南 阳 理 工 学 院
学院(系): 软件学院
专 业: 软件工程
学 生: 张三
指导教师: 李四
完成日期 2012 年 05 月
XXXX 系统的设计与实现
The Design And Realization of
The XXXX System
总 计:毕业设计(论文) 1 页
表 格: 0 个
图 片: 0 个
XXXX 系统的设计与实现
南 阳 理 工 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文)
XXXX 系统的设计与实现
The Design And Realization of
The XXXX System
学 院(系): 软件学院
专 业: 软件工程
学 生 姓 名: 张三
学 号: 1234567890
指导教师(职称): 李四 讲师
评 阅 教 师: 王五
完 成 日 期: 2012 年 05 月 01 日
Nanyang Institute of Technology
XXXX 系统的设计与实现
XXXX 系统的设计与实现
软件工程 张三
[摘 要]
和 E-R 图等对核心模块的设计过程进行了详细的说明。病历管理系统整体基于 B/S(浏览器/服务器)
模式,后台数据库选用 mysql,使用 php 嵌入 HTML 语言来设计实现。实现了病历在保管中的周期
[关键词] 病历管理;B/S 模式;病历流程
The Design And Realization of
The XXXX System
Software Engineering Major Zhang San
Medical record management system is an important component of hospital management system, the
development of the system mainly consists of two aspects, the establishment of background database and
the foreground application. Regarding the former, require to establishing a database with consistency,
integrity, and security. As for the latter demand Complete a comprehensive application functions, and the
human friendly interface. The system uses concept of modern office automation, oriented small and
medium-sized hospitals, to achieve paperless office. To ensure efficient office, and standardize
management in medical records of hospital.
This paper introduces the entire process of design and implementation of the medical record management
System. And describe the design process of the core module in detail, by using of functional chart, database
diagram and E-R map. Medical records management system as a whole the based on the B/S (browser /
server) mode, use mysql for background database, to achieve by php embedded HTML. Achieving records
in the custody of the cycle, from the patients’ registration to leave hospital. It simplify the cumbersome
manual operation, standardized medical records in the whole process, it make the transfer of medical
records more efficient and convenient.
Key words: Medical record management;B/S model;Flow chart