>
The default output of the conversion is the traditional .h and .cpp file separation, but you can
select the option of outputting to just header files (with combined declaration and
implementation details).
<p class="vertical-spacer"></p>
<h2 class="subtitlestyle" id="file-and-snippet-conversion">File & Snippet Conversion</h2>
<p class="standard-padding">The File & Snippet Converter tab allows you to convert
C# code snippets or files. From the left side textbox, you can type
or paste code snippets, insert files, or view C# to C++ Converter sample snippets.
Once a file or snippet is converted, you can select and copy the results, save the
results to a file, or search the results.
<p class="vertical-spacer"></p>
<h2 class="subtitlestyle" id="command-line-conversion">Command Line Conversion</h2>
<p class="standard-padding">C# to C++ Converter can be launched from the command line via CSharptoCPlusConsole with one,
two, or three parameters. If only one parameter is specified, it is interpreted as the name of
one of your custom project conversion groups. If two parameters are specified, the first
parameter is either a C# project file, folder, or file that you wish to convert, and the
second parameter is the folder or header file that the converted C++ files will be written to.
The most recent converter options are used, but if the optional last parameter indicating the location of a conversion options file is included, then
that file is imported before the conversion starts. A conversion options file
has the extension '.opt' and is produced by exporting existing options to a file from the converter.<br/>
e.g. (project group conversion),<br/>
<converter Program Files path>\CSharptoCPlusConsole "MyProjectGroup"<br/>
e.g. (single project conversion),<br/>
<converter Program Files path>\CSharptoCPlusConsole "C:\C# Projects\Sample Project.csproj" "C:\C++ Projects\Sample Target Folder"<br/>
e.g. (folder conversion),
<converter Program Files path>\CSharptoCPlusConsole "C:\C# Projects\Sample Source Folder" "C:\C++ Projects\Sample Target Folder"<br/>
e.g. (file conversion),<br/>
<converter Program Files path>\CSharptoCPlusConsole "C:\C# Source Files\testfile.cs" "C:\C++ Converted Files\testfile.h"<br/>
e.g. (folder conversion with an explicit options file),<br/>
<converter Program Files path>\CSharptoCPlusConsole "C:\C# Projects\Sample Source Folder" "C:\C++ Projects\Sample Target Folder" "C:\Options\C# to C++ Converter.opt"<br/>
<p class="vertical-spacer"></p>
<h2 class="subtitlestyle" id="white-space-formatting-options">White Space Formatting Options</h2>
<li class="spaced-list-item"><u>Braces:</u> You can choose whether to place opening
braces on the next line after the construct header (default) or at the end of the same line.
You can choose whether to have braces vertically aligned with the construct (default) or
indented. Loops and <b>if</b> or <b>else</b> blocks with a single statement are converted by default
with enclosing braces. If you prefer to exclude braces for these cases then check
the preference to remove braces for single statement loops and <b>if/else</b> blocks.
<li class="spaced-list-item"><u>Indentation:</u> You can choose whether the converted code uses
tabs or spaces for the leading white space. If you choose tabs for leading white space, then
leading spaces in the original
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Tangible Software Solutions 2024.11 (282个子文件)
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mscordaccore.dll 1.28MB
mscordbi.dll 1.18MB
Instant CSharp Logic.dll 1.17MB
CSharp to C++ Converter Logic.dll 1.08MB
System.Reflection.Metadata.dll 1.06MB
CSharp to Java Converter Logic.dll 1.06MB
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Avalonia.Controls.dll 998KB
Microsoft.CSharp.dll 982KB
C++ to Java Converter Logic.dll 979KB
Instant VB Logic.dll 945KB
C++ to CSharp Converter Logic.dll 929KB
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Java to C++ Converter Logic.dll 854KB
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DynamicData.dll 724KB
Avalonia.Win32.dll 698KB
clrgc.dll 656KB
System.Net.Security.dll 654KB
System.Transactions.Local.dll 646KB
Java to Python Converter Logic.dll 632KB
AvaloniaAssets.dll 630KB
C# to C++ Converter.dll 571KB
Avalonia.Themes.Fluent.dll 557KB
CSharp to Java Converter.dll 543KB
System.Net.HttpListener.dll 538KB
System.Net.Sockets.dll 534KB
System.Linq.dll 530KB
msquic.dll 526KB
CSharp to Python Converter.dll 522KB
Instant CSharp.dll 516KB
C++ to Java Converter.dll 500KB
C++ to C# Converter.dll 493KB
C++ to Python Converter.dll 486KB
Instant VB.dll 482KB
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll 478KB
Java to C++ Converter.dll 473KB
Java to C# Converter.dll 444KB
SkiaSharp.dll 427KB
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Avalonia.X11.dll 302KB
ReactiveUI.dll 295KB
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System.Collections.Concurrent.dll 270KB
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Avalonia.Native.dll 263KB
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System.Net.Primitives.dll 226KB
System.Security.AccessControl.dll 226KB
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System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll 198KB
Avalonia.FreeDesktop.dll 197KB
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Tmds.DBus.Protocol.dll 172KB
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System.Console.dll 170KB
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