Quick-Start FAQ
What's Struts Blank?
- It's an "empty" application provided to help you get started on your own project. Just copy the struts-blank.war to a new WAR file using the name for your application. Place it in your container's "webapp" folder (or equivalent), and let your container auto-deploy the application. Edit the skeleton configuration files as needed, restart your container, and you are on your way! (You can find the application.properties file with this message in the /WEB-INF/src/java/resources folder.)
Where do I put my own code?
- The build file is setup so that you can place your own packages anywhere under the WEB-INF/src directory.
What are the references to /javasoft/lib in the build.xml about?
- Most Struts applications use some common JAR files. This is one common location for these on a development computer, but another may be used
What targets does the build file accept?
- "clean" to delete the old class, resource, and configuration files.
- "compile" to rebuild the Java class files and copy over the resource and configuration files.
- "project" to also generate the Javadoc.
- "dist" to create a binary distribution.
- "all" for a clean rebuild the project and binary distributions.
Where are the binary distributions placed?
- By default, under /projects/lib on your default drive. You can change these through the "distpath.project" variable in the build file.
Where's the Application Resources?
- It's named application.properties. The original is under WEB-INF/src/java/resources. The resource bundle is copied under classes during a build.
Why did the changes to my application.properties or other resource file disappear?
- The original configuration files are under WEB-INF/src/java and copied under classes during a build. Change the WEB-INF/src/java versions and rebuild before deploying.
- 粉丝: 1
- 资源: 9
- CRUISE纯电动车仿真模型,实际项目base模型 simulink DLL联合仿真,基于标定的map模型,适用于vcu+esp实现能量回收的项目 关于模型: 1.策略是用64位软件编译的,如果模
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- SOMBP预测模型,数据可以多输入单输出做拟合预测模型,直接替数据就可以使用,程序内有注释,可学习性强,可除两种拟合预测图,以及多种模型评价指标
- Matlab simulink仿真的直流配电网,图2为下垂控制仿真模型,图3为流器(VSC)仿真模型,有这完美的电压与电流波形,两种VSC的有功功率与下垂控制的有功功率,输出电压波形
- 西门子1500PLC机器人焊接程序(西门子PLC+西门子触摸屏) 触摸屏:TP1500 精智面板 PLC:CPU 1516F-3 PN DP 程序:梯形图+SCL PS:注释详细 1台西门子1500P
- 基于WinCE6.0 + Visual Studio2008(VC++开发) + Googol固高codesys运动控制器,开发的示教控制系统 操作者可以通过简单的选择、参数设定而实现相对、绝对定位
- 恒压供水plc程序,1拖1十1辅泵,1拖2十1至1拖4十1辅泵,水箱,无负压通用,有完整的图纸和注释,使用三菱FX1N.2N系列plc十fx0n3a模拟量十昆仑通态tpc7062触摸屏,适合参考学习
- 量产大厂成熟FOC电机控制方案,代码 大厂成熟Foc电机控 码,有原理图,pcb 可用于电动自行车,滑板车,电机Foc控制等 大厂成熟方案,直接可用,,不是一般的普通代码可比的 代码基于st
- 基于遗传算法的车间调度 已知加工时间,如何确定加工顺序和工件分配情况,使得最大完工时间极小化 内涵详细的代码注释
- matlab模型降级算法,传递函数降阶算法 电机控制,并网控制,四旋翼控制等 高阶传递函数进行降级阶处理,逼近传递函数n阶矩阵的距,实现模型降级,操作简单 (有arnolid算法、lanczos
- starccm+电池包热管理-新能源汽车电池包共轭传热仿真 可查學習模型如何搭建,几何清理网格划分,學習重要分析参数如何设置 内容: 0.电池包热管理基础知识讲解,电芯发热机理,电池热管理系统介绍
- 药厂BMS、EMS PLC程序,含触摸屏程序,很有借鉴意义 大型药厂在运行程序; 控制器用的是西门子1500; 里面运用的结构化编程思路很值得借鉴; 药厂各种控制模式; 控温控湿控压; 里面包含数据滤
- 西门子v90伺服与G120 变频pLC控制程序博途Ⅴ14 V15 V16 Ⅴ17版 Cpu为1217,触摸屏为KTp700,4台v90和两台G120釆用PN通讯模式,自动上料机程序 有视屏教程
- matlab simulink 二次调频,4机2区系统二次调频,用模型方法对四机两区系统进行了二次调频分析,有以下两点内容, 1.传统同步机二次调频特性分析 2.用水电风电替系统同步机之后的调频特性
- Matlab使用CNN卷积神经网络进行图像分类,使用了猫狗大战数据集的4000个图像(2000猫2000狗),分为猫狗两个类别 也可以改成多分类 注释详细,可直接运行,可以直接成自己的数据,源代码
- Matlab代码模板,图像处理,色彩补偿,色彩平衡,显示连通分量数量,自动阈值分割图像,人脸数据集的主成分分析,利用最小距离分类器分类3种植物,