Copyright (C) 2007-2011, PARROT SA, all rights reserved.
You may use, copy, modify the PARROT AR.Drone SDK and APIs or any portion of it, and thus form a work based on Parrot SDK and APIs, and copy and redistribute in source code and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that you comply with following conditions:
Redistribution in source code, with or without modification, must retain Parrot copyright notice, the following disclaimer and the license to develop and use in a text file named Parrot License.
Redistribution in binary form must reproduce Parrot copyright notice, the following disclaimer in the product documentation or legal notice.
The name of Parrot may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from the APIs without specific prior written permission.
The APIs is provided by PARROT and contributors "AS IS" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall PARROT and contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
(Creation of games for the Parrot AR.DRONE)
Article 1: Purpose
The purpose of the present Development License is to define the terms and conditions under which the Developer is authorized to use the source codes of the PARROT SDK and APIs to create under its own responsibility a Game for the AR.Drone and to market it for free or against payment.
Article 2: Definitions
The terms defined hereunder, used in singular or plural, shall have the following meaning:
- «PARROT SDK and APIs »: means the AR.Drone software development kit and AR.Drone APIs and associated documentation, allowing to pilot the PARROT AR.Drone, from a mobile phone, a console game, a computer or any other electronic device, and which source codes are provided for free to the Developer;
- « Developer » means a physical person, of age, having the capacity to accept the terms of the present License or a person, representing a company and having all powers to that effect to bind the company;
- PARROT AR.Drone or PARROT AR.Drone or « PARROT Drone» means the augmented reality drone developed by PARROT, without pilot, remote-controlled by a mobile phone, a console game, a computer or any other electronic device;
- « Interoperability »: means the ability of an application to exchange information with the Parrot AR.Drone or any its accessories;
- Game for AR.Drone : means a software or a video game, created by the Developer from the PARROT SDK and APIs or any modified version, and which functionalities shall exclusively be dedicated to the use of the PARROT AR.Drone for entertaining, game, leisure or training purpose or any other purpose compatible with the terms of the present license;
- « License » means the present license of development and use of the APIs;
- « User Account» means the information relating to the identification of a Developer, such as first name, surname, email address, login, password, company, title;
- « User »: means any physical person using the PARROT Drone or a Game for AR.Drone.
ARTICLE 3 Identification
3.1 The downloading of the APIs is subject to the Identification of the Developer by filling in the online registration form and accept the terms of the License by clicking the acceptance box on .
3.2 The Developer commits to provide accurate information and to update the information, if necessary.
3.3 The User Account is personal and confidential; it cannot be assigned to a third party.
3.4 The Developer commits to inform PARROT immediately of any disclosure, non authorized use by a third party of the login and/or password of its User Account. In such case, PARROT shall be entitled to invalid the login and the password.
ARTICLE 4 Conditions of Use
Notwithstanding the limitation and restrictions mentioned in article 5, PARROT grants to the Developer, who accepts, a personal, non-assignable, non-exclusive, worldwide, free license of development of the PARROT SDK and APIs authorizing the Developer to:
reproduce, without number limitation, the APIs on any device under its responsibility, and necessary to create the Game for AR.Drone;
translate, adapt, arrange, modify the APIs in order to create a Game for AR.Drone in the software and hardware environment chosen by the Developer;
to market, for free or against fees, copies of the Game for AR.Drone created ;
to grant licenses of the Game for AR.Drone to the Users of the PARROT Drone.
ARTICLE 5 Restrictions to the license
5.1 The License of development and use of the APIs is subject to the acceptance and to the respect by the Developer without any reserves of all restrictions and limitations listed hereafter:
Consequently, PARROT expressly forbids the Developer:
(i) To access or use of the PARROT SDK and APIs from a technology or means others than those provided with the APIs;
(ii) To market copies of the APIs, for free or against fees, and to distribute, sub-license, rent, sell, transfer, commercialize, publish or generally put the APIs to a third party disposal;
(iii) To do reverse engineering, decompile or attempt to extract the Source Codes of the PARROT Drone; under special legal conditions, necessary information for interoperability purpose might be requested from PARROT ;
(iv) To destroy, or alter any warning and copyrights notices;
(v) To use the PARROT SDK and APIs to develop an application other than a Game for AR.Drone. The Game for AR.Drone, shall have for sole purpose to be used by a User for entertaining, game, leisure or training. The creation of applications for the use of the PARROT Drone for professional use or use such as but not limited to military, and, without limitation, security, watching, spying, defence, cartography, is strictly forbidden.
(vi) To use the PARROT SDK and APIs or to create a Game for AR.Drone breaching the terms of:
(1) The License;
(2) Third party rights;
(3) Applicable laws and regulations;
(4) Any instruction provided by PARROT.
5.2 Therefore, and without limitation, the Developer commits when using the APIs or when creating a Game for AR.Drone:
a) not to infringe any applicable laws and regulation which the Developer shall determine whatever the country where he intends to develop and/or market the Game for AR.Drone ;
b) not to reproduce, represent, put contents which infringe copyrights, patents, trademarks, design, model, know-how, commercial secret and any intellectual property rights belonging to PARROT or to third parties ;
c) not to falsify or remove copyrights, trademarks notices of any other proprietary rights of PARROT figuring in the Application;
d) not to display a Game for AR.Drone which falsely or implied would suggest an endorsement or any approbation from PARROT ;
e) not to collect or treat, or store, with the Game for AR.Drone, personal data from third, especially User of the Game for AR.Drone without having previously asked for their consent. Shall the Game for AR.Drone store personal data, it should be in compliance with the applicable law
5.3 PARROT is sole judge of the compliance of the Game for AR.Drone with the terms and conditions of the prese