Third-party libraries.
PD4ML distribution includes an open source library for CSS parsing (ss_css2.jar; licensed
under LGPL). The included CSS parser library has some changes done by PD4ML developers.
The library original site is
The updated library sources are downloadable from
Web deployment.
In order to deploy PD4ML-enabled web application make sure that pd4ml(_demo).jar and
ss_css2.jar are located in a place where your application server or servlet engine can
find it -- in WEB-INF/lib would be a good place. Make sure there isn't an incompatible
version of the lib anywhere, including in the appserver-wide shared library
directory (the name varies).
Deployment to UNIX-derived OS (Linux, Solaris etc)
Many server systems have no X server installed and associated with the servlet engine
process. The X server is required by any Java component that needs special GUI resources
like font metrics info or image processing.
Some hints on how to solve that problem:
1. The recommended solution is to run your application or servlet engine with
-Djava.awt.headless=true given as parameter to the virtual machine. It is works only with
JDK1.4 and above. Java 1.4 includes a new image I/O API that reportedly does not require
an X server.
2. Install xvfb. "It provides an X server that can run on machines with no display hardware
and no physical input devices. It emulates a dumb framebuffer using virtual memory."
National scripts and TTF fonts.
By default PD4ML supports only Latin-1 character set and the standard fonts of PDF viewer
applications. PD4ML Pro provides "TTF embedding" feature, which allows to embed to the resulting
PDFs TTF fonts of your choice (but they should be UNICODE) and to output texts, which include
non-latin characters (like CJK or Cyrillic). See the reference manual in order to know how
to configure and use the "TTF embedding".
Image and CSS links.
Make sure, that all image or CSS URLs of source HTML document are either relative
(<img src="images/logo.gif">) or fully specified (<img src="http://myserver/webapp/images/logo.gif">).
PD4ML has no access to the servlet context of your web applications, so, for instance, it can not
resolve web application name "/webapp" of <img src="/webapp/images/logo.gif"> to a physical path.
PD4ML tries to read /webapp/images/logo.gif from root directory, which is wrong in the most of cases.
Switching of PD4ML debug mode on usually helps to determine "missing image" problem reason.
pd4ml.enableDebugInfo() API call or debug="true" attribute of <pd4ml:transform> tag force PD4ML
to dump image request absolute paths to STDOUT or to application server's log.
All CSS references should be located in <head> section of your HTML.
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P java html导出pdf的文章有很多大多都使用的是itext,其实用过的都知道itext有时并不能满足我们的需求,不能兼容html的样式,而且从html页面导出的图片到pdf中也并不好处理。Flying Sauser实现html2pdf,纠错能力差,支持多种中文字体(部分样式不能识别),而且对html的格式也是十分的严格,如果使用一种模版的话使用Flying Sauser技术倒是不错的选择,但是对于不规则的html导出pdf就并不是那么的适用。这时我们就要考虑使用其他的技术,而PD4ML可以满足我们需求,PD4ML实现html2pdf,速度快,纠错能力强可以过滤不规则的html标记,支持多种中文字体,支持css。
PD4MLJAR包 (147个子文件)
SyntaxHighlighter.css 4KB
stylesheet.css 3KB
stylesheet.css 1KB
docs.css 374B
outline1.gif 21KB
webapp.gif 1KB
logos.gif 1KB
logos.gif 1KB
suppo.gif 1013B
sale.gif 996B
inherit.gif 57B
wd.gif 43B
spacer.gif 43B
reference.htm 220KB
relnotes.htm 68KB
html.htm 51KB
css.htm 41KB
pd4ml_pdf_true_type_fonts.htm 13KB
pd4ml_proprietary_css_features.htm 9KB
pd4ml_getting_started.htm 8KB
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pd4ml_session_id_and_authorization.htm 7KB
pd4ml_document_images.htm 6KB
custom_rc_loaders.htm 5KB
pd4ml_table_of_contents.htm 5KB
pdf_viewer_launch.htm 5KB
pdf_dynamic_values.htm 5KB
pdf_document_watermarking.htm 5KB
pdf_page_formatting.htm 5KB
pdf_dynamic_format_change.htm 5KB
pdf_forms.htm 5KB
html_to_rtf_conversion.htm 5KB
html_to_image_conversion.htm 5KB
pd4cmd_notes.htm 4KB
pd4ml_pdf_merge.htm 4KB
pd4ml_pdf_security.htm 4KB
pd4ml_evallicense.htm 4KB
html_pdf_conversion_progress_monitoring.htm 4KB
conditional_pdf_page_breaks.htm 4KB
pd4ml_footnotes.htm 4KB
pd4ml_conversion_status.htm 3KB
pdf_automated_printing.htm 3KB
pd4ml_http_proxy.htm 3KB
pd4ml_multiple_src_documents.htm 3KB
pdf_bookmarks.htm 3KB
index.htm 3KB
images.htm 3KB
template.htm 2KB
PD4ML.html 106KB
index-all.html 101KB
PD4Constants.html 84KB
PD4DocumentBase.html 67KB
PD4PageMark.html 46KB
constant-values.html 35KB
PD4ConfigHandler.html 28KB
PD4Document.html 21KB
PD4ML.StatusMessage.html 15KB
PD4ProgressListener.html 15KB
PD4Util.html 11KB
transform.html 11KB
PD4InvalidPasswordException.html 10KB
PD4InvokeException.html 10KB
tld-summary.html 10KB
help-doc.html 9KB
PD4Cache.html 9KB
serialized-form.html 9KB
package-summary.html 8KB
header.html 8KB
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help-doc.html 6KB
page.break.html 6KB
deprecated-list.html 6KB
usettf.html 6KB
footnote.html 6KB
package-summary.html 6KB
permissions.html 6KB
package-tree.html 6KB
fix_base_path.html 6KB
attachment.html 6KB
page.footer.html 6KB
page.header.html 6KB
overview-summary.html 6KB
page_footer.html 5KB
page_header.html 5KB
footnote.caption.html 5KB
parameter.html 5KB
toc.html 5KB
resolve_entities.html 5KB
parameters.html 5KB
clean_xhtml.html 5KB
title.html 5KB
overview-summary.html 4KB
tld-frame.html 2KB
alltags-frame.html 2KB
package-frame.html 2KB
alltags-noframe.html 2KB
共 147 条
- 1
- 2
- csgogogo_4712016-08-11不错的html生产pdf的方案,但是不知道怎么解决中文问题
- willjungle2016-06-17很有用,谢谢
- ssy81102016-08-18差评,试用版,拿来蹭分
- smithuang2016-04-27好像没有字体jar包,字体出现乱码
- likaladi2015-08-30不错的html生产pdf的方案
- 粉丝: 0
- 资源: 2
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