Wavelet method [3]. These two new algorithms are a signifi-
cant breakthrough in lossy image compression in that they give
substantially higher compression ratios than prior techniques
including JPEG [4], vector quantization [5], and the discrete
wavelet transform [6] combined with quantization. In addition,
the algorithms allow for progressive transmission [7] (meaning
coarse approximations of an image can be reconstructed quickly
from beginning parts of the bit stream), require no training, and
are of low computational complexity.
The SPIHT algorithm uses the 9/7-tap biorthogonal filter in
the discrete wavelet transform [6]. To take advantage of the self-
similarity among wavelet coefficient magnitudes in different
scales, the coefficients are grouped into tree structures called ze-
rotrees. The organization of wavelet coefficients into a zerotree
is based on relating each coefficient at a given scale (parent) to
a set of four coefficients with the same orientation at the next
finer scale (children). Zerotrees allow the prediction of insignif-
icance of the coefficients across scales (that is, if the parent is
insignificant with respect to a given threshold, its children are
also likely to be insignificant) and represent this efficiently by
coding the entire tree at once.
SPIHT groups the wavelet coefficient trees into sets and
orders coefficients by the highest bit plane of the magnitude.
The ordering information is encoded with a set partitioning
algorithm. This algorithm is fully reproduced at the decoder.
The SPIHT algorithm transmits the wavelet coefficients in bit
plane order with most significant bit plane first. For each bit
plane there are two passes. In the first pass, called the dom-
inant pass, coefficients which are significant with respect to
the current threshold are found and coded using the set parti-
tioning method. In the second pass, the subordinate pass, the
precision of all previously significant coefficients is increased
by sending the next bit from the binary representation of their
values. Such refinement allows for progressive-approximation
quantization and produces a fully embedded code, i.e., the
transmission of the encoded bit stream can be stopped at
any point and a lower rate image can still be decompressed
and reconstructed. Additionally, a target bit rate or target
distortion can be met exactly.
B. Joint Source/Channel Coding Using SPIHT
Joint source/channel coding is an area that has attracted
a significant amount of research effort. Despite the fact that
Shannon’s separation theorem [8] states that for a noisy
channel, the source and channel coders can be independently
designed and cascaded with the same results as given by a
joint source/channel coder, complexity considerations have led
numerous researchers to develop joint source/channel coding
techniques. To date, most of this effort has been for fixed rate
codes because they do not suffer from the synchronization
problems that occur with variable rate codes [9]–[11]. (Notable
exceptions that have considered joint source/channel coding
schemes for variable rate codes include work on reversible
variable length codes that can be decoded in both directions
[12]. However, these codes can still have problems with
SPIHT yields high compression ratios, but images com-
pressed with SPIHT are vulnerable to data loss. Furthermore,
because SPIHT produces an embedded or progressive bit
stream, meaning that the later bits in the bit stream refine earlier
bits, the earlier bits are needed for the later bits to even be
useful. However, SPIHT’s impressive performance is leading
researchers to consider transmitting images compressed with
SPIHT over lossy channels and networks.
C. Prior Work on Transmitting SPIHT over Noisy Channels
Sherwood and Zeger [13] protected images compressed with
SPIHT against noise from the memoryless binary symmetric
channel with rate-compatible punctured convolutional (RCPC)
codes [14] with good results. They extended this work to images
transmitted over the Gilbert–Elliott channel (a fading channel)
in [15]. In the latter case, they implement a product code of
RCPC and Reed–Solomon codes and find that this outperforms
the work in [13] even for the binary symmetric channel.
Rogers and Cosman were the first to consider the transmis-
sion of images compressed with SPIHT over packet erasure
networks [16]. They used a fixed-length packetization scheme
called packetized zerotree wavelet (PZW) compression to
transmit images compressed with a modified SPIHT over lossy
packet networks. The algorithm does not use any channel
coding. They implemented a scheme to fit as many complete
wavelet trees (i.e., one coefficient from the lowest frequency
wavelet subband along with all its descendants) as possible
into a packet. The algorithm degrades gracefully in the pres-
ence of packet loss because the packets are independent. If a
packet is lost, they attempt to reconstruct the lowest frequency
coefficients from the missing trees of wavelet coefficients by
interpolating from neighboring low frequency coefficients that
have been correctly received by the decoder. To simplify their
algorithm, they used fewer levels of wavelet decomposition
and removed the arithmetic coder from the SPIHT algorithm.
The modification of the SPIHT algorithm caused a decrease of
about 1.1 dB in the PSNR for the Lenna image coded at 0.209
bits per pixel for the case of a channel without losses.
These two schemes were combined into a hybrid scheme in
[17]. The authors consider the case where, in addition to packet
loss, packets can arrive with bit errors in them. They use channel
coding to correct bit errors and PZW to conceal packet losses. If
they cannot correct all of the bit errors in a packet, they consider
the packet to be erased. The hybrid scheme shows resilience to
packet loss, bit errors, and error bursts. It is still based on the
modifiedSPIHT algorithm used in [16], which does not perform
as well as the original SPIHT algorithm.
In recent work, Chande and Farvardin presented an unequal
error protection algorithm for progressive transmission over bit
error channels [18]. They assume that the bit stream can only be
decoded up to the first uncorrectable error. They suggest max-
imizing the average useful source coding rate as an optimiza-
tion criterion, because a longer prefix of the bit stream yields
higher reconstructed image quality when decoded [18]. They
use RCPC codes for bit errors. They use a dynamic program-
ming approach to find the optimal code policy for each bit rate.