Confluent's Golang Client for Apache Kafka<sup>TM</sup>
**confluent-kafka-go** is Confluent's Golang client for [Apache Kafka]( and the
[Confluent Platform](
- **High performance** - confluent-kafka-go is a lightweight wrapper around
[librdkafka](, a finely tuned C
- **Reliability** - There are a lot of details to get right when writing an Apache Kafka
client. We get them right in one place (librdkafka) and leverage this work
across all of our clients (also [confluent-kafka-python](
and [confluent-kafka-dotnet](
- **Supported** - Commercial support is offered by
- **Future proof** - Confluent, founded by the
original creator/co-creator of Kafka, is building a [streaming platform](
with Apache Kafka at its core. It's high priority for us that client features keep
pace with core Apache Kafka and components of the [Confluent Platform](
The Golang bindings provides a high-level Producer and Consumer with support
for the balanced consumer groups of Apache Kafka 0.9 and above.
See the [API documentation]( for more information.
For a step-by-step guide on using the client see [Getting Started with Apache Kafka and Golang](
High-level balanced consumer
import (
func main() {
c, err := kafka.NewConsumer(&kafka.ConfigMap{
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost",
"": "myGroup",
"auto.offset.reset": "earliest",
if err != nil {
err = c.SubscribeTopics([]string{"myTopic", "^aRegex.*[Tt]opic"}, nil)
if err != nil {
// A signal handler or similar could be used to set this to false to break the loop.
run := true
for run {
msg, err := c.ReadMessage(time.Second)
if err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Message on %s: %s\n", msg.TopicPartition, string(msg.Value))
} else if !err.(kafka.Error).IsTimeout() {
// The client will automatically try to recover from all errors.
// Timeout is not considered an error because it is raised by
// ReadMessage in absence of messages.
fmt.Printf("Consumer error: %v (%v)\n", err, msg)
import (
func main() {
p, err := kafka.NewProducer(&kafka.ConfigMap{"bootstrap.servers": "localhost"})
if err != nil {
defer p.Close()
// Delivery report handler for produced messages
go func() {
for e := range p.Events() {
switch ev := e.(type) {
case *kafka.Message:
if ev.TopicPartition.Error != nil {
fmt.Printf("Delivery failed: %v\n", ev.TopicPartition)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Delivered message to %v\n", ev.TopicPartition)
// Produce messages to topic (asynchronously)
topic := "myTopic"
for _, word := range []string{"Welcome", "to", "the", "Confluent", "Kafka", "Golang", "client"} {
TopicPartition: kafka.TopicPartition{Topic: &topic, Partition: kafka.PartitionAny},
Value: []byte(word),
}, nil)
// Wait for message deliveries before shutting down
p.Flush(15 * 1000)
More elaborate examples are available in the [examples](examples) directory,
including [how to configure](examples/confluent_cloud_example) the Go client
for use with [Confluent Cloud](
Getting Started
Supports Go 1.17+ and librdkafka 2.6.1+.
Using Go Modules
You can use [Go Modules]( to install
Import the `kafka` package from GitHub in your code:
import ""
Build your project:
go build ./...
If you are building for Alpine Linux (musl), `-tags musl` must be specified.
go build -tags musl ./...
A dependency to the latest stable version of confluent-kafka-go should be automatically added to
your `go.mod` file.
Install the client
Manual install:
go get -u
Golang import:
import ""
Prebuilt librdkafka binaries are included with the Go client and librdkafka
does not need to be installed separately on the build or target system.
The following platforms are supported by the prebuilt librdkafka binaries:
* Mac OSX x64 and arm64
* glibc-based Linux x64 and arm64 (e.g., RedHat, Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc) - without GSSAPI/Kerberos support
* musl-based Linux amd64 and arm64 (Alpine) - without GSSAPI/Kerberos support
* Windows amd64 - without GSSAPI/Kerberos support
When building your application for Alpine Linux (musl libc) you must pass
`-tags musl` to `go get`, `go build`, etc.
`CGO_ENABLED` must NOT be set to `0` since the Go client is based on the
C library librdkafka.
If GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication support is required you will need
to install librdkafka separately, see the **Installing librdkafka** chapter
below, and then build your Go application with `-tags dynamic`.
Installing librdkafka
If the bundled librdkafka build is not supported on your platform, or you
need a librdkafka with GSSAPI/Kerberos support, you must install librdkafka
manually on the build and target system using one of the following alternatives:
- For Debian and Ubuntu based distros, install `librdkafka-dev` from the standard
repositories or using [Confluent's Deb repository](
- For Redhat based distros, install `librdkafka-devel` using [Confluent's YUM repository](
- For MacOS X, install `librdkafka` from Homebrew. You may also need to brew install pkg-config if you don't already have it: `brew install librdkafka pkg-config`.
- For Alpine: `apk add librdkafka-dev pkgconf`
- For Windows: there are no official/supported packages, but static builds are included for Windows/x64.
Installing from source is needed only for GSSAPI/Kerberos support.
- For source builds, see instructions below.
