drop table gszxrec
drop table jfrectb
drop table cardtb
Create table cardtb(id bigint not null identity(1,1),
nbcardno bigint not null,--内部卡号 此字段唯一
wbcardno varchar(48) not null,--外部卡号 此字段唯一
password varchar(20) not null ,--密码
balance money not null default 0,--余额
cardkind tinyint not null default 0,
--卡类:0-学生卡 1 教师卡 2 机房管理卡 3 收费卡 4 机房管理收费卡 5 维修卡6VIP卡7超级管理员
inuse bit not null default 0,--是否正在使用
enableuse bit not null default 1,--是否允许使用
enablegs bit not null default 0,--是否允许挂失其他卡
ffstudentcard bit not null default 0,--是否允许发放学生卡
ffothercard bit not null default 0, --是否允许发放非学生卡
name varchar(20) not null,--姓名
sex bit not null default 1,--性别
studentcardno varchar(15),--学生证号 此字段唯一(cardkind=0)
class varchar(16),--班级
yuan varchar(30),--院
xi varchar(30),--系
sfzh varchar(30),--身份证号
fkrnbcardno bigint not null,--发卡人编号
bzx bit not null default 0,-- 0--正常 1-注销
createtime datetime not null default getdate(),--此记录创建时间,
constraint pk_cardtb primary key (id)
create table gszxrec--挂失,注销记录
id int not null identity(1,1),
czycardtbid bigint not null,
cardtbid bigint not null,
op tinyint not null ,--0--挂失 1 注销 2-- 挂失恢复
balance money not null,
zxyy varchar(100),
createtime datetime not null default getdate(),
constraint pk_gszxrec primary key(id),
constraint fk_gszxrec_cardtb foreign key (cardtbid) references cardtb(id)
drop table tmp_cxzx
create table tmp_cxzx
czyname varchar(100),
cardtbid bigint not null,
-- op bit not null ,--0--挂失 1 注销 2-- 挂失恢复
balance money not null,
zxyy varchar(100)
create table jfrectb(id bigint not null identity(1,1),
nbcardno bigint not null,
je money not null default 0,--交费金额
czynbcardno bigint not null,
balance money not null,
createtime datetime not null default getdate(),
czpcname varchar(30) not null default host_name(),
czusername varchar(30) not null default suser_sname(),
cardtbid bigint not null,
Fyjbz bit NOT NULL default 0,
constraint pk_jfrectb primary key (id),
constraint fk_jfrectb_cardtb foreign key(cardtbid) references cardtb (id)
drop table tmp_sftj1
create table tmp_sftj1
nbcardno bigint not null,
rq datetime not null,
je money
drop table tmp_sftj
create table tmp_sftj--临时表--收费统计
( skr varchar(30) not null,
rq varchar(50) not null,
je money
drop table fltb
create table fltb(id int not null identity(1,1),
swkind tinyint not null default 0,--0--上机 1--上网
fl money not null, --单位:元/小时
constraint pk_fltb primary key (id)
drop table connectRectb
create table ConnectRecTb(id bigint not null identity(1,1),
czynbcardno bigint not null,
spid int not null default @@spid,
startime datetime not null default getdate(),
endtime datetime ,
inuse bit default 0,
czpcname varchar(30) not null default host_name(),
czusername varchar(30) not null default suser_sname(),
constraint pk_connectrectb primary key (id)
drop table waiters
create table waiters(nbcardno bigint not null,
wbCardNo varchar(48) not null,
Password varchar(20) not null,
Successed bit not null default 1,
msg varchar(100) ,
cardkind tinyint not null,
serverpcip varchar(16) not null,
SkTime DateTime not null default getdate(),
constraint pk_waiters primary key(nbcardno,serverpcip)
drop table xwpctb
create table xwpctb(id int not null identity(1,1),
serverpcip varchar(16) not null,
pcname varchar(20) not null,
ip varchar(16) not null,
status bit not null default 0,--0--无故障 1--有故障
czrnbcardno bigint not null,
usercardtbid bigint not null default 0,
nbcardno bigint not null default 0,
wbcardno varchar(50),
username varchar(30),
password varchar(30),
cardkind tinyint not null default 100,
starttime datetime ,
mins int not null default 0,
inuse bit not null default 0,
balance money not null default 0,
constraint pk_xwpctb primary key(id)
drop table cardxfrec
create table cardxfrec(id bigint not null identity(1,1),
cardid bigint,
nbcardno bigint not null,
