<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ok value="OK"/>
<cancel value="Cancel" />
<license value="License"/>
<close value="Close"/>
<closeall value="Close All"/>
<closeother value="Close All Other Pages"/>
<loadexternaltool value="External tools Loading..."/>
<loadplugin value="%s Plugin Loading..."/>
<loadhistory value="History Loading..."/>
<exittip value="Sure you want to exit the AndroidKiller?"/>
<exit value="Exit"/>
<exitworktip value="projects working, are you continue to exit?"/>
<exitsavetip value="projects don't save, are you continue to exit?"/>
<interested value="Interested"/>
<interestedtip value="You are looking for is here"/>
<envcurfilepath value="Current project file path"/>
<envcurprocpath value="Current project path"/>
<envapppath value="AndroidKiller path"/>
<envcurapkpath value="Current project APK path"/>
<envcurjarpath value="Current project Jar Path"/>
<modify value="Modify"/>
<save value="Save"/>
<saveandallhint value="Save the current changes(Ctrl+S)
Save all the changes(Ctrl+Shift+S)"/>
<savetip value="%s has been modified and needs to be saved?"/>
<repalceprojtip value="%s project in history has the same name exists, whether to replace an existing item?"/>
<repalce value="Replace"/>
<lockfile value="Lock file"/>
<lockfilehint value="Lock the current file as read-only mode"/>
<undo value="Undo"/>
<undohint value="Undo(Ctrl+Z)"/>
<redo value="Redo"/>
<redohint value="Redo(Ctrl+Shift+Z)"/>
<cut value="Cut"/>
<cuthint value="Cut(Ctrl+X)"/>
<paste value="Paste"/>
<pastehint value="Paste(Ctrl+V)"/>
<copy value="Copy"/>
<copyhint value="Copy(Copy+C)"/>
<copyall value="Copy All Info"/>
<copyallhint value="Copy all information to the clipboard"/>
<copymore value="Copy the details"/>
<copyto value="Copy to"/>
<copywait value="Is copying files, please wait..."/>
<findbaidu value="Baidu search"/>
<findbaiduhint value="Use baidu search selected information"/>
<findgoogle value="Google search"/>
<findgooglehint value="Use google search selected information"/>
<findtext value="Text search"/>
<wordwarpauto value="Wordwrap"/>
<wordwarpautohint value="Word wrap"/>
<posback value="Jump back"/>
<posbackhint value="Jump back cursor position"/>
<posforward value="Jump forward"/>
<posforwardhint value="Jump forward cursor position"/>
<showhidepanel value="Show or hide panel"/>
<chartoolong value="name is too long, no more than 30 characters"/>
<custom value="Customize"/>
<unkownhistory value="Unknown History"/>
<historyproject value="History Project"/>
<unknownopentip value="Unknown project, unable to open"/>
<openproject value="Open Project"/>
<openprojecthint value="Open this history project"/>
<openprojectfolder value="Open Project Folder"/>
<openprojectfolderhint value="Open the history in the path of the project"/>
<newfolder value="New Folder"/>
<newfolderinput value="Please enter the name of the new folder:"/>
<newfolderselhint value="The new folder in the selected"/>
<newfolderwait value="Is the new folder, please wait..."/>
<new value="New"/>
<previewfolder value="Preview picture folder"/>
<previewfolderhint value="Preview in the folder pictures"/>
<saveas value="Save As"/>
<refresh value="Refresh"/>
<refreshhint value="Refresh the history project list"/>
<refreshfilehint value="Refresh the file list"/>
<arr value="Attribute"/>
<arrselhint value="Open the selected attributes"/>
<del value="Delete"/>
<delhint value="Delete history project"/>
<delselhint value="Delete the selected"/>
<deltip2 value="After deleting some files may cause the system can not run normally, sure you want to continue to delete files?"/>
<delwait value="Deleting files, please wait..."/>
<clear value="Clear"/>
<clearwait value="Is clear, please wait..."/>
<clearhint value="Clear all historical projects"/>
<rename value="Rename"/>
