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<member name="T:UnityEngine.AccelerationEvent">
<para>Structure describing acceleration status of the device.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.AccelerationEvent.acceleration">
<para>Value of acceleration.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.AccelerationEvent.deltaTime">
<para>Amount of time passed since last accelerometer measurement.</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.AddComponentMenu">
<para>The AddComponentMenu attribute allows you to place a script anywhere in the "Component" menu, instead of just the "Component->Scripts" menu.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.AddComponentMenu.componentOrder">
<para>The order of the component in the component menu (lower is higher to the top).</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.AddComponentMenu.#ctor(System.String)">
<para>Add an item in the Component menu.</para>
<param name="menuName">The path to the component.</param>
<param name="order">Where in the component menu to add the new item.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.AddComponentMenu.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
<para>Add an item in the Component menu.</para>
<param name="menuName">The path to the component.</param>
<param name="order">Where in the component menu to add the new item.</param>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.AnchoredJoint2D">
<para>Parent class for all joints that have anchor points.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.AnchoredJoint2D.anchor">
<para>The joint's anchor point on the object that has the joint component.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.AnchoredJoint2D.connectedAnchor">
<para>The joint's anchor point on the second object (ie, the one which doesn't have the joint component).</para>
<member name="T:UnityEngine.Animation">
<para>The animation component is used to play back animations.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Animation.animateOnlyIfVisible">
<para>When turned on, Unity might stop animating if it thinks that the results of the animation won't be visible to the user.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Animation.animatePhysics">
<para>When turned on, animations will be executed in the physics loop. This is only useful in conjunction with kinematic rigidbodies.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Animation.clip">
<para>The default animation.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Animation.cullingType">
<para>Controls culling of this Animation component.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Animation.isPlaying">
<para>Are we playing any animations?</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Animation.localBounds">
<para>AABB of this Animation animation component in local space.</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Animation.playAutomatically">
<para>Should the default animation clip (the [[Animation.clip]] property) automatically start playing on startup?</para>
<member name="P:UnityEngine.Animation.wrapMode">
<para>How should time beyond the playback range of the clip be treated?</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Animation.AddClip(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,System.String)">
<para>Adds a /clip/ to the animation with name /newName/.</para>
<param name="clip"></param>
<param name="newName"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Animation.AddClip">
<para>Adds /clip/ to the only play between /firstFrame/ and /lastFrame/. The new clip will also be added to the animation with name /newName/.</para>
<param name="addLoopFrame">Should an extra frame be inserted at the end that matches the first frame? Turn this on if you are making a looping animation.</param>
<param name="clip"></param>
<param name="newName"></param>
<param name="firstFrame"></param>
<param name="lastFrame"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Animation.AddClip(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Adds /clip/ to the only play between /firstFrame/ and /lastFrame/. The new clip will also be added to the animation with name /newName/.</para>
<param name="addLoopFrame">Should an extra frame be inserted at the end that matches the first frame? Turn this on if you are making a looping animation.</param>
<param name="clip"></param>
<param name="newName"></param>
<param name="firstFrame"></param>
<param name="lastFrame"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Animation.Blend">
<para>Blends the animation named /animation/ towards /targetWeight/ over the next /time/ seconds.</para>
<param name="animation"></param>
<param name="targetWeight"></param>
<param name="fadeLength"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Animation.Blend">
<para>Blends the animation named /animation/ towards /targetWeight/ over the next /time/ seconds.</para>
<param name="animation"></param>
<param name="targetWeight"></param>
<param name="fadeLength"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Animation.Blend(System.String,System.Single,System.Single)">
<para>Blends the animation named /animation/ towards /targetWeight/ over the next /time/ seconds.</para>
<param name="animation"></param>
<param name="targetWeight"></param>
<param name="fadeLength"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Animation.CrossFade">
<para>Fades the animation with name /animation/ in over a period of /time/ seconds and fades other animations out.</para>
<param name="animation"></param>
<param name="fadeLength"></param>
<param name="mode"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Animation.CrossFade">
<para>Fades the animation with name /animation/ in over a period of /time/ seconds and fades other animations out.</para>
<param name="animation"></param>
<param name="fadeLength"></param>
<param name="mode"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Animation.CrossFade(System.String,System.Single,UnityEngine.PlayMode)">
<para>Fades the animation with name /animation/ in over a period of /time/ seconds and fades other animations out.</para>
<param name="animation"></param>
<param name="fadeLength"></param>
<param name="mode"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Animation.CrossFadeQueued">
<para>Cross fades an animation after previous animations has finished playing.</para>
<param name="animation"></param>