* *
* Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Wimba S.A., All Rights Reserved. *
* *
* This software is the property of Wimba S.A. *
* This software is redistributed under the Xiph.org variant of *
* the BSD license. *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without *
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions *
* are met: *
* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright *
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* - Neither the name of Wimba, the Xiph.org Foundation nor the names of *
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* This software is made available by the authors in the hope *
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* Wimba S.A. is not liable for any consequence related to the *
* use of the provided software. *
* *
* Class: RawWriter.java *
* *
* Author: Marc GIMPEL *
* *
* Date: 6th January 2004 *
* *
/* $Id: AudioFileWriter.java,v 1.1 2011/12/27 04:39:13 gauss Exp $ */
package com.gauss.writer.speex;
import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
* Abstract Class that defines an Audio File Writer.
* @author Marc Gimpel, Wimba S.A. (mgimpel@horizonwimba.com)
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $
public abstract class AudioFileWriter
* Closes the output file.
* @exception IOException if there was an exception closing the Audio Writer.
public abstract void close()
throws IOException;
* Open the output file.
* @param file - file to open.
* @exception IOException if there was an exception opening the Audio Writer.
public abstract void open(File file)
throws IOException;
* Open the output file.
* @param filename - file to open.
* @exception IOException if there was an exception opening the Audio Writer.
public abstract void open(String filename)
throws IOException;
* Writes the header pages that start the Ogg Speex file.
* Prepares file for data to be written.
* @param comment description to be included in the header.
* @exception IOException
public abstract void writeHeader(String comment)
throws IOException;
* Writes a packet of audio.
* @param data audio data
* @param offset the offset from which to start reading the data.
* @param len the length of data to read.
* @exception IOException
public abstract void writePacket(byte[] data, int offset, int len)
throws IOException;
* Writes an Ogg Page Header to the given byte array.
* @param buf the buffer to write to.
* @param offset the from which to start writing.
* @param headerType the header type flag
* (0=normal, 2=bos: beginning of stream, 4=eos: end of stream).
* @param granulepos the absolute granule position.
* @param streamSerialNumber
* @param pageCount
* @param packetCount
* @param packetSizes
* @return the amount of data written to the buffer.
public static int writeOggPageHeader(byte[] buf, int offset, int headerType,
long granulepos, int streamSerialNumber,
int pageCount, int packetCount,
byte[] packetSizes)
writeString(buf, offset, "OggS"); // 0 - 3: capture_pattern
buf[offset+4] = 0; // 4: stream_structure_version
buf[offset+5] = (byte) headerType; // 5: header_type_flag
writeLong(buf, offset+6, granulepos); // 6 - 13: absolute granule position
writeInt(buf, offset+14, streamSerialNumber); // 14 - 17: stream serial number
writeInt(buf, offset+18, pageCount); // 18 - 21: page sequence no
writeInt(buf, offset+22, 0); // 22 - 25: page checksum
buf[offset+26] = (byte) packetCount; // 26: page_segments
System.arraycopy(packetSizes, 0, // 27 - x: segment_table
buf, offset+27, packetCount);
return packetCount+27;
* Builds and returns an Ogg Page Header.
* @param headerType the header type flag
* (0=normal, 2=bos: beginning of stream, 4=eos: end of stream).
* @param granulepos the absolute granule position.
* @param streamSerialNumber
* @param pageCount
* @param packetCount
* @param packetSizes
* @return an Ogg Page Header.
public static byte[] buildOggPageHeader(int headerType, long granulepos,
int streamSerialNumber, int pageCount,
int packetCount, byte[] packetSizes)
byte[] data = new byte[packetCount+27];
writeOggPageHeader(data, 0, headerType, granulepos, streamSerialNumber,
pageCount, packetCount, packetSizes);
return data;
* Writes a Speex Header to the given byte array.
* @param buf the buffer to write to.
* @param offset the from which to start writing.
* @param sampleRate
* @param mode
* @param channels
* @param vbr
* @param nframes
* @return the amount of data written to the buffer.
public static int writeSpeexHeader(byte[] buf, int offset, int sampleRate,
int mode, int channels, boolean vbr,
int nframes)
writeString(buf, offset, "Speex "); // 0 - 7: speex_string
writeString(buf, offset+8, "speex-1.2rc"); // 8 - 27: speex_version
System.arraycopy(new byte[11], 0, buf, offset+17, 11); // : speex_version (fill in up to 20 bytes)
writeInt(buf, offset+28, 1); // 28 - 31: speex_version_id
writeInt(buf, offset+32, 80); // 32 - 35: header_size
writeInt(buf, offset+36, sampleRate); // 36 - 39: rate
writeInt(buf, offset+40, mode); // 40 - 43: mode (0=NB, 1=WB, 2=UWB)
writeInt(buf, offset+44, 4); // 44 - 47: mode_bitstream_version
writeInt(buf, offset+48, channels); // 48 - 5
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