wbcardno varchar(50),
rq datetime not null default getdate(),
sj int not null default 0,
sjmoney money not null default 0,
sw int not null default 0,
swmoney money not null default 0,
inuse bit not null default 1,
constraint pk_cardxfrec primary key(id)
drop table swrecord
Create table swrecord(
id bigint not null identity(1,1),
cardid bigint not null,
nbcardno bigint not null,
wbcardno varchar(50) not null,
serverpcip varchar(16) not null,
xwpcip varchar(16) not null,
swkind bit not null default 0,
fl money not null,
starttime datetime not null default getdate(),
endtime datetime,
mins int not null default 0,
je money not null default 0,
isjz bit not null default 0,
constraint pk_swrecord primary key (id)
drop table managepckjrec
create table managepckjrec(
id bigint not null identity(1,1),
kjtime datetime not null default getdate(),
czynbcardno bigint not null,
managepcip varchar(16) not null
constraint pk_managepckjrec primary key (id)
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Tsfyj]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[Tsfyj]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tsfyj] (
[Fid] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[Fyear] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Fmonth] [int] NOT NULL ,
[FtjrnbCardno] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Fnbcardno] [int] NOT NULL ,
[je] [money] NOT NULL
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Tteach]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[Tteach]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tteach] (
[teachnbcardno] [int] NOT NULL ,
[zjs] [int] NOT NULL ,
[pcs] [int] NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT [DF_Tteach_sjs] DEFAULT (0) FOR [zjs
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Delphi:西恩软件机房管理.zip源码Delphi项目程序源码下载 (1557个子文件)
2003_08_20 2.28MB
2003_10_23_lwp 2.32MB
nd20030226.bak 7.93MB
nd.bak 7.8MB
dbvoid.bak 2.32MB
dbvoid.bak 2.32MB
Fullc4.bat 3KB
Fullc6.bat 3KB
Fullc5.bat 3KB
Fulld7.bat 2KB
Fulld4.bat 2KB
Fulld6.bat 2KB
Fulld5.bat 2KB
Clean.bat 416B
layout.bin 436B
layout.bin 432B
3.bmp 2KB
1.bmp 2KB
2.bmp 2KB
计费管理.bpg 1021B
data2.cab 10.73MB
data2.cab 820KB
data1.cab 515KB
data1.cab 423KB
sysmanager.cfg 599B
ClientSetup.cfg 591B
CheckXwPc.cfg 458B
services.cfg 412B
services.cfg 412B
test.cfg 399B
Nvrsse.cfg 399B
SKZXManager.cfg 399B
Nvrsse.cfg 399B
Project1.cfg 399B
sysmanager.cfg 399B
nagarse.cfg 398B
nagarse.cfg 398B
sfpos.cfg 398B
manas.cfg 386B
Project1.cfg 386B
wuaucltcn.cfg 386B
manas.cfg 386B
pcmanager.cfg 371B
SKZXManager.cfg 371B
Project1.cfg 358B
nd.cfg 226B
nd.cfg.cfg 0B
IdRegisterCool.dcr 212KB
IdRegister.dcr 52KB
IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.dcu 237KB
Forms.dcu 191KB
IdIRC.dcu 91KB
IdIMAP4.dcu 81KB
IdWinSock2.dcu 71KB
IdAssignedNumbers.dcu 69KB
IdResourceStrings.dcu 48KB
IdCompressionIntercept.dcu 47KB
IdFTPServer.dcu 45KB
IdGlobal.dcu 45KB
mainform.dcu 45KB
IdHL7.dcu 44KB
IdSSLOpenSSL.dcu 43KB
IdCustomHTTPServer.dcu 43KB
IdHTTP.dcu 43KB
IdVCard.dcu 39KB
IdTCPConnection.dcu 35KB
IdSMTPServer.dcu 34KB
IdNNTPServer.dcu 34KB
IdMessage.dcu 34KB
IdDNSResolver.dcu 33KB
IdDateTimeStamp.dcu 33KB
QueryUnit.dcu 31KB
IdFTP.dcu 31KB
IdNNTP.dcu 31KB
IdTCPServer.dcu 30KB
QueryUnit.dcu 27KB
QueryUnit.dcu 27KB
IdSysLogMessage.dcu 25KB
functionlib.dcu 24KB
functionlib.dcu 24KB
IdTunnelSlave.dcu 24KB
IdCookie.dcu 24KB
SetjfUnit.dcu 22KB
LoginAppUnit.dcu 20KB
KCGL.dcu 19KB
IdMappedPortTCP.dcu 19KB
IdFTPList.dcu 19KB
IdTunnelMaster.dcu 19KB
jfsetUnit.dcu 19KB
IdGopher.dcu 18KB
MainUnit.dcu 18KB
EditkcapUnit.dcu 18KB
IdHTTPHeaderInfo.dcu 18KB
IdMessageClient.dcu 18KB
AddkcapUnit.dcu 17KB
IdNetworkCalculator.dcu 17KB
IdLPR.dcu 17KB
IdStackWindows.dcu 16KB
IdSNMP.dcu 16KB
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