usage: upsscu [options] -c <aet>@<host>:<port> [--] [<xml-file>]
The upsscu application implements a Service Class User (SCU) for the
Unified Procedure Step Service (UPS) SOP Class. Attributes to be sent in
dataset for N-CREATE and N-SET requests can be specified in XML File --
--accept-timeout <ms> timeout in ms for receiving
A-ASSOCIATE-AC, no timeout by
-b,--bind <aet[@ip][:port]> specify AE Title, local address
of the Application Entity
provided by this application;
use UPSSCU and pick up any valid
local address to bind the socket
by default. If also a port is
specified, the Application
Entity will listening for
incoming association requests on
--big-endian propose all uncompressed TS,
explicit VR big endian first
(default: implicit VR little
endian first)
-c,--connect <aet@host:port> specify AE Title, remote address
and port of the remote
Application Entity.
-C,--complete <transaction-uid> Change Workitem State to
COMPLETED with given
--connect-timeout <ms> timeout in ms for TCP connect,
no timeout by default
--contact <name> Specify Contact Display Name of
Request Cancellation of UPS.
--contact-uri <uri> Specify Contact URI of Request
Cancellation of UPS.
-D,--cancel <transaction-uid> Change Workitem State to
CANCELED with given
--explicit-vr propose all uncompressed TS,
explicit VR little endian first
(default: implicit VR little
endian first)
--filtered-global Subscribe to Filtered Global
-h,--help display this help and exit
--idle-timeout <ms> timeout in ms for aborting idle
Associations, no timeout by
--implicit-vr propose only implicit VR little
endian (default: all
uncompressed TS)
--key-pass <password> password for accessing the key
in the key store, key store
password by default
--key-store <file|url> file path or URL of key store
containing the private key,
resource:key.p12 by default
--key-store-pass <password> password for key store
containing the private key,
'secret' by default
--key-store-type <storetype> type of key store containing the
private key, PKCS12 by default
-l,--lock Subscribe
ion/SpecificUPSInstance with
deletion lock.
-m <[seq.]attr=value> Specify matching key for
subscribing to Filtered Global
Subscription. Attributes can be
specified by keyword or tag
value (in hex), e.g. PatientName
or 00100010. Attributes in
nested Datasets can be specified
by including the keyword/tag
value of the sequence attribute,
e.g. 00404018.00080100 for Code
Value in Scheduled Workitem Code
--max-ops-invoked <no> maximum number of operations
this AE may invoke
asynchronously, unlimited by
--max-ops-performed <no> maximum number of operations
this AE may perform
asynchronously, unlimited by
--max-pdulen-rcv <length> specifies maximal length of
received P-DATA TF PDUs
communicated during association
establishment. 0 indicates that
no maximum length is specified.
16378 by default
--max-pdulen-snd <length> specifies maximal length of sent
P-DATA-TF PDUs by this AE. The
actual maximum length of sent
P-DATA-TF PDUs is also limited
by the maximal length of
received P-DATA-TF PDUs of the
peer AE communicated during
association establishment. 16378
by default
--not-async do not use asynchronous mode;
equivalent to
--max-ops-invoked=1 and
--not-pack-pdv send only one PDV in one
P-Data-TF PDU; pack command and
data PDV in one P-DATA-TF PDU by
-O,--operation <name> Specifies Operation type.
Supported names: create, update,
get, changeState, requestCancel,
subscribe, unsubscribe,
suspendGlobal, receive. If no
operation is specified, create
will be used. By default, for
get/requestCancel operations,
UPS Push SOP Class SCU shall be
used. If no --upsiuid is
DICOM Implementation in JAVA.zip
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DICOM(Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)是一种标准,用于在医疗环境中存储、传输和处理医学图像及相关的临床信息。在Java中实现DICOM涉及到多个关键知识点,这些知识点构成了医疗影像系统的基础架构。以下是对这些核心概念的详细阐述:
1. **DICOM标准理解**:DICOM标准包括一系列的数据结构、通信协议和文件格式,用于确保不同医疗设备之间能有效地交换数据。它不仅涵盖图像数据,还包含患者信息、检查结果等元数据。
2. **DICOM数据元素**:DICOM文件由一系列数据元素组成,每个元素都有一个唯一的标签(Tag),如PatientName、SOPInstanceUID等,这些元素按照特定的顺序排列,形成DICOM数据集。
3. **DICOM文件格式**:DICOM文件通常以.DCM为扩展名,数据元素以网络标准的ASCII编码表示,图像数据则可能采用各种压缩算法,如JPEG、RLE或JPEG 2000。
4. **Java DICOM库**:在Java中实现DICOM需要借助于开源库,如DCMTK(DICOM Toolkit)、j DICOM、dcm4che等。这些库提供了解析和操作DICOM文件的API,方便开发者进行数据读写和通信。
5. **DICOM解析**:利用Java DICOM库,可以读取.DCM文件中的数据元素,解析元数据并解码图像数据。这通常涉及到解析DICOM的字节流,识别和提取所需的信息。
6. **DICOM对象模型**:在Java中,通常会创建类来映射DICOM的数据元素,构建一个对象模型,便于操作和管理。例如,创建Patient、Study、Series和Image等类,分别对应DICOM中的患者、研究、系列和图像数据。
7. **DICOM网络通信**:DICOM支持TCP/IP上的C-FIND、C-MOVE、C-GET等服务类操作,用于在设备间查找、移动和获取数据。在Java中,开发者需要理解DICOM网络服务提供商(SCP)和服务请求者(SCU)的概念,并使用相应的库实现它们。
8. **DICOM存储和查询**:实现DICOM服务器端(SCP),需要处理来自客户端(SCU)的存储请求,将接收到的DICOM数据存入数据库或文件系统。同时,服务器也需要支持C-FIND和C-MOVE查询,根据预定义的查询条件返回匹配的病例信息。
9. **安全性和隐私**:由于涉及个人健康信息,DICOM实现必须遵循HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)等法规,确保数据的安全传输和存储,防止未经授权的访问。
10. **性能优化**:处理大量DICOM文件时,性能优化是关键。可能的策略包括使用高效的文件缓存、多线程处理、数据压缩以及利用数据库索引加速查询。
"DICOM Implementation in JAVA.zip"的项目可能是一个Java实现的DICOM工具或系统,涵盖了从读取、解析DICOM文件到实现网络通信、存储和查询等一系列功能。开发者需要深入理解DICOM标准,熟练掌握Java编程,并熟悉相关的开源库,才能成功构建这样的系统。