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GeoServer Beginner-'s Guide
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GeoServer Beginner's Guide offers you a practical introduction to GeoServer. Beginning with the installation and basic usage, you will learn to use the administration interface for adding data, configuring layers, customizing OGC services, and securing your site. You will find included lots of step-by-step examples, covering topics from data store configuration to layer publication and style customization. If all this sounds new and strange to you, don't worry; GeoServer Beginner's Guide will introduce you to the fundamentals of GIS and will then clearly explain all the basic tasks performed in order to build maps.
GeoServer Beginner's Guide
Share and edit geospaal data with this open source
soware server
Stefano Iacovella
Brian Youngblood
GeoServer Beginner's Guide
Copyright © 2013 Packt Publishing
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publisher, except in the case of brief quotaons embedded in crical arcles or reviews.
Every eort has been made in the preparaon of this book to ensure the accuracy of the
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Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark informaon about all of the
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However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this informaon.
First published: February 2013
Producon Reference: 1110213
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-84951-668-6
Cover Image by Brian Youngblood (brian@brianyoungblood.com)
Stefano Iacovella
Brian Youngblood
Pablo Rodríguez Bustamante
Daniela Crisana DOCAN
Bre Gaines
Eric-Jan Groen
Antonio Sanago
Acquision Editor
Usha Iyer
Lead Technical Editor
Dayan Hyames
Technical Editor
Jalasha D'costa
Copy Editors
Aditya Nair
Laxmi Subramanian
Ruta Waghmare
Project Coordinator
Amey Sawant
Aaron Nash
Hemangini Bari
Producon Coordinator
Shantanu Zagade
Cover Work
Shantanu Zagade
About the Authors
Stefano Iacovella is a long-me GIS developer and consultant living in Rome, Italy. He also
works as a GIS course instructor.
He has a Ph.D in Geology. Being a very curious person, he has developed a deep knowledge
of IT technologies, mainly focused on GIS Soware and related standards.
Starng his career as an ESRI employee, he was exposed to and became condent with
proprietary GIS Soware, mainly the ESRI suite of products.
For the last 10 years, he has been involved with open source soware and also the task of
integrang it with commercial soware. He loves the open source approach, and really trusts
in the collaboraon and sharing of knowledge. He strongly believes in the concept of open
source, and constantly strives to spread it, and not only in the GIS sector.
He has been using GeoServer since the release of Version 1.5; conguring, deploying, and
hacking it in several projects. Some of the other GFOSS projects he mainly uses and likes are
GDAL/OGR libraries, PostGIS, QGIS, and OpenLayers.
When not playing with maps and geometric shapes, he loves reading about science, mainly
physics and math, riding his bike, and having fun with his wife and his two daughters, Alice
and Luisa.
I would like to thank many people who have helped me to make this book
a reality.
A special menon for GeoServer's developers; they are the wonderful
engine without which this book would not exist.
I would like to thank Usha Iyer, Dayan Hyames, Amey Sawant, and everyone
else at Packt Publishing for all their hard work to get this book published.
My gratude to Luca Morandini, a colleague and friend; he spurred me to
take this challenge.
Last but not the least, I want to express my gratude to Alessandra, Alice,
and Luisa for their support and paence.
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