Multicast in Third-Generation Mobile Networks: Services, Mechani...
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A hands-on tutorial on multicast in third-generation networks!
In this book, the authors describe how to perform multicast, the one-to-many delivery of data to a group of destinations, in third-generation mobile networks.
The authors provide an overview of the services that can be realized with multicast in third-generation networks, describe the mechanisms required to support these services and highlight the performance of several multicast mechanisms. The focus of this book is on multicast in UMTS and CDMA2000 networks, the dominant third-generation network standards. In addition to describing the standards for multicast, the authors also provide extensive performance results of multicast in third-generation networks.
- 粉丝: 3
- 资源: 23
- 年终总结,工作汇报 , PPT, PPT模板2
- 年终总结,工作汇报 , PPT, PPT模板3
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