从eclipse和网上找到的破解包提取打包成无依赖,独立java程序可用的版本。独立java程序启动的时候增加如下的JVM参数即可 -server -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Drebel.spring_plugin=true -noverify -javaagent:D:\apps\jrebel6.4.3\jrebel.jar -Xbootclasspath/p:D:/apps/jrebel6.4.3/rebelboot.jar -Drebel.base=D:\apps\jrebel6.4.3\.jrebel -Drebel.disable_update=true D:\apps\jrebel6.4.3这个为解压后的路径,rebel.base参数指定了jrebel.lic所在的位置,因此无需拷贝到用户目录下。 控制台可以看到如下的输出表示jrebel配置成功。 2016-07-13 11:42:59 JRebel: WARN You are running JRebel using the -javaagent option on a system where -agentpath is supported. 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: ############################################################# 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: JRebel Agent 6.4.3 (201604210950) 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: (c) Copyright ZeroTurnaround AS, Estonia, Tartu. 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: Over the last 1 days JRebel prevented 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: at least 1 redeploys/restarts saving you about 0 hours. 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: Licensed to VIMACER (ZeroTurnaround) 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: with the following restrictions: 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: ### Hello World Cracked ### :) 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: License type: enterprise 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: Valid from: July 14, 2014 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: Valid until: August 18, 2888 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: ############################################################# 2016-07-13 11:43:02 JRebel: 2016-07-13 11:43:04 JRebel: Monitoring Log4j configuration in 'xxxxx/log4j.properties'. 2016-07-13 11:43:06 JRebel: Monitoring properties in 'xxxxx\xxxx.properties'. 2016-07-13 11:43:32 JRebel: Reloading class 'xxxxx'. 2016-07-13 11:43:32 JRebel: Reconfiguring bean 'xxxxx' [xxxxx]
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