= Contents =
Requirements and limitations
Contact information
= Introduction =
Unlock PDF documents and remove editing, printing and copying restrictions instantly. Open encrypted and password-protected PDF documents quickly and efficiently. The unique, patent-pending Thunder Tables technology guarantees the recovery of 40-bit keys in under a minute! The multi-threaded low-level code is optimized for modern multi-core PCs, ensuring the best performance and the quickest recovery of the most complex passwords. Removing JScript code, form fields and digital signatures is also an option.
= Requirements and limitations =
- Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008
- about 6 megabytes of free space on hard disk (4 gigabytes for Enterprise version; 4Gb USB flash drive recommended)
The program can process files encrypted in mode 1 with standard encryption handler only. The documents protected with any other encryption handlers (like FileOpen, SASS_INTERNET_STDS from Standards Australia Software Services, or SoftLock's Acrobat Security Plug-Ins) cannot be decrypted.
Please also note that "key search" attack is not applicable to PDF files with 128-bit encryption.
= Contact information =
For Technical Support, please use the following form:
You can also contact our Customer Service, Sales or Legal Department at:
Our Fax numbers:
+1 866 448-2703 (US and Canada, toll-free)
+44 870 831-2983 (UK)
+49 18054820050734 (Germany)
Please write in English language only.
The latest version of APDFPR is always available from our web page at:
Other password recovery products (for ZIP and RAR archives; Microsoft Office; Lotus Organizer, Lotus 1-2-3, Lotus WordPro, Lotus Approach; Corel Paradox, WordPerfect and QuattroPro; ACT! contact management software, Intuit Quicken and QuickBooks, Adobe Acrobat PDF, email clients, instant messengers, Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista Encrypting File System on NTFS, Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista user passwords, Windows PWL/RAS/dial-up/VPN/shares/asterisked passwords) are available at:
= Registration =
Unregistered (trial) version decrypts only first 10% pages (but at least one page) of the documents, and replaces all other pages with blank (empty) ones; with a brute-force attack, passwords longer than 4 characters cannot be recovered; some dictionary-attack options are disabled; "Use pre-computed hash tables" option is not available.
See "order.txt" for details on purchasing the full version.
- 粉丝: 1
- 资源: 14
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