# Podinfo
Podinfo is a tiny web application made with Go
that showcases best practices of running microservices in Kubernetes.
Podinfo is used by CNCF projects like [Flux](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2)
and [Flagger](https://github.com/fluxcd/flagger)
for end-to-end testing and workshops.
## Installing the Chart
The Podinfo charts are published to
[GitHub Container Registry](https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo/pkgs/container/charts%2Fpodinfo)
and signed with [Cosign](https://github.com/sigstore/cosign) & GitHub Actions OIDC.
To install the chart with the release name `my-release` from GHCR:
$ helm upgrade -i my-release oci://ghcr.io/stefanprodan/charts/podinfo
To verify a chart with Cosign:
$ cosign verify ghcr.io/stefanprodan/charts/podinfo:<VERSION>
Alternatively, you can install the chart from GitHub pages:
$ helm repo add podinfo https://stefanprodan.github.io/podinfo
$ helm upgrade -i my-release podinfo/podinfo
The command deploys podinfo on the Kubernetes cluster in the default namespace.
The [configuration](#configuration) section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
## Uninstalling the Chart
To uninstall/delete the `my-release` deployment:
$ helm delete my-release
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
## Configuration
The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the podinfo chart and their default values.
| Parameter | Default | Description |
| --------------------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `replicaCount` | `1` | Desired number of pods |
| `logLevel` | `info` | Log level: `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error` |
| `backend` | `None` | Echo backend URL |
| `backends` | `[]` | Array of echo backend URLs |
| `cache` | `None` | Redis address in the format `tcp://<host>:<port>` |
| `redis.enabled` | `false` | Create Redis deployment for caching purposes |
| `ui.color` | `#34577c` | UI color |
| `ui.message` | `None` | UI greetings message |
| `ui.logo` | `None` | UI logo |
| `faults.delay` | `false` | Random HTTP response delays between 0 and 5 seconds |
| `faults.error` | `false` | 1/3 chances of a random HTTP response error |
| `faults.unhealthy` | `false` | When set, the healthy state is never reached |
| `faults.unready` | `false` | When set, the ready state is never reached |
| `faults.testFail` | `false` | When set, a helm test is included which always fails |
| `faults.testTimeout` | `false` | When set, a helm test is included which always times out |
| `image.repository` | `stefanprodan/podinfo` | Image repository |
| `image.tag` | `<VERSION>` | Image tag |
| `image.pullPolicy` | `IfNotPresent` | Image pull policy |
| `service.enabled` | `true` | Create a Kubernetes Service, should be disabled when using [Flagger](https://flagger.app) |
| `service.type` | `ClusterIP` | Type of the Kubernetes Service |
| `service.metricsPort` | `9797` | Prometheus metrics endpoint port |
| `service.httpPort` | `9898` | Container HTTP port |
| `service.externalPort` | `9898` | ClusterIP HTTP port |
| `service.grpcPort` | `9999` | ClusterIP gPRC port |
| `service.grpcService` | `podinfo` | gPRC service name |
| `service.nodePort` | `31198` | NodePort for the HTTP endpoint |
| `h2c.enabled` | `false` | Allow upgrading to h2c (non-TLS version of HTTP/2) |
| `extraEnvs` | `[]` | Extra environment variables for the podinfo container |
| `config.path` | `""` | config file path |
| `config.name` | `""` | config file name |
| `extraArgs` | `[]` | Additional command line arguments to pass to podinfo container |
| `hpa.enabled` | `false` | Enables the Kubernetes HPA |
| `hpa.maxReplicas` | `10` | Maximum amount of pods |
| `hpa.cpu` |
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适用于 Kubernetes 的 Go 微服务模板.zip
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收藏 428KB ZIP 举报
豆荚信息 Podinfo 是一个用 Go 编写的小型 Web 应用程序,展示了在 Kubernetes 中运行微服务的最佳实践。Flux和Flagger等CNCF 项目使用 Podinfo 进行端到端测试和研讨会。规格健康检查(就绪性和活跃性)中断信号时正常关闭机密和配置图的文件观察器使用 Prometheus 和 Open Telemetry 进行监测使用 zap 进行结构化日志记录带有 viper 的 12 要素应用故障注入(随机错误和延迟)Swagger 文档Timoni、Helm 和 Kustomize 安装程序使用 Kubernetes Kind 和 Helm 进行端到端测试使用 Docker buildx 和 GitHub Actions 的多架构容器映像使用 Sigstore cosign 签署容器镜像容器镜像中嵌入的 SBOM 和 SLSA Provenance使用 Trivy 进行 CVE 扫描Web APIGET /打印运行时信息GET /version打印 podinfo 版本和 git commit ha
适用于 Kubernetes 的 Go 微服务模板.zip (324个子文件)
Dockerfile.base 138B
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types_go_gen.cue 44KB
types_gen.cue 41KB
types_gen.cue 34KB
types_go_gen.cue 32KB
types_gen.cue 30KB
types_go_gen.cue 29KB
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types_gen.cue 27KB
types_go_gen.cue 27KB
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types_go_gen.cue 12KB
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types_go_gen.cue 8KB
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types_go_gen.cue 8KB
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types_gen.cue 7KB
types_go_gen.cue 5KB
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