# Eclipse Cargo Tracker - Applied Domain-Driven Design Blueprints for Jakarta EE
The project demonstrates how you can develop applications with Jakarta EE using widely adopted architectural best practices like Domain-Driven
Design (DDD). The project is directly based on the well known
original [Java DDD sample application](http://dddsample.sourceforge.net)
developed by DDD pioneer Eric Evans' company Domain Language and the Swedish
software consulting company Citerus. The cargo example actually comes from
Eric Evans' seminal book on DDD. The original application is written in Spring,
Hibernate and Jetty whereas the application is built on Jakarta EE.
The application is an end-to-end system for keeping track of shipping cargo. It
has several interfaces described in the following sections.
For further details on the project, please visit: https://eclipse-ee4j.github.io/cargotracker/.
A slide deck introducing the
fundamentals of the project is available on the official Eclipse
Foundation [Jakarta EE SlideShare account](https://www.slideshare.net/Jakarta_EE/applied-domaindriven-design-blueprints-for-jakarta-ee). A recording of the slide deck is available on the official [Jakarta EE YouTube account](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKmmZd-3mhA).
![Eclipse Cargo Tracker cover](cargo_tracker_cover.png)
## Getting Started
The [project website](https://eclipse-ee4j.github.io/cargotracker/) has detailed information on how to get started.
The simplest steps are the following (no IDE required):
* Get the project source code.
* Ensure you are running Java SE 11 or Java SE 17.
* Make sure JAVA_HOME is set.
* As long as you have Maven set up properly, navigate to the project source root and type:
mvn clean package cargo:run
* Go to http://localhost:8080/cargo-tracker
This will run the application with Payara Server by default. The project also has Maven profiles to support GlassFish and Open Liberty. For example you can run using GlassFish using the following command:
mvn clean package -Pglassfish cargo:run
Similarly you can run using Open Liberty using the following command:
mvn clean package -Popenliberty liberty:run
To set up in Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:
* Set up Java SE 11, or Java SE 17, [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/download) and [Payara 6](https://www.payara.fish/downloads/payara-platform-community-edition/). You will also need to set up the [Extension Pack for Java](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscjava.vscode-java-pack) and [Payara Tools](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Payara.payara-vscode) in Visual Studio Code.
* Make sure JAVA_HOME is set.
* Open the directory that contains the code in Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code will do the rest for you, it will automatically configure a Maven project. Proceed with clean/building the application.
* After the project is built (which will take a while the very first time as Maven downloads dependencies), simply run the generated `cargo-tracker.war` file under the `target` directory using Payara Tools.
You can similarly use GlassFish or Open Liberty in Visual Studio Code.
## Exploring the Application
After the application runs, it will be available at:
http://localhost:8080/cargo-tracker/. Under the hood, the application uses a
number of Jakarta EE features including Faces, CDI, Enterprise Beans, Persistence, REST, Batch, JSON Binding, Bean Validation and Messaging.
There are several web interfaces, REST interfaces and a file system scanning
interface. It's probably best to start exploring the interfaces in the rough
order below.
The tracking interface let's you track the status of cargo and is
intended for the general public. Try entering a tracking ID like ABC123 (the
application is pre-populated with some sample data).
The administrative interface is intended for the shipping company that manages
cargo. The landing page of the interface is a dashboard providing an overall
view of registered cargo. You can book cargo using the booking interface.
Once cargo is booked, you can route it. When you initiate a routing request,
the system will determine routes that might work for the cargo. Once you select
a route, the cargo will be ready to process handling events at the port. You can
also change the destination for cargo if needed or track cargo.
The Handling Event Logging interface is intended for port personnel registering what
happened to cargo. The interface is primarily intended for mobile devices, but
you can use it via a desktop browser. The interface is accessible at this URL: http://localhost:8080/cargo-tracker/event-logger/index.xhtml. For convenience, you
could use a mobile emulator instead of an actual mobile device. Generally speaking cargo
goes through these events:
* It's received at the origin location.
* It's loaded and unloaded onto voyages on it's itinerary.
* It's claimed at it's destination location.
* It may go through customs at arbitrary points.
While filling out the event registration form, it's best to have the itinerary
handy. You can access the itinerary for registered cargo via the admin interface. The cargo handling is done via Messaging for scalability. While using the event logger, note that only the load and unload events require as associated voyage.
You should also explore the file system based bulk event registration interface.
It reads files under /tmp/uploads. The files are just CSV files. A sample CSV
file is available under [src/test/sample/handling_events.csv](src/test/sample/handling_events.csv). The sample is already set up to match the remaining itinerary events for cargo ABC123. Just make sure to update the times in the first column of the sample CSV file to match the itinerary as well.
Sucessfully processed entries are archived under /tmp/archive. Any failed records are
archived under /tmp/failed.
Don't worry about making mistakes. The application is intended to be fairly
error tolerant. If you do come across issues, you should [report them](https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/cargotracker/issues).
You can simply remove ./cargo-tracker-data from the file system to restart fresh. This directory will typically be under $your-payara-installation/glassfish/domains/domain1/config.
You can also use the soapUI scripts included in the source code to explore the
REST interfaces as well as the numerous unit tests covering the code base
generally. Some of the tests use Arquillian.
## Exploring the Code
As mentioned earlier, the real point of the application is demonstrating how to
create well architected, effective Jakarta EE applications. To that end, once you
have gotten some familiarity with the application functionality the next thing
to do is to dig right into the code.
DDD is a key aspect of the architecture, so it's important to get at least a
working understanding of DDD. As the name implies, Domain-Driven Design is an
approach to software design and development that focuses on the core domain and
domain logic.
For the most part, it's fine if you are new to Jakarta EE. As long as you have a
basic understanding of server-side applications, the code should be good enough to get started. For learning Jakarta EE further,
we have recommended a few links in the resources section of the project site. Of
course, the ideal user of the project is someone who has a basic working
understanding of both Jakarta EE and DDD. Though it's not our goal to become a kitchen
sink example for demonstrating the vast amount of APIs and features in Jakarta EE,
we do use a very representative set. You'll find that you'll learn a fair amount
by simply digging into the code to see how things are implemented.
## Cloud Demo
Cargo Tracker is deployed to Kubernetes on the cloud using GitHub Actions workflows. You can find the demo deployment on