<renamehint value="Rename history project name"/>
<renameselhint value="Rename the selected"/>
<renamewait value="Is renamed, please wait..."/>
<renameinput value="Please enter a new file name:"/>
<open value="Open"/>
<openhint value="Open a new file (drag files to the main window quickly open)"/>
<openbigfile value="Open big file"/>
<openbigfiletip value="%s file is bigger, whether to need to continue to open?"/>
<file value="File"/>
<option value="Option"/>
<help value="Help"/>
<view value="View"/>
<home value=" Home "/>
<tool value=" Tools "/>
<fullexpand value="Full Expand"/>
<fullcollapse value="Full Collapse"/>
<internal value="Internal"/>
<hidepanel value="Hidden panel"/>
<hidepanelhint value="Hide the toolbar panel"/>
<configs value="Configuration"/>
<configshint value="Set configuration options"/>
<about value="About"/>
<abouthint value="The author of the good man"/>
<start value="Start"/>
<converttool value="Encoding"/>
<converttoolhint value="Encodes a string format conversion"/>
<customtool value="Custom"/>
<customtoolhint value="Custom external tools"/>
<md5tool value="Md5 Viewer"/>
<md5toolhint value="View the file or a string of MD5 information"/>
<filesearchtool value="File Searcher"/>
<filesearchtoolhint value="Search the information in the specified file"/>
<filemissopentip value="%s file is missing, unable to open"/>
<filenotopen value="unable to open"/>
<fileexiststip value="%s has the same file exists, please try other files"/>
<filename value="File Name"/>
<fileloadlist value="Being loaded file list, please wait..."/>
<filepost value="Are uploading files, please wait..."/>
<fileexport value="Is the export file, please wait..."/>
<filemultiple value="Multiple files"/>
<filedelfail value="Delete failed, may file occupied!"/>
<filechangetip value="%s in the external has been changed, and whether you need to reload?"/>
<filenotsupport value="Does not support the file format of the operation"/>
<filefilterformattip value="Filter file format"/>
<filefilterall value="All file format"/>
<filefiltersel value="Exists in the list:"/>
<filefilterallsel value="All"/>
<filepreviewsizetip value="Preview size"/>
<filepreviewpic value="Preview thumbnail"/>
<filepreviewsize value="Image size:"/>
<filepreviewreverse value="Reverse"/>
<filepreviewrotateleft value="Rotate to left"/>
<filepreviewrotateright value="Rotate to Right"/>
<folderchildviewtip value="Browse child folder"/>
<owner value="Owner"/>
<size value="Size"/>
<time value="Time"/>
<usergroup value="User Groups"/>
<other value="Other"/>
<read value="Read"/>
<write value="Write"/>
<exec value="Exec"/>
<permissions value="Permissions"/>
<permissionsedit value="Modify permissions"/>
<permissionsedit2 value="%s Modify permissions"/>
<permissionswait value="Are modifying file permissions, please wait..."/>
<remarks value="Remarks"/>
<plugins value="Plug-in"/>
<pluginname value="Name"/>
<pluginver value="Version"/>
<thanks value="Thanks"/>
<thankinfo value="Thank the friends to help:"/>
<netname value="Name"/>
<path value="Path"/>
<patherrtip value="%s file path is not correct, please enter again"/>
<pathcurr value="The current path: %s"/>
<pathback value="Back to the parent path"/>
<pathempty value="The path is not correct, please enter"/>
<param value="Param"/>
<name value="Name"/>
<nameemptytip value="Name cannot be empty. Please enter"/>
<nameexiststip value="%s has the same name exists, please try another name"/>
<add value="Add"/>
<addfile value="Add Files"/>
<export value="Export"/>
<exportseldir value="Select the exported save directory"/>
<edit value="Edit"/>
<paramhint value="If you have any special characters or Spaces in path exists in the file using parameter failure, please use "" the parameters"/>
<parambtnhint value="Set the environment variable"/>
<search value="Search"/>