######### Common module (CMN) #########
CMN_ProxyProgFoul=Proxy program suppression check violation -- current connection will be cut off.
CMN_IeProxySetFoul=IE proxy setting suppression check violation -- current connection will be cut off.
CMN_MultiNicFoul=Multi-NICs suppression check violation -- current connection will be cut off.
CMN_IpModeSetFoul=IP allocation method check violation -- current connection will be cut off.
CMN_MacChangeFoul=MAC address modification suppression check violation -- current connection will be cut off.
CMN_OfflineByForce=Offline by force.
CMN_OffDevDisabled=Network interface card is disabled.
######### Common UI module (CUI) #########
CUI_NewConnWizard=Create New Connection Wizard
CUI_Property=Property Setting
CUI_InputUserName=Please input user name.
CUI_InvalidUserName=User name can not contain continuous spaces and can only contain the following characters: \n [A,Z]U[a,z]U[0,9]U{-_.@ }.
CUI_InputPasswd=Please input the password.
CUI_InputPin=Please input the PIN key.
CUI_GetNamePwd_Failed=Failed to read username and password.
CUI_PinError=PIN key is wrong. You could try %d time(s).
CUI_PINLocked=PIN is locked.
CUI_USBKey_InitFailed=Smart Card initializing failed.
CUI_GetUSBKeyFileFailed=Cannot get user information from smart card.
CUI_USBKeyDefaultError=Unknown error.
CUI_BoxTitle_Netconn=Network Connection.
CUI_ConNameTooLong=The length of connection name cannot exceed 25 bytes.
CUI_ConNameInvalid=A connection name cannot contain any of the following characters: \n \\ / : * ? \" ' < > | ¡î
CUI_DomainAuthAccount=¡îLogon-once connection
CUI_BeginPrgUpd=Begin program update
CUI_PrgUpdHintHead=Client program will perform automatic update. The version after update is
CUI_PrgUpdHintTail=, User authentication will start again after update. Please confirm it.
CUI_PrgUpdRmndHead=Hint: Update the client program to a new version.
CUI_PrgUpdRmndTail=, Method: Click [Operation/Online Upgrade]
CUI_RebootHintForce=To complete the update, please click OK to restart your computer.
CUI_RebootHintOption=You need to restart the computer to complete patch updating. Are you sure to restart right now?
CUI_DefAnnAccName=¡îQuick authentication connection
CUI_UnkErr=Unknown error
CUI_NoMem=Insufficient memory
CUI_ParErr=Parameter error
CUI_VersErr=Connected version error
CUI_NoActive=No active connection
CUI_NoSendBuf=No buffer for sending packets.
CUI_SendPacExcLim=The length of the sent packet exceeds the limit.
CUI_SendErr=Packet sending error
CUI_ConnNameRep=Connection name repeated. Connection is not created.
CUI_MultiActive=Only one connection can be active. Please disconnect the currently active one.
CUI_NoPt=Protocol not exist
CUI_NoDevice=No available device, please make sure your network adapter is not disabled, or you must select an avalidable device again, Method: Click [File/Property].
CUI_BadDevice=Connection disconnected ---- the network interface card is disabled.
CUI_BadCable=Connection disconnected ---- the network cable is not plugged-in properly .
CUI_ConnWakeUp=Connection wakes up from sleep.
CUI_FindNoDownLoadPrg=Auxiliary downloading program not found.
CUI_SysErr=System error
CUI_CannotSendUpdCmd=Cannot send update command to update module.
CUI_DelLogHint=Making logs of the Detail level may occupy a lot of CPU resources and increase I/O operations.
CUI_MainUICannotStartHint=iNode Client cannot startup correctly and thus will exit.
CUI_UpdateCusInfoFinished=Custom info update finished, client may need to install virtual NIC, please restart client after install finished.
SMT_KeyNoReady=Please make sure a smart card has connected to your computer.
SMT_PinCantEmpty=The old PIN key cannot be empty, and its length must between 6 to 15 characters.
SMT_PinInvalHint=The old PIN key can only contain the following characters: \n
SMT_NewPinCantEmpty=The new PIN key cannot be empty, and its length must between 6 to 15 characters.
SMT_NewPinInvalHint=The new PIN key can only contain the following characters: \n
SMT_PinDismatch=The new PIN key you typed do not match. Type the new PIN key in both text boxes.
SMT_ChgPinSucc=PIN changed successfully.
SMT_OperationSucc=Operation Successfully
SMT_OperationFailed=Operation Failed
SMT_PinChgFailAndRetry=Failed to change PIN.
SMT_CheckSmartcardBindFail=Bind smart check failed.
CUS_LogPwdChk=Save password(&D)
SMT_OtherOptComBox=Window Option
######### Main UI module (MUI) #########
MUI_ComfirmExitClient=Confirm Client Exit
MUI_ComfirmRemedyClient=Confirm Client Remediation
MUI_RemedyClientHint=Client remediation is needed only when the client does not work properly. \nAre you sure to start client remediation now?
MUI_RemedyClientFailed=Client remediation failed.
MUI_InstanceExist=An instance of iNode or some congeneric program is running.
MUI_PortalAuth=Portal authentication
MUI_VpnAuth=VPN authentication
MUI_1XAuth=802.1X authentication
MUI_SmartcardAuth=Smartcard authentication
MUI_DvpnAuth=DVPN authentication
MUI_CommonConn=Common connection
MUI_AnonymousConn=Quick authentication connection
MUI_DomainConn=Logon-once connection
MUI_StoppingConns=Stopping current session(s). Please wait...
MUI_ConnsStopped=Session stopping finished.
MUI_FoundProgUpd=New update pack is found and will be upgraded automatically. Please wait...
MUI_ConnectFailed=Connection failed.
MUI_BeingConnected=Establishing a connection...
MUI_ConnectSucc=The connection is successfully established.
MUI_BeingUp=Logging in
MUI_BeSureToExit=Are you sure to exit iNode Intelligent Client?
MUI_CreateDomainConnNow=Do you want to create a logon-once connection now?
MUI_SrvExitAndRestart=Detected iNode authentication program is down. Please wait a moment while iNode Intelligent Client is trying to start it again...
MUI_SrvStart=iNode authentication program is up now.
MUI_ConnCutNRetrive=Current session closed. Now try to automatically restore it...
MUI_SrvNotRunNRestartFailed=iNode authentication program is not running and cannot be started.iNode Intelligent Client will quit now. \nHint: Please make sure the service 'H3C iNode service' is not disabled.
MUI_SrvExitNClientWillExit=Detected iNode authentication program is down. \niNode Intelligent Client will quit now.
MUI_ErrInofWithFmt=Error information: %u
MUI_ConnFailWithEnter=Failed to set up a connection.\n
MUI_DelConnWithEnter=Failed to delete the connection.\n
MUI_BeingDown=Logging out
MUI_ConnHasCut=Connection is disconnected.
MUI_SelLogPath=Please select the save path for log file.
MUI_PwdCannotEmptyNReinput=The old password cannot be empty, please input a password.
MUI_PwdDismatchNReinput=The new password and the confirm password do not match, please try again.
MUI_NewPwdCannotEmptyNReinput=The new password cannot be empty, please input a password.
MUI_ReadConnSumLimit=Reach the upper limit of connection sum (5) -- cannot create a new one.
MUI_BeSureToDelConn=Are you sure to delete the connection?
MUI_AdminAskChgPwd=Administrator requires you change your password
MUI_BesureCancel=Current connection will be cut off if you abort this operation. \nAre you sure to continue?
MUI_BesureInfoOk=Current connection will be cut off if you fail to change password. \nAre you sure your information is correct?
MUI_1xConnBeingGoon=802.1X connection is logging in
MUI_PtConnBeingGoon=Portal connection is logging in
MUI_VpnConnBeingGoon=VPN connection is logging in
MUI_DvpnConnBeingGoon=DVPN connection is logging in
MUI_1xPassNotSec=Pass 802.1X authentication,\nbut not pass security check.
MUI_1xPassButNotSec=802.1X authentication passed. Security check failed.
MUI_PtPassNotSec=Pass Portal authentication\nbut not pass security check.
MUI_PtPassButNotSec=Portal authentication passed. Security check failed.
MUI_VpnPassNotSec=VPN auth
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