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Goal of this document
This document provides you with a procedure to assist you organizing and performing the data transfer
from the legacy system.
It describes a methodology for data migraon I used successfully in different implementaons. It is based
upon my previous experiences. There is no warranty on its content or on the results. This guide gives you
suggesons. It is up to you to take the hints and make up your own methodology.
Common Terminology and Abbreviaons in Migraon Projects:
Note: The terms SAP and R/3 are both use interchangeably to refer to SAP R/3 system.
Big Five: When referring to the Big Five, it means Material Master, Customer Master, Vendor Master, Bill Of
Materials (BOM) and Roungs.
Business Objects: To help in the analysis and transfer process, the data are not treated as tables or field
contents but rather as objects in term of business operaonal. These are called Business Objects.
Johnpaul Joseph
April 16, 2013 14 minute read
SAP Data Migration Methodology
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Business Object DC responsible: Responsible of the conversion process (Legacy data source and integrity,
mapping, conversion rules, etc.) and for the respect of the planned schedule for his Business Object.
Business Object Owner: The one that owns the informaon in the everyday business. This is the person
that will make the strategic choices on funconal requirements for the business object and that will do the
final validaon of the converted data. Can be idenfied by finding “The highest hierarchical person who will
be directly and mostly affected if the business object does not work”
Data Conversion & Data Migraon: The data conversion process. “Data conversion” and “Data Migraon”
terms are used interchangeably in the document.
DC: Abbreviaon for the data conversion process.
Domain: Funconal domain within the project, like Finance, Sales, Producon, etc.
Flat File: A file format used to import data into SAP. The flat file is a plain text file with a tab separator
between fields. It can be easily generated from Excel or Access.
Intermediate file: An Excel, Access or other type of file, which is manually manipulated in a process
between the LS extracon and the flat file generaon.
LSMW: Legacy System Migraon Workbench. It is a SAP tool for conversion that permits data loading using
flat files extracted from the Legacy System.
Cross reference table or X-Ref table: A table that shows the relaon between fields when one value is
related to a parent field. For example, the “Sales Organizaon” will be set accordingly to the material type.
WBS: Work Breakdown Structure.
Implemenng SAP is an important challenge, both in terms of resources (people, money, me) and in
business process. A lot is at stake and, for most of you, failure is not an opon you can afford. To put all
odds on your side, you need a good methodology. One that will provide you with a realisc planning, a
solid organizaon, a way to manage the process and control tools to detect and correct slippage before it
becomes a problem.
Main steps of the conversion methodology:
Before you even start to work on specs, you must first get organized. Geng a good planning and
organizaon structure take about two weeks for the first dra, which will leave you with some quesons
on project organizaon. Geng a complete and final planning will take at least one more week. Any
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unsolved issues on these will haunt you throughout the project, so finish this completely before stang any
other step.
The data conversion requires funconal and technical resources from most departments. These same
resources will most probably be involved in other part of the project. For this reason, the risk of conflicng
task is high and can quickly lead to a boleneck where key peoples are overloaded. For this reason, you
should consider the data conversion as a project within the project. This translates into the preparaon of a
complete conversion plan that will help you go through the process and will permit to foresee and solve
the conflicng resources usage before the boleneck ever occurs.
The main steps of the data conversion are:
Organizaon of the data conversion (Project manager & data conversion coordinator)
Data conversion plan
The WBS with workload esmates
The calendar planning with resources loading
Going on with the Business Objects data conversion (The resource responsible of the Business Object DC)
Data Purging and Cleansing
Mapping and conversion rules
Extract and Load Programs from rules
Data and Rules Adaptaon (adjusng rules and programs following tesng)
Load Unit Tesng (unitary tesng – small volume of manual data)
Extract and Load Full size tesng (data test and validaon – large volume with real extracted data)
Full data loading into ACCEPTANCE SYSTEM
Full data loading into PRE PRODUCTION SYSTEM
Validaon of converted data and Key User + Business Objects Owner Signoff
Full conversion into PRODUCTION SYSTEM and final Signoff
Data Conversion Plan
Business Objects
A Business object is a general category for data that defines something like material master, vendor master,
stocks, orders, purchase requisions or organizaonal units. The first step is idenfying which business
objects (Objects) are required in your SAP implementaon.
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Data type
There are three types of data involved in a SAP system: master data, transaconal data, and historical data.
Master Data. Applicaon master data tends to be more stac once defined. Most master data can be
driven by the legacy applicaons. Examples include vendors, customers, charts of accounts, assets, bills
of materials, material masters, info records, and so on.
Transaconal Data. Transaconal data is current and outstanding transacon data that needs to be
captured from the legacy system and defined to the SAP R/3 applicaons for business process
compleon. Examples include accounng documents, open purchase orders, open sales orders, back
orders, and so on.
Historical Data. Historical data needs to be brought over from the legacy system to the SAP R/3 System
for reference purposes. Examples include closed purchase orders, closed sales orders, summary general
ledger informaon, and so on.
Informaon to complete the conversion plan
What Which business objects will be converted from the legacy system into SAP.
Where Where are the data, which Legacy Systems are involved for the extracon.
How much Esmate the number of records to be ulmately loaded into SAP.
How There are two aspects to be considered :
The way data is extracted from the Legacy System
Automacally extracted from the Legacy system without manual intervenon.
Manually filled spreadsheet
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