Build from source:
git clone
cd librdkafka
sudo make install
After installing librdkafka you will need to build your Go application
with `-tags dynamic`.
**Note:** If you use the `master` branch of the Go client, then you need to use
the `master` branch of librdkafka.
**confluent-kafka-go requires librdkafka v1.9.0 or later.**
Static builds on Linux
Since we are using `cgo`, Go builds a dynamically linked library even when using
the prebuilt, statically-compiled librdkafka as described in the **librdkafka**
For `glibc` based systems, if the system where the client is being compiled is
different from the target system, especially when the target system is older,
there is a `glibc` version error when trying to run the compiled client.
Unfortunately, if we try building a statically linked binary, it doesn't solve the problem,
since there is no way to have truly static builds using `glibc`. This is
because there are some functions in `glibc`, like `getaddrinfo` which need the shared
version of the library even when the code is compiled statically.
One way around this is to either use a con
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Confluent 的 Apache Kafka Golang 客户端.zip
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收藏 33.17MB ZIP 举报
Confluent 的 Apache Kafka TM Golang 客户端confluent-kafka-go是 Confluent 针对Apache Kafka和 Confluent 平台的 Golang 客户端。特征高性能- confluent-kafka-go 是librdkafka 的轻量级包装器 ,是一个经过精细调整的 C 客户端。可靠性- 编写 Apache Kafka 客户端时,有很多细节需要注意。我们将它们集中在一个地方 (librdkafka),并在所有客户端 (包括confluent-kafka-python 和confluent-kafka-dotnet ) 中利用这项工作。支持— Confluent提供商业支持 。面向未来- Confluent 由 Kafka 的原创者/共同创作者创立,正在构建 以 Apache Kafka 为核心的流媒体平台。我们最优先考虑的是让客户端功能与核心 Apache Kafka 和Confluent 平台的组件保持同步。Golang 绑定提供了高级生产者和消费者,支持 Apache Kafka 0.9
Confluent 的 Apache Kafka Golang 客户端.zip (320个子文件)
librdkafka_musl_linux_arm64.a 16.46MB
librdkafka_musl_linux_amd64.a 16.37MB
librdkafka_glibc_linux_amd64.a 16.32MB
librdkafka_windows.a 16.06MB
librdkafka_glibc_linux_arm64.a 16MB
librdkafka_darwin_amd64.a 13.83MB
librdkafka_darwin_arm64.a 11.8MB
advanced-2.avsc 2KB
complex.avsc 2KB
advanced.avsc 2KB
nested.avsc 645B
union.avsc 441B
rule_encrypt.avsc 423B
user.avsc 307B
user.avsc 307B
user.avsc 307B
user.avsc 300B
user.avsc 278B
user.avsc 278B
user.avsc 278B
user.avsc 278B
example.avsc 278B
recursive.avsc 151B
bool.avsc 37B
double.avsc 36B
string.avsc 36B
float.avsc 35B
null.avsc 34B
long.avsc 34B
int.avsc 33B
kafka_jaas.conf 300B
zookeeper_jaas.conf 100B
rootCA.crt 2KB
Dockerfile 664B
Dockerfile 610B
.gitignore 2KB
.gitignore 92B
.gitignore 69B
.gitignore 50B
.gitignore 29B
.gitignore 28B
.gitignore 21B
.gitignore 20B
adminapi.go 126KB
integration_test.go 107KB
avro_test.go 63KB
json_schema_test.go 42KB
adminapi_test.go 41KB
schemaregistry_client.go 36KB
consumer.go 35KB
producer.go 33KB
protobuf_test.go 28KB
nested.pb.go 26KB
producer_test.go 24KB
generated_errors.go 23KB
serde.go 23KB
consumer_test.go 23KB
protobuf.go 22KB
mock_schemaregistry_client.go 22KB
kafka.go 19KB
soakclient_transaction.go 18KB
adminoptions.go 18KB
encrypt_executor.go 16KB
avro.go 14KB
dekregistry_client.go 12KB
rest_service.go 12KB
go_verifiable_consumer.go 12KB
meta.pb.go 11KB
testhelpers_test.go 11KB
handle.go 11KB
visualizer.go 11KB
schemaregistry_client_test.go 10KB
soakclient.go 10KB
test.pb.go 10KB
processor.go 10KB
txn_integration_test.go 9KB
json_schema.go 9KB
event.go 8KB
soaktest.go 8KB
json_schema_util.go 8KB
config.go 8KB
avro_util.go 7KB
cel_executor.go 7KB
go-kafkacat.go 7KB
consumer_rebalance_example.go 7KB
confluent_cloud_example.go 7KB
oauthbearer_consumer_example.go 7KB
oauthbearer_producer_example.go 7KB
example.pb.go 7KB
message.go 6KB
txnhelpers.go 6KB
go_verifiable_producer.go 6KB
rest_service_test.go 6KB
demo_schema.go 6KB
integration_mock_test.go 6KB
oauthbearer_oidc_example.go 6KB
producer_performance_test.go 5KB
avrov2_producer_migration_example.go 5KB
number_record.go 5KB
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