# Extensions
CEL extensions are a related set of constants, functions, macros, or other
features which may not be covered by the core CEL spec.
## Bindings
Returns a cel.EnvOption to configure support for local variable bindings
in expressions.
### Cel.Bind
Binds a simple identifier to an initialization expression which may be used
in a subsequenct result expression. Bindings may also be nested within each
cel.bind(<varName>, <initExpr>, <resultExpr>)
cel.bind(a, 'hello',
cel.bind(b, 'world', a + b + b + a)) // "helloworldworldhello"
// Avoid a list allocation within the exists comprehension.
cel.bind(valid_values, [a, b, c],
[d, e, f].exists(elem, elem in valid_values))
Local bindings are not guaranteed to be evaluated before use.
## Encoders
Encoding utilies for marshalling data into standardized representations.
### Base64.Decode
Decodes base64-encoded string to bytes.
This function will return an error if the string input is not
base64.decode(<string>) -> <bytes>
base64.decode('aGVsbG8=') // return b'hello'
base64.decode('aGVsbG8') // error
### Base64.Encode
Encodes bytes to a base64-encoded string.
base64.encode(<bytes>) -> <string>
base64.encode(b'hello') // return 'aGVsbG8='
## Math
Math helper macros and functions.
Note, all macros use the 'math' namespace; however, at the time of macro
expansion the namespace looks just like any other identifier. If you are
currently using a variable named 'math', the macro will likely work just as
intended; however, there is some chance for collision.
### Math.Greatest
Returns the greatest valued number present in the arguments to the macro.
Greatest is a variable argument count macro which must take at least one
argument. Simple numeric and list literals are supported as valid argument
types; however, other literals will be flagged as errors during macro
expansion. If the argument expression does not resolve to a numeric or
list(numeric) type during type-checking, or during runtime then an error
will be produced. If a list argument is empty, this too will produce an
math.greatest(<arg>, ...) -> <double|int|uint>
math.greatest(1) // 1
math.greatest(1u, 2u) // 2u
math.greatest(-42.0, -21.5, -100.0) // -21.5
math.greatest([-42.0, -21.5, -100.0]) // -21.5
math.greatest(numbers) // numbers must be list(numeric)
math.greatest() // parse error
math.greatest('string') // parse error
math.greatest(a, b) // check-time error if a or b is non-numeric
math.greatest(dyn('string')) // runtime error
### Math.Least
Returns the least valued number present in the arguments to the macro.
Least is a variable argument count macro which must take at least one
argument. Simple numeric and list literals are supported as valid argument
types; however, other literals will be flagged as errors during macro
expansion. If the argument expression does not resolve to a numeric or
list(numeric) type during type-checking, or during runtime then an error
will be produced. If a list argument is empty, this too will produce an
math.least(<arg>, ...) -> <double|int|uint>
math.least(1) // 1
math.least(1u, 2u) // 1u
math.least(-42.0, -21.5, -100.0) // -100.0
math.least([-42.0, -21.5, -100.0]) // -100.0
math.least(numbers) // numbers must be list(numeric)
math.least() // parse error
math.least('string') // parse error
math.least(a, b) // check-time error if a or b is non-numeric
math.least(dyn('string')) // runtime error
### Math.BitOr
Introduced at version: 1
Performs a bitwise-OR operation over two int or uint values.
math.bitOr(<int>, <int>) -> <int>
math.bitOr(<uint>, <uint>) -> <uint>
math.bitOr(1u, 2u) // returns 3u
math.bitOr(-2, -4) // returns -2
### Math.BitAnd
Introduced at version: 1
Performs a bitwise-AND operation over two int or uint values.
math.bitAnd(<int>, <int>) -> <int>
math.bitAnd(<uint>, <uint>) -> <uint>
math.bitAnd(3u, 2u) // return 2u
math.bitAnd(3, 5) // returns 3
math.bitAnd(-3, -5) // returns -7
### Math.BitXor
Introduced at version: 1
math.bitXor(<int>, <int>) -> <int>
math.bitXor(<uint>, <uint>) -> <uint>
Performs a bitwise-XOR operation over two int or uint values.
math.bitXor(3u, 5u) // returns 6u
math.bitXor(1, 3) // returns 2
### Math.BitNot
Introduced at version: 1
Function which accepts a single int or uint and performs a bitwise-NOT
ones-complement of the given binary value.
math.bitNot(<int>) -> <int>
math.bitNot(<uint>) -> <uint>
math.bitNot(1) // returns -1
math.bitNot(-1) // return 0
math.bitNot(0u) // returns 18446744073709551615u
### Math.BitShiftLeft
Introduced at version: 1
Perform a left shift of bits on the first parameter, by the amount of bits
specified in the second parameter. The first parameter is either a uint or
an int. The second parameter must be an int.
When the second parameter is 64 or greater, 0 will be always be returned
since the number of bits shifted is greater than or equal to the total bit
length of the number being shifted. Negative valued bit shifts will result
in a runtime error.
math.bitShiftLeft(<int>, <int>) -> <int>
math.bitShiftLeft(<uint>, <int>) -> <uint>
math.bitShiftLeft(1, 2) // returns 4
math.bitShiftLeft(-1, 2) // returns -4
math.bitShiftLeft(1u, 2) // return 4u
math.bitShiftLeft(1u, 200) // returns 0u
### Math.BitShiftRight
Introduced at version: 1
Perform a right shift of bits on the first parameter, by the amount of bits
specified in the second parameter. The first parameter is either a uint or
an int. The second parameter must be an int.
When the second parameter is 64 or greater, 0 will always be returned since
the number of bits shifted is greater than or equal to the total bit length
of the number being shifted. Negative valued bit shifts will result in a
runtime error.
The sign bit extension will not be preserved for this operation: vacant bits
on the left are filled with 0.
math.bitShiftRight(<int>, <int>) -> <int>
math.bitShiftRight(<uint>, <int>) -> <uint>
math.bitShiftRight(1024, 2) // returns 256
math.bitShiftRight(1024u, 2) // returns 256u
math.bitShiftRight(1024u, 64) // returns 0u
### Math.Ceil
Introduced at version: 1
Compute the ceiling of a double value.
math.ceil(<double>) -> <double>
math.ceil(1.2) // returns 2.0
math.ceil(-1.2) // returns -1.0
### Math.Floor
Introduced at version: 1
Compute the floor of a double value.
math.floor(<double>) -> <double>
math.floor(1.2) // returns 1.0
math.floor(-1.2) // returns -2.0
### Math.Round
Introduced at version: 1
Rounds the double value to the nearest whole number with ties rounding away
from zero, e.g. 1.5 -> 2.0, -1.5 -> -2.0.
math.round(<double>) -> <double>
math.round(1.2) // returns 1.0
math.round(1.5) // returns 2.0
math.round(-1.5) // returns -2.0
### Math.Trunc
Introduced at version: 1
Truncates the fractional portion of the double value.
math.trunc(<double>) -> <double>
math.trunc(-1.3) // returns -1.0
math.trunc(1.3) // returns 1.0
### Math.Abs
Introduced at version: 1
Returns the absolute value of the numeric type provided as input. If the
value is NaN, the output is NaN. If the input is int64 min, the function
will result in an overflow error.
math.abs(<double>) -> <double>
math.abs(<int>) -> <int>
math.abs(<uint>) -> <uint>
math.abs(-1) // returns 1
math.abs(1) // returns 1
math.abs(-9223372036854775808) // overlflow error
### Math.Sign
Introduced at version: 1
Returns the sign of the numeric type,
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通用表达语言 通用表达式语言 (CEL) 是一种非图灵完备语言,旨在实现简单、快速、安全和可移植性。CEL 的 C 类语法与 C++、Go、Java 和 TypeScript 中的等效表达式几乎完全相同。// Check whether a resource name starts with a group name.resource.name.startsWith("/groups/" + auth.claims.group)// Determine whether the request is in the permitted time window.request.time - resource.age < duration("24h")// Check whether all resource names in a list match a given filter.auth.claims.email_verified && resources.all(r, r.startsWith(auth.claims.email))CEL“程序”是一个单一表达式
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BUILD.bazel 4KB
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BUILD.bazel 310B
BUILD.bazel 118B
.bazelversion 55B
.bazelversion 6B
editions_defaults.binpb 93B
conformance_test.bzl 2KB
.editorconfig 316B
team.fds 290B
CEL.g4 5KB
Commands.g4 2KB
.gcloudignore 723B
.gitattributes 53B
.gitignore 548B
.gitignore 200B
.gitignore 174B
.gitignore 147B
.gitignore 26B
.gitkeep 0B
descriptor.pb.go 243KB
commands_parser.go 230KB
codec_gen.go 163KB
tables.go 153KB
cel_parser.go 141KB
cel_test.go 82KB
syntax.pb.go 77KB
descriptor_gen.go 71KB
checker_test.go 66KB
test_all_types.pb.go 64KB
checked.pb.go 64KB
interpreter_test.go 63KB
strings_test.go 61KB
parser_atn_simulator.go 61KB
syntax.pb.go 57KB
parser_test.go 56KB
test_all_types.pb.go 54KB
tables.go 52KB
checked.pb.go 49KB
attributes.go 43KB
interpretable.go 39KB
map_test.go 36KB
decls_test.go 34KB
attributes_test.go 33KB
tables.go 31KB
env.go 30KB
parser.go 30KB
decls.go 29KB
native_test.go 28KB
provider_test.go 28KB
evaluator.go 28KB
formatting.go 28KB
standard.go 28KB
struct.pb.go 27KB
error_strategy.go 27KB
desc.go 27KB
map.go 27KB
type.go 26KB
strings.go 26KB
math.go 26KB
library.go 26KB
codec_field.go 26KB
well_known_types.go 25KB
list_test.go 25KB
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