Tests for PyInstaller
This directory contains tests for PyInstaller:
- `functional` directory contains tests where executables are created from
Python scripts.
- `unit` directory contains simple unit tests.
- `old_suite` directory contains old structure of tests (TODO migrate all tests
to a new structure).
In order to run the tests, you will need the following Python packages/libraries
- pytest
- psutil
- execnet
The easiest way to install these (and some useful pytest add-ons) is running
pip install -U tests/requirements-tools.txt
Running the Tests
To run the tests, navigate to the root directory of the PyInstaller project and
run the following command:
Or, to speed up test runs by sending tests to multiple CPUs:
py.test -n NUM
Or, to run only the unit or functional tests, run one the following command:
py.test tests/unit
py.test tests/functional
py.test tests/functional -k "not tests/functional/test_libraries.py"
Or, to run only the unit and functional tests, but not the huge library
py.test tests/unit tests/functional -k "not tests/functional/test_libraries.py"
Or, to run only a particular test suite within a file, run the following
py.test tests/functional/test_basic.py -k test_pyz_as_external_file
Run all tests matching `test_ctypes_CDLL` resp. `ctypes_CDLL`:
py.test -k test_ctypes_CDLL
py.test -k ctypes_CDLL
Run both the onefile and ondir tests for
py.test -k test_ctypes_CDLL_find_library__nss_files
Finally, to only run a particular test, run one of the following commands:
py.test -k test_ctypes_CDLL_find_library__nss_files[onedir]
py.test -k test_ctypes_CDLL_find_library__nss_files[onefile]
## Continuous Integration (CI)
Continuous integration (CI) automatically exercises all tests for all platforms
officially supported by PyInstaller.
### Python Packages
Regardless of platform or CI service, all Python packages to be tested should
be listed in `test/requirements-library.txt`. Python packages required for
exercising tests (e.g., `pytest`) should instead be listed in
Both files are usual pip [requirements
following the respective syntax (e.g.,
These packages will be installed with `pip` into remote testing environments
managed by third-party CI services.
Packages only available for specific version or platforms should get an appropriate
marker](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0426/#environment-markers) like
SomeProject ==5.4 ; python_version != '3.6'
SomeProject ; sys_platform == 'win32'
### Linux
The top-level `.travis.yml` file configures the Travis-CI service to remotely
test PyInstaller in an Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS) container, the most recent Linux
distribution supported by Travis-CI.
Non-Python dependencies installable through `apt-get` on Ubuntu 12.04 should be
listed as `- `-prefixed items in the `addons:` → `apt:` → `packages:` subsection
of `.travis.yml`. Since Ubuntu 12.04 provides _no_ Python 3 packages prefixed by
`python3-`, only Python 2.7 packages prefixed by `python-` are installable by
`apt-get`. Since installing only Python 2.7 packages would be useless, Python
packages should _always_ be installed by `pip` rather than `apt-get`. See
**"Python Packages"** above.
### OS X
The top-level `.travis.yml` file of a
[separate repository](https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller-osx-tests)
configures the Travis-CI service to remotely test PyInstaller in an OS X 10.9.5
virtual machine, the most recent OS X version supported by Travis-CI.
### Windows
The top-level `appveyor.yml` file configures the Appveyor service to remotely
test PyInstaller in a Windows virtual machine.
Non-Python dependencies installable through either Chocolatey (`cinst`),
PowerShell (`ps`), or WebPI (`WebpiCmd`) should be listed as `- `-prefixed items
in the `install:` section of `appveyor.yml`. See the
[official documentation](http://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-configuration#installing-additional-software)
for voluminous details.