From AMI BGT (BIOS Guard Tool) Ver. 5.05.0033 (2020-02-06) onward this utility will no longer be backwards compatible with older BIOSes. This is unfortunately due to new OS security mechanism and WSMT not allowing the trigger of IO under user mode.
Therefore, this zip archive includes the latest version of AMI BGT and AMI BGT v5.04.00.0029. If you run into the following error using the latest version, it is recommended you try AMI BGT v5.04.00.0029.
"b0e2 - Error: Tool does not support this BIOS Guard flash interface."
AMIBGT version 5.03.x may be required in order to update certain older BIOSes that use BiosGuard labels prior to 'BiosGuard_29 and/or OFBD - ME Update module labels prior to 'MEUD_37' . It is always advisable to use the latest version of AMIBGT that your BIOS will support.
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- 资源: 23
- 银行客户管理系统代码--论文pf-springboot毕业项目,适合计算机毕-设、实训项目、大作业学习.zip
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