ENGINEERING • www.jrkerr.com
Maximum velocities for each axis in inches (or millimeters) per second.
The is the velocity used for rapid motions, and the greatest of these
velocities is used as a limit on the overall feed rate. (If these values
differ, it is up to the user to make sure that any programs do not exceed
the maximum velocity of the slower axes.)
xmax, ymax,
Maximum operating positions, in inches (or millimeters), relative to the
home position. Note that because the homing procedure homes the mill
to the positive limit stops, these values will be negative. The maximum
operating position should be far enough away from any hard limit stops
so that when this position is reached, there is still room to smoothly
decelerate to a stop without crashing.
xmin, ymin,
Minimum operating positions, in inches (or millimeters), relative to the
home position. Note that because the homing procedure homes the mill
to the positive limit stops, these values will be negative, and also more
negative than the maximum positions. The minimum operating position
should be far enough away from any hard limit stops so that when this
position is reached, there is still room to smoothly decelerate to a stop
without crashing.
xkp, ykp, zkp Proportional gains used by the servo controllers. (Range: 0 - 32,767)
These values should be determined using the NMCTest program.
xkd, ykd, zkd Derivative gains used by the servo controllers. (Range: 0 - 32,767)
These values should be determined using the NMCTest program.
xki, yki, zki Integral gains used by the servo controllers. (Range: 0 - 32,767) These
values should be determined using the NMCTest program.
xil, yil, zil Integration limits used by the servo controllers. (Range: 0 - 32,767)
These values should be determined using the NMCTest program.
xol, yol, zol Output limits used by the servo controllers. (Range: 0 - 255) These
values should be determined using the NMCTest program. (Usually set
to 255)
xcl, ycl, zcl Current limits used by the servo controllers. (Range: 0 - 255) These
values should be determined using the NMCTest program. (Use 0 if
amplifiers have no current feedback.)
xel, yel, zel Position error limits, in encoder counts, used by the servo controllers.
(Range: 0 - 16,383) These values should be determined using the
NMCTest program.
xsr, ysr, zsr Servo rate divisors used by the servo controllers. All should be set to 1.
xdc, ydc, zdc Deadband compensation used by the servo controllers. (Range 0 - 255)
Usually set to 0 except for when using SS-Drive controllers.
xpadv, ypadv,
Phase advance settings used by SS-Drive type controllers. Set to 0 for
all other types of PIC-SERVO controllers.
xpoff, ypoff,
Phase offset settings used by SS-Drive type controllers. Set to 0 for all
other types of PIC-SERVO controllers